

Chapter 13 – Bonus Chapter

Five years later…

Zhan Wen’s eyes snapped open as he was wrenched from the depths of sleep, his body bathed in a cold sweat. The rage that burned within him was a wildfire, devouring him from the inside out. It was a fierce, all-consuming flame that threatened to demolish him.

Not now. Zhan Wen thought.

Black mist surrounded him and swirled like a tempest, a raging storm that intended to engulf him in its darkness. The devil’s mark on his forehead glowed like a beacon, a bright and burning reminder of the power that coursed through his veins. Since he had shifted into a lycan all over those years ago the mark had remained as a permanent fixture on his forehead.

Zhan Wen knew that he was teetering on the edge of a precipice, one misstep away from falling into the abyss. The darkness called to him, urging him to give in to his anger and let it consume him. But even as his rage was imminent, Zhan Wen held onto his will and forced himself to circulate his qi to dispel the darkness.

He fought against the darkness.

His will was like a shield that protected him from the worst of the storm.

Zhan Wen was a man possessed.

He was consumed by the inferno of rage that burned within him. His canines elongated into sharp fangs as the thirst for blood coursed through his veins, his throat raw and parched. He took a deep breath and forced himself to rise, determined to face the day ahead.

As he pushed himself out of bed, he was greeted by the familiar sight of his bedroom, decorated with elaborate furniture that gleamed in the sunlight filtering in through the window. The bed he had been lying in was a luxurious cocoon of soft blankets and plush pillows, fit for a king. Yet, his chest felt aching and hollow.

Zhan Wen glanced over at the man lying beside him, his chest rising and falling with each breath. He took a moment to appreciate the sight of him, his skin like satin and his muscles like sculpted marble. Zhan Wen sneered in his heart and wished to crush this man to pieces.

How does the devil love me? With iron and steel.

Zhan Wen ripped off the covers, not caring if the man was awake or not. He found his robe and slipped it on, the fabric a cool caress against his skin. He stood up, revealing his well-built physique, honed by years of training and battle.

He made his way over to the window and pushed it open, letting in the cool morning air.

A servant came in with his breakfast, making sure to dress him in finely embroidered red robes that wrapped around his muscular form. “Zhangmen, what should we do with…” The servant’s eyes darted to the Omega[1] on the bed, nearly fucked to death last night.

Zhan Wen sneered, his lips curling into a vicious frown. “Pay him and throw him out.”

“Yes, Zhangmen…and Xing Junwei? The Knowledge Sect won’t take kindly to this insult…”

“He should be glad I only fucked his cousin and didn’t kill him,” Zhan Wen spat, then went to fix his hair in the full-length mirror. “His virgin cunt wasn’t worth the price anyway.”

He glared at his own reflection, taking in the sight of his rugged features, chiseled by the hands of fate and tempered by the fires of battle. His hair was a wild mane of black, cascading down his back like a storm cloud. He reached up and ran his fingers through his locks, feeling the silky strands glide over his skin. He had always been proud of his appearance, knowing that it was a reflection of the strength and power that coursed through his veins.

But as he looked at himself, Zhan Wen couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. It’s all their fault. If it weren’t for them Lei Bo would still be alive. They would still be enjoying their newlywed status. He would not have had to bury his husband just days after they were wed. He bared his teeth and snarled at his own reflection; his fists clenched at his sides. He’d fucking kill them all.

“Call General Mao,” Zhan Wen demanded. “I want him to meet me in the throne room.”

“Yes, Zhangmen.” The servant scurried off and Zhan Wen was just about to leave but the omega on the bed stirred, groaning softly. He tried to sit up, but his body was covered in bright purple bruises, and there were handprints around his throat.

The sheets were stained with blood, evidence of the rough treatment he had endured.

Zhan Wen’s lips curved in malevolence. “What’s this? Are you awake? Ready for round two?”

The omega shrank back in terror and a surge of satisfaction rose within him as he looked at the omega’s battered body. This omega cunt was from the Knowledge Sect if he wasn’t mistaken. Xing Junwei’s first cousin Xing something… but Zhan Wen didn’t give a fuck.

He had always known that his half-devil nature made him prone to fits of violence, and he relished the feeling of power it gave him. He had no regrets about what he had done, and he would do it again in a heartbeat.

Xing Junwei could fucking choke once he saw how his omega cousin was returned to him!

“My l-lord, please—have mercy—” The omega cowered, his lithe body was pale as milk and his eyes widened like a scared puppy.

“Mercy?” Zhan Wen stalked towards him, eyes burning with a vengeance. “Did your cousin have mercy when he pillaged our towns? Did your cousin have mercy when he destroyed our cities? No. Mercy is something he never had.”

The omega whimpered and tried to crawl off the bed, but his injuries were too severe.

“Get out.” Zhan Wen grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out of the room, a cruel smile on his lips. “And tell Xing Junwei his debt can never be repaid.”

The omega stumbled and fell to the ground, his body wracked with sobs. Zhan Wen watched him for a moment, feeling a sense of triumph wash over him before he flicked his sleeve and walked away. Zhan Wen strode into the throne room. His presence was commanding and sinister. The room itself was grand and opulent, with high ceilings adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and phoenixes. Ornate chandeliers of crystal and gold hung from above, casting a warm glow over the room.

The walls were adorned with golden tapestries depicting scenes of battles and victories, and elaborate paintings of past rulers hung in gilded frames. The floor was made of gleaming marble, polished to a high shine.

At the far end of the room stood the throne, a massive, gilded chair with jewels. It was carved with intricate designs of flowers and animals and adorned with precious stones of rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. It was a symbol of Zhan Wen’s power and wealth, and it commanded the respect of all who entered the room. The great hall of Zhan Wen’s palace was abuzz with excitement as his subjects gathered outside the throne room, eagerly chattering away amongst themselves. One man, with a wicked grin on his face, regaled his companions with a particularly juicy piece of gossip.

“I heard that Lycan Zhan Wen has been sneaking into the imperial palace at night to paint all of the emperor cats bright purple. The emperor is beside himself with anger, but no one can catch the mischievous devil in the act!”

“The fiend!” a man gasped. “Those cats would surely get him back in the afterlife!”

“But how could he slip past the guards?” a woman asked, hand over her chest in shock.

“I heard his devil aura allows him to turn into congee,” a man whispered. “Fooling the cook, the devil Lycan slips into the pot before the emperor is served. It is truly diabolical!”

The others gasped in shock and amusement, exchanging knowing glances as they speculated on what devilish scheme their ruler would come up with next. Zhan Wen nearly laughed himself to death hearing all of their nonsense. It became the highlight of his day to listen to the gossipmongers work themselves up over nothing. He snicked behind the curtains before straightening his robes and walking out. Zhan Wen’s subjects fell to their knees as he passed, their heads bowed in fear.

General Mao stepped forward, bowing deeply as he approached the throne. “Zhangmen,” he said. “I bring news of the Heavenly Orchard sect Omega, Yun Xin.”

Zhan Wen raised an eyebrow, a wicked smile spreading across his face. “Go on,” he said, his voice dripping with malice.

“He has been spotted in the Jade Steppe,” General Mao continued. “This is the perfect opportunity for us to strike. If we can capture him, we can use him as leverage to negotiate a peace treaty with the Heavenly Orchard sect.”

Zhan Wen chuckled, his eyes sparkling with dark glee. “Or,” he said, his voice low and dangerous, “We could just kill him and be done with it.”

General Mao kept his face neutral. “Zhangmen,” he warned, “Surely there is another way. We could try to peacefully negotiate with the clan.”

Zhan Wen waved his hand dismissively. “Peace is for the weak,” he sneered. “I will have what I want, and I will stop at nothing to get it. Assemble the troops. We will leave at dawn, and we will bring back the head of the Heavenly Orchard sect Omega as a trophy.”

General Mao bowed again, his body shaking with fear. “Y-yes, Zhangmen,” he said, before turning and issuing orders to the waiting soldiers.

Zhan Wen watched him go, his mind already racing with thoughts of bloodshed and victory. He knew that this would be a risky mission, but he was confident in his ability to succeed. Fuck Yun Xin. The omega had escaped his clutches for far too long. Zhan Wen would kill the omega bitch and be done with it.

Yun Xin would meet his end.

Zhan Wen would stop at nothing to see it through.


Zhan Wen sat comfortably inside the warm and cozy war tent, with the scent of tea and incense lingering in the air. The tent was like a welcoming embrace, its colorful silk walls swaying gently with each breeze, creating a soothing ambiance. The sound of comrades chatting and laughter filled the space like the sweet hum of a summer breeze.

Everything was almost ready.

Zhan Wen’s eyes flicked over the maps like a hawk surveying its territory, his mind focused and sharp as a well-honed blade. A shifting sound caught his attention and he looked up to see an alluring omega stirring on the cot, his body bitten raw as he lay in the fur covers. Who was this one again?

Zhan Wen barely remembered the steady stream of omega who made their way into his bed. He stood anyway, his blue robes parting, exposing his muscular chest as he walked over to the omega and lay down on the bed.

This one was a vision. Dark hair. Peach blossom eyes, full lips, and a sinful expression. He’d have to personally thank whoever sent him over. Zhan Wen reached out beside him to take the whore he’d brought into his bed into his arms. A soft omega with a steel tongue, that was brought as a tribute from one of the sects to curry favor with the Devil Venerable.

“Zhangmen…” the man said his voice light and timid. He was soft. Malleable.

But nothing like Lei Bo. Zhan Wen’s lips pulled into a sinister smile. “What’s your name?”

The man looked shocked, perhaps he had said it already? Zhan Wen didn’t care. “T-This one is called Yun Cheng…”

Ah. Zhan Wen’s smile grew. “From the Heavenly Orchard Sect? What are you doing all the way out here?”

“T-This worthless one was an orphan…I no longer identify with that sect. I wish to serve the Devil Venerable.”

A spy. Zhan Wen could die from laughter. They sent a lamb to kill a tiger? How asinine. It was just like that damn sect to underestimate him, but Zhan Wen didn’t respond, he held the man closer, his scent washing over him like a warm spring. Yes, this one would do just fine.

“Mm,” the man sighed as he was gathered up and pressed into Zhan Wen’s chest. He came awake softly and he murmured a small bit. “If you’re up for another go, Zhangmen, I’ll take the coin first.” He lowered his eyes almost immediately afterward, a light flush covering his cheeks.

“Will you now?” he asked with a dark voice before he rolled over on top of the man, pinning him down to the bed.

“Do you dare to tease me, sir?”

“I do. Open your legs.”

“And the coin?”

“On the table.” He watched Yun Cheng ease to crane his neck and peer over Zhan Wen’s arm to catch sight of the table illuminated by the silver moonlight. Seemingly placated by the sight of a few pieces of coin, the man did as he was bid, opening his legs to allow Zhan Wen between them. “That’s a good boy.”

“I’m always a good boy,” he grumbled in reply, gasping a little when Zhan Wen used whatever was leftover of the lubricant already still inside him to penetrate.

He didn’t argue that, though he could have. He was too busy rocking back and forth, fucking into the man beneath him who was still pinned down with his weight. He could feel Yun Cheng’s hands on his shoulders and his arms, then snaking around to his midsection, tracing over the scars on his ribs and his back. Leftovers from his skirmishes with rogues of the war. The expensive youthful whores with their perfectly unblemished flesh were wont to like fingering over them, feeling the raised bits of them and where they sloped down to connect with the healthier skin.

Frustration was the source of most of his arousal and tonight was no different. Waking from dreams in which he could do nothing of use. He could ride toward the smoke and the flame. He could see the masts rising against the gray of the overcast skies but he couldn’t make it in time. He could never make it in time. The devil’s blood was roiling tonight and the scent of torched earth and brazen fire slicked the back of his throat.

When he came awake and he knew where he was and that he was five years older and still devoid of his vengeance, the fury rose and his blood sang and sometimes there was a whore beside him who could take his punishing thrusts and with the physical release came to a shimmer of something necessary. Something just shy of catharsis. It was how Zhan Wen coped with all of this bullshit.

Yun Cheng was pliant and giving, ready for the rocking motion of Zhan Wen’s body to morph into hard, snapping motions. It was a quick transition when it happened and every single slap between them caused the man to cry out with breathlessness, his body naught but an object to be used and discarded.

“Ahhh! So h-hard! Ahhhhh!”

Zhan Wen covered the man’s mouth with his hand, pressing the man’s head down into the pillow while he brutalized him, holding Yun Cheng’s hip to manipulate his small body until Zhan Wen was growling with his climax, baring his teeth and spending deep into the man’s guts. When he was finished and had recovered for the most part, he let go of the Omega’s face and pulled out of him, climbing up from the bed to where his heavy pewter pitcher and wash basin sat on a low table. He cleaned himself off while Yun Cheng lay among the rustled sheets, shining a bit with sweat, his little cock only half hard and laying against his thigh.

Zhan Wen’s voice was low. “If you don’t want to be raw by morning, you’d better get up now.”

He was panting and in between pants he giggled and twisted in the sheets. “I don’t mind being raw in the morning if it means more for me.”

“You’re not going to get rich from tonight.”

“A whole lot of nights where I’m raw in the morning would get me rich, Zhangmen.”

He let the side of his mouth draw up in a humorless grin. “You’re a nasty little slut, aren’t you, Yun Cheng?”

“Depends on who’s asking,” Yun Cheng lazily touched his collarbones, drawing Zhan Wen’s gaze to his pale milk skin. “I can be anything you ask for.”


Yun Cheng’s lashes fluttered prettily. “Yes… anything… even a mate.” 

It was said with ambivalence, neither in jest nor sincerity, almost as though he didn’t care either way. Zhan Wen came to the edge of the table and picked up the coins meant for Yun Cheng and picked them up, watching the man looking at him with open curiosity. He held the two gold pieces in his fingers and loomed over where the Omega lay before, he placed a knee between the man’s thighs and then took his wrists in one hand, holding them over his head.

“What are you doing?” Yun Cheng asked, his brows ticking inward but his voice still calm.

“I’m paying you. For your services and your commentary.”

It was this that gave the Omega’s eyes a fearful shine and he began to struggle lightly, his gaze trapped on Zhan Wen’s face. “Wait. What are you going to do?”

“Open your legs, Yun Cheng.”

“N-No,” he squeaked. “What are you going to do?!”

Zhan Wen’s eyes flashed, the devil’s mark burned hot against his forehead as he glared down at the omega, his mouth pulling into a malicious grin. He didn’t ask twice. That was one thing about Zhan Wen that most of the whores knew. He never asked twice. Instead, he forced Yun Cheng’s thighs open with his knees, trapping him against the sheets with his body before he reached down and, while the man bit out cusses and cries, forced the two gold pieces into his ass, feeling the gush of spend leak out from around them when he withdrew his fingers. When he let the man go, he caught a flying fist, gripping his wrist hard enough to force a pained yelp up from the tangled sheets.

His anger surged like a tidal wave, overwhelming him with its intensity.

“A mate?” Zhan Wen snarled, but the smile never left his face. The omega shrunk back almost as if trying to disappear. “I already have a mate.”

Yun Cheng went white as a sheet when he realized how badly he had fucked up. Zhan Wen studied his horrified face and his long nails dug into the omega’s skin causing him to cry out. 

Zhan Wen spoke in a dark, dangerous tone. “Don’t ever speak to me like that again, Yun Cheng. Or I’ll be forced to pay you much more than you’re worth.”



Chapter 12

Yun Xin couldn’t believe it. It had been weeks since the competition, and yet Fu Tai had been giving him the silent treatment ever since. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air, leaving Yun Xin feeling as though he had lost a part of himself. The competition had been the highlight of his life, the emperor himself congratulated Yun Xin on his crushing win but Fu Tai had remained suspiciously quiet, only talking when he was called upon and never acting out of turn.


Yun Xin had tried to talk to him several times, only for Fu Tai to clamp his mouth shut, hands balled into fists or outright leave the room. Yun Xin didn’t know what to do about it.

The first few days had been the hardest. Yun Xin had felt as though he was drowning in a sea of silence, each passing moment bringing with it a deeper sense of loneliness and betrayal. It was as though Fu Tai had abandoned him, leaving him to fend for himself in a world that was suddenly unfamiliar and hostile. He knew Fu Tai’s parents were there, expecting to see their son compete and they must have told their relatives about it. Yun Xin could not imagine the humiliation Fu Tai must have felt having to explain to them that Shifu never planned to have him compete in the first place.

Yun Xin was gentle and kind, not to mention that Fu Tai had forgotten to warm his bed or fix his breakfast for his father in order not to cause Fu Tai trouble. But as the days turned into weeks, Yun Xin began to feel a strange sense of despair in his heart. He loved Fu Tai deeply and the space between them seemed strange and unnatural. Yun Xin knew his heart, and he also knew that being with Fu Tai was inappropriate, but still, he couldn’t help the way he felt drawn to the alpha.

Even now when Yun Xin saw him, his heart would beat wildly. Fu Tai’s sleek black hair was usually styled in a modern cut, adding to his sophisticated and polished appearance. Although he was a servant, his masculine alpha appearance made Yun Xin’s insides clench and he could feel his face begin to warm whenever Fu Tai was nearby. And yet, as much as he tried to shake off the feeling, Yun Xin couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for Fu Tai’s resolve.

It was as though he was a rock, standing firm against the tides of time and emotion, unyielding in his determination to remain silent. Yun Xin didn’t know how to reach him, so he thought it’d be best to allow Fu Tai to come to him on his own. At times, Yun Xin felt like a lost child, wandering through the wilderness, searching for a home that no longer existed. It was as though Fu Tai had taken a part of him with him, leaving behind only a shell of a man.

But despite the pain and confusion he felt, Yun Xin refused to give up. He knew that he had to find a way to break through Fu Tai’s wall of silence, to reach the man he had once called his friend. Or at least give him the comfort and warmth that only a friend could provide until Fu Tai was ready to talk.

Yun Xin smiled to himself and decided to wait patiently for that moment to arrive.


The next day, Yun Xin was summoned by the Imperial Prince Gong Yijun. The soft sound of his footsteps echoed through the quiet hallways, as he tried to maintain his composure. His mind raced with thoughts of what the prince might want and how he could best serve the empire. Perhaps it was to congratulate him? Then again, why would Gong Yijun use such formal means to do so?

Excitement and nervousness roiled through him at the thought of meeting the prince. A part of him was hoping that it wasn’t because he had fallen behind in their studies. He quickened his pace, eager to find out. Yun Xin walked into the grand room of the imperial palace, his heart pounding in his chest. There was usually only one reason people from the court received an imperial summons, and he knew that it could only mean trouble. A eunuch led Yun Xin to a cozy sitting area, where Gong Yijun was lounging and he greeted him with a warm smile. “Yun Xin, it’s good to see you,” he said, pouring them both cups of tea. “I hear a congratulation is in order.”

“Thank you.” Yun Xin bowed deeply, then cupped his fist. Once the prince waved him off, he took a seat on a cushion and sipped his tea, feeling its warmth spread through his body. “Your Highness, you wanted to see me?” he asked, trying to sound calm.

“Yes,” Gong Yijun replied, his eyes crinkled. Yun Xin noticed that over the past few years, he has grown into the alpha he was supposed to be. He has a powerful and athletic build that exudes strength and confidence. His muscular arms and broad shoulders are evidence of his rigorous training regimen, and he carries himself with a sense of pride and self-assurance. All the features befitting the prince, gone was his awkward stutter and in his place was a very attractive young alpha. “My stepmother is dead.”

Yun Xin’s brows climbed his forehead, and he wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He knew how much Gong Yijun hated his stepmother and how much she abused him over the years, but he was never expecting this. “Oh.” Judging by Gong Yijun’s expression, it was good news.

“She died late last night. It was suppressed by my father so as not to cause panic, but there’s been an outbreak of tuberculosis. She caught it, my father has it as well and so does my brother Gong Xiaolong…they say he won’t last the night.” Gong Yijun sipped his tea, clearly holding back a smile.

Yun Xin wasn’t sure what to say. They never treated Gong Yijun well due to his stuttering, and even afterward they treated him like nothing. Yun Xin knew Gong Yijun hated them all to death, so their death was nothing short of a miracle. “I’m…sorry for your loss.”

Gong Yijun’s lips lifted into an attractive smile. “Don’t be.”

Yun Xin nodded and didn’t know what to say next. He was wondering how they all managed to get tuberculosis, but Gong Yijun remained untouched. Strange. “I see.”

“My father is too sick to make arrangements, and I can’t move until we know the fate of Gong Xiaolong since my father hasn’t named a successor we’ll have to wait and see what happens next.”

“Ah.” Yun Xin replied nodding. It would be more than likely that Gong Yijun took over the throne, if that were the case Yun Xin should prepare himself to become his acting general, the way his father was the current emperor’s general. “Thank you for telling me.”

Gong Yijun was practically beaming, then his hand came over Yun Xin’s. “I’m…without my father pushing it I don’t have to marry Yun Xinyi. I-I can be free.”

Yun Xin nodded eagerly. “That’s good news. I know Yun Xinyi was looking forward to cultivating for a few more years too. It’s probably best to delay for the time being.”

Gong Yijun’s entire face flushed red. “Do you really think so?”

“Of course,” Yun Xin replied. “You’re both young. Take some time before settling down.”

“XinXin, would—I mean—as an Omega—d-d-do you think you’d—”

“Your Highness,” a eunuch interrupted him, bowing deeply. “Urgent news for the Emperor.” He handed Gong Yijun a scroll and he unravelled it quickly, and then Gong Yijun’s expression turned serious.

“What is it?”

Gong Yijun sighed through his nose and passed him the imperial scroll. Yun Xin read it over, his eyes widening in horror. “T-This cannot be true—”

“I’m afraid it is,” Gong Yijun replied. “We have reason to believe that the Burning Fire sect is planning an attack on the imperial palace.”

Yun Xin’s heart skipped a beat. “An attack? Are you sure?”

Gong Yijun nodded. “Yes, our intelligence reports have been consistent. We cannot ignore this threat. We need to take action.”

Yun Xin felt a knot form in his stomach. He had always known that conflict with the Burning Fire sect was inevitable, but to hear it spoken out loud made it all the more real. But to brazenly attack the palace? Why would they go to such lengths? Something about it didn’t sit right with him, but who was he to question the next emperor?

“That’s not all…” Gong Yijun said. “We have evidence that Zhan Wei is a devil, and he has been hiding inside the Burning Fire sect. Who knows how many devils he allowed inside his clan? What if they’ve breached the realm? We cannot allow him to continue to wreak havoc on our kingdom.”

Yun Xin’s mind raced and for a moment he couldn’t believe it. When he saw Zhan Wei, he looked like such an outstanding individual, but from what everyone was saying Zhan Wei was actually one of the most dangerous men in the land. If he was truly a devil, then the threat he posed was even greater than they had imagined. Then he would have to do his best to fight as hard as he could to protect the clans. The devil realm was sealed off from the mortal realm, if there is a breach then we need to know about it as soon as possible and gather all resources together to stop it.

There was something behind his words that Yun Xin wasn’t quite grasping, but the more he looked at Gong Yijun the more he felt like he was telling him to do something else. Something more. There was no point in beating around the bush and so he asked outright. “What do you want me to do, Your Highness?”

Gong Yijun’s eyes narrowed. “I want you to kill Lei Bo.”


Yun Xin’s heart skipped a beat. Lei Bo was Zhan Wen’s omega, Yun Xin had heard recently that they were newly mated and married. How could Yun Xin kill another omega? By this time what if Lei Bo was pregnant with Zhan Wen’s child? The thought chilled him to the bone and his uneasiness grew. Despite the war, omegas didn’t generally fight for this reason alone, it was also why most omegas couldn’t cultivate past the Qi Condensation stage. Yun Xin’s throat felt dry thinking about it. Lei Bo certainly looked like a temptress, but then again how could Yun Xin know besides all the rumors he’d heard?

“May this lowly one ask, why Lei Bo must die?”

“Lei Bo has many aliases, and it was later revealed that he was working for Zhan Wei by cargo moving between the mortal realm and the devil realm between the two. But we don’t know exactly what they’re moving, all we know is that it’s even altered Lord Xaio leader of the five devils.”

“Even though devils are sealed inside, mortals can still move freely through the realms. Aside from that, the current Jia Zedong is accusing him of stealing money from the Snake Poison sect, after he was banished by Lei Xun. There is also a rumour that he has a love child, a daughter by the name of Lei Fang… with an unknown servant. I understand that killing him would be a dangerous and difficult task, but as the prince, I need to make the right choice. Lei Bo is a lecherous omega, who caused his sect master to almost qi deviate and relinquish his title, what he’s done is truly despicable.”

Gong Yijun fumed, his hands curled into fists. Yun Xin wasn’t aware all of this had happened, he’d heard of several rumours regarding the omega, but since it had gone so far that even the prince was involved, he knew the accusations against the omega couldn’t be taken lightly.

“General Yun Jiahao will lead the first waves of attacks against the Burning Fire sect tomorrow, I want you to join him as my eyes and ears on the battlefield and report back once the omega is dead.”

Tomorrow? But Gong Yijun just received the news a few minutes ago. How could he be prepared to go to war so quickly? Unless…Gong Yijun had already planned to and this was just solidifying his reason to destroy the Burning Fire sect. Yun Xin’s thoughts were reeling, but this was an imperial decree and he dared not refuse. Yun Xin cupped his fist and bowed, he knew that he couldn’t refuse the prince’s command.

“I will do it,” he said, trying to sound confident.

Gong Yijun nodded. “Good. We cannot afford to let any traitors live. You will have my full support in this matter.”

Yun Xin stood up, feeling the weight of his mission heavy on his shoulders. He knew that he had to succeed, no matter the cost. Yet, something about all of this didn’t seem right with him.

Refusing an alpha wasn’t a crime…

Was it truly Lei Bo’s fault Lei Xun Qi deviated from the rejection? He agrees the money stolen should be repaid, but does the omega truly deserve death? Was consorting with devils that heinous of a crime he wouldn’t even get a trial? As the Emperor general, he knew he’d be having conversations off the record, and some things he may have to do that he didn’t agree with, but Yun Xin was prepared for it. He steeled his nerves and readied himself for the battle ahead.


Yun Xin gazed up at the night sky, the stars twinkling like diamonds in a sea of black velvet. The horse he rode, snorted as the remaining generals held back behind the line. The air was still, yet charged with electricity, like a storm about to break. He could sense the tension in his companions and knew that they were ready to strike. Yun Xin was accompanied by his Shifu, who stood tall and resolute beside his father Yun Jiahao, as they advanced toward the Burning Fire sect. The group was tense with anticipation, ready to execute their secret attack.

They approached the enemy stronghold, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to tremble with fear. The sound of their footsteps was muffled, like the heartbeat of a predator stalking its prey.

Yun Xin felt his heart pounding with excitement, like a war drum beating in his chest. The air was thick with the scent of battle, like the musk of a wild animal. Shifu drew his sword, and Yun Jiahao followed suit, their movements precise and fluid. Yun Xinyi stood beside him ready, her weapon drawn and poised to strike.

Since Fu Tai was injured Shifu did not permit him to fight and locked him away in his room so that he wouldn’t interfere.

The plan was to attack the Burning Fire sect quietly, catching them off guard. Yun Xin could feel the tension building, like a bowstring being drawn tighter and tighter.

They prepared to strike, he felt a sense of fear creep in, and like a cold hand wrapping around his heart. But he also felt the resolve and determination in his comrades, like a fierce flame burning bright in the darkness. They were like shadows moving in the night, silent and deadly. As they reached the Burning Fire sect, Yun Xin knew that they were about to unleash a storm upon their enemies, one that would be felt for years to come. Then there were lights in the Burning Fire sect, cultivators were rushing everywhere unprepared for the attack against them. The Burning Fire disciples got ready, shouted their orders, and quickly got into formation. Yun Xin felt his heart pounding like a drum as he faced the Burning Fire sect cultivators. He could hear the clash of swords and the battle cries of his fellow sect members all around him.

“Charge!” General Yun Jiahao shrilled and they rode into battle.

Yun Xin rode into battle on his trusty horse, feeling the wind whip through his hair and the adrenaline pumping through his veins. But suddenly, a group of Burning Fire disciples charged at him, causing his horse to rear up and throw him to the ground. He scrambled to his feet, unsheathing his sword, and diving headfirst into the fight. He fought with all his might, but his thoughts kept drifting to Yun Xinyi, his beloved Shigu who was fighting by his side.

Suddenly, he heard a piercing scream that cut through the chaos of the battlefield. He turned just in time to see Lei Bo, the omega of the Burning Fire sect, strike a deadly blow to Yun Xinyi. Time seemed to slow down as Yun Xin watched in horror as his Shigu fell to the ground, her lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. Anger surged through Yun Xin like a raging inferno. He felt like a trapped animal, desperate to break free and exact revenge on the one who had caused him so much pain. His movements became faster, more precise, fueled by his fury.

Yun Xin launched himself at Lei Bo, his sword slicing through the air with the speed and ferocity of a lightning bolt. Every fibre of his being was focused on one thing: taking down the man who had killed his Shigu. Lei Bo was a skilled fighter, but Yun Xin’s rage gave him an edge that he had never felt before.

Their swords clashed in a shower of sparks, the sound echoing across the battlefield. Yun Xin’s eyes blazed with the intensity of his hatred as he attacked again and again, each blow stronger and more relentless than the last. He fought like a man possessed, his body moving with the fluidity of a dancer and the strength of a wild animal.

The battle raged on, the sounds of metal against metal and the screams of the wounded filling the air. But for Yun Xin, there was only one thing that mattered: revenge. He fought with a single-mindedness that would have scared even the most battle-hardened warrior.

Lei Bo looked distracted, constantly looking away to make sure Zhan Wen was okay. Yun Xin sensed an opening and lunged forward, his sword flashing in the sunlight. But Lei Bo was quick, and he dodged out of the way with the grace of a dancer.

The two fighters exchanged blows, their swords ringing out like thunderclaps. Yun Xin felt a sense of exhilaration wash over him as he fought with all his might. Lei Bo was a worthy opponent, but Yun Xin was determined to come out on top.

Suddenly, Yun Xin noticed that Lei Bo was not fully focused on the fight. He kept glancing over at Zhan Wen, who was under attack by something sinister. Yun Xin’s eyes widened as black miasma grew all around him, he seemed to be struggling with some immense power.

“Breathe!” Lei Bo shouted, he turned for a split second, just to make sure his mate was okay. Yun Xin saw his chance and seized it, unleashing a flurry of strikes that left Lei Bo reeling.

Another martial artist attacked Zhan Wen, and Lei Bo leaped in the way to protect him. Lei Bo cried out as his arm was slashed, he counter-attacked and stabbed the other cultivator in the stomach, but he was badly wounded. Yun Xin could see the pain etched on his face. Yun Xin pressed forward with even more ferocity, his movements swift and precise. Lei Bo fought back with all his might, but he was weakened by his injuries.

The battle raged on, the sound of swords clashing filling the air. Yun Xin felt his heart racing as he pushed himself to the limit, his muscles burning with the effort. Zhan Wen was surrounded by cultivators, Yun Xin could barely make out his red robes in the flurry of people who were trying to kill him.

Lei Bo’s face was ashen, but he was fighting with every breath. It wasn’t until a sharp cry pierced the air and Lei Bo’s head snapped to the side, that he saw Zhan Wen stabbed through the shoulder by the other cultivator. Lei Bo’s full attention was now on Zhan Wen.

Yun Xin snarled, he saw an opening and struck a killing blow, plunging his sword into Lei Bo’s chest. Lei Bo stared at him in shock, his eyes wide as Yun Xin ripped out his sword and watched Lei Bo fall to the ground. Agony rippled on Lei Bo’s handsome face, and a strange light emitted from his chest before being snuffed out like a candle.

Yun Xin’s heart jammed into his throat, and for some reason, he felt like he had died too. The rain began to fall in a heavy downpour, pattering against his skin and drenching his robes.

Yun Xin stood over his fallen opponent, his chest heaving with the effort of the fight. They had to go. Now. He looked around frantically for Yun Xinyi’s body and picked her up, angry tears falling down his face. Shigu. He clenched his teeth and brought her back, her beautiful face tucked into his neck.

She was gone.


Zhan Wen choked on a scream. Lei Bo’s body fell to the ground, his eyes wide open as the sword was ripped from his chest. The mating bond between them shrilled before shattering completely and Zhan Wen felt it like a thousand knives piercing his body.


The wound on his shoulder bled profusely and he snarled, grabbing the cultivator that slashed him by the neck and ripping out his throat. A blistering red haze filled his vision as he fought through the sea of cultivators, cutting them down piece by piece, ignoring the cries of horror as his body began to transform. The devil’s blood swarmed and his heartbeat in his chest like a drum the world around him nearly faded into darkness as his true nature finally erupted in his veins.

His skin rippled and stretched like molten wax, contorting into a patchwork of matted fur and bulging muscle. His bones cracked and twisted, elongating into a gnarled and twisted form, while his eyes burned with wild, feral hunger. It was as if a demon had taken hold of him, twisting and corrupting his very essence into something primal and terrifying.

The cultivators around him screamed and tried to run away but Zhan Wen’s claw sliced them into minced meat. Thunder rolled across the sky, and Zhan Wen’s snarled exposing a row of razor-sharp teeth long as swords. Kill them all.

He howled, piercing the air as the rest of them scrambled to get away, but Zhan Wen moved faster than lightning. He grabbed the nearest disciple and tore into his flesh, the disciple choked on a garbled scream before he was devoured instantly. Zhan Wen fought his way over to Lei Bo, but by then it was too late. Agony shot through him and Zhan Wen fell to his knees, his devil’s blood calming and his form turning back to human.

The rain drenched Zhan Wen’s clothes and plastered his hair to his forehead as he held Lei Bo in his arms. Lei Bo’s once sparkling eyes now dulled and glazed over, his skin pale as the moon, soaked in his own blood, the bright red liquid contrasting starkly with his skin. Zhan Wen’s heart broke as he watched his mate slip away, knowing he couldn’t save him. The pain was indescribable, like a sharp blade piercing his soul, leaving a raw and jagged wound.

“How does the devil love me?” Lei Bo’s frail voice reached his ears.

Zhan Wen’s entire body shook, his hand braced against Lei Bo’s pale cheek.

“T-This Devil loves with iron and steel.” There was no point in denying what he was anymore. He was a devil and he would never let them make him feel ashamed of it ever again.

Zhan Wen couldn’t speak, his heart breaking in two. Lei Bo looked up at Zhan Wen, his eyes filled with love and pain. “Remember,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “Remember your iron heart and your devil’s vow.”

Zhan Wen nodded, tears mixing with the rain on his face. “I will,” he vowed. “I will make them pay for what they’ve done to us.”

Lei Bo took his last breath, and Zhan Wen held him close, his heart heavy with sorrow. But he also knew that he couldn’t let his mate’s death be in vain. He would honour Lei Bo’s memory by seeking justice and making sure that those responsible paid for their crimes. He would not let his hatred consume him, but he would not forget his iron heart and his devil’s vow. The rain continued to pour down, a bleak and mournful accompaniment to Zhan Wen’s grief.

He’ll never forget the first day he laid eyes on Lei Bo. General Lei Bo’s beauty was cold and unapproachable. His features were sharp and angular, with a chiselled jawline and piercing eyes that seemed to look right through people. But at age nine Zhan Wen knew he was in love. No. No. Zhan Wen buried his face in Lei Bo’s neck sobbing violently, his chest felt like it was being carved open as his sect burned before his eyes. He had no idea where his father was, but he knew General Yun Jiahao would not give up until everyone in the sect was dead.

He had to find his father. He had to save his sect. But Zhan Wen could barely breathe past the gaping hole in his chest. Lei Bo was dead and the world was on fire.

How does the devil love me?

With iron and steel.

The battlefield was a scene of destruction and devastation. The ground was torn and scorched. The bodies of the fallen were scattered around, their limbs twisted and their eyes lifeless.

“Zhangmen, we have to retreat,” Suddenly, General Mao appeared, his body battered and bloodied. He was panting, his face filled with worry and concern. He spoke urgently. “The Heavenly Orchard sect is too strong. We can’t win this battle.”

“Leave me,” Zhan Wen replied holding Lei Bo’s lifeless body in his arms.

He’s already gone cold, his pale skin white as snow. Zhan Wen brushed a lone tear from Lei Bo’s eye, not knowing if it was Lei Bo’s or his own.

Mao Xia’s eyes widened as he took in Lei Bo’s dead body and swallowed, looking around anxiously. “My lord, there’s no one to lead us and the sect leader has been ambushed in the great hall. Please we need—”

“Leave me!” Zhan Wen snarled, baring his teeth like a wild animal. He clutched Lei Bo in his arms so hard his knuckles were white. He would never give him up. Not now. Not ever. He’d follow Lei Bo straight to hell once he avenged him.

Mao Xia’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but he didn’t back down. “My lord, they need you too.”

Remember your iron heart and your devil’s vow. Zhan Wen shook his head vehemently as if Lei Bo had spoken the words again aloud, but his body remained still. Cold. He was long gone. Mao Xia stepped forward again, his eyes beseeching, reflecting the flames of their sect. This was all he had left.

He had to save them. Zhan Wen pressed a trembling kiss to Lei Bo’s forehead, brushing his hand against his chest for the last time before he laid him to rest on the ground. Zhan Wen stood on shaking legs, his chest felt like it was carved open by a rusty knife. “Watch after him. Don’t let him leave your sight.”

“Yes, my lord!” Mao Xia saluted.

Zhan Wen dragged his body several steps forward, rage curling hot and unstoppable in his gut. Black mist coiled around his entire body, the disciples nearby inched back in horror, and most of them dropped their swords in fright to flee from the man transforming into a monster.

Zhan Wen’s skin stretched and contorted into a grotesque patchwork of matted fur and bulging muscles, while his bones cracked and twisted into a gnarled and twisted form. With an animalistic growl, he lunged at the disciples surrounding him, his eyes burning like hot coals. His once-human senses were now heightened, like an apex predator honing in on its targets, leaving the disciples paralyzed with fear as they realized the extent of the danger before them.

Zhan Wen leaped into the air, he grabbed the head of the nearest disciple and smashed it to pieces, his brains spread across the ground like scrambled eggs. He moved like a black shadow, slicing them all down and crushing their skulls like watermelons hitting concrete. Fury burned like wildfire in his veins, singeing his core until he could feel nothing else.

He’d slaughter them all.

Starting with that damn omega that killed his mate and destroyed his life.


Zhan Wen approached the ruins of the Burning Fire sect palace with a heavy heart, the stench of smoke and ash filling his nostrils. The sect had been decimated, reduced to nothing but a pile of rubble and destruction. His transformation into a devil lycan had given the disciples the ability to push the sects back until they could do nothing more but retreat, but that didn’t mean that Zhan Wen had won by any means. He walked through the barren halls, Zhan Wen couldn’t help but feel like he was walking through a graveyard, surrounded by the ghosts of his past.

“Father?” he called out, but his voice was hoarse, his body caked in blood and guts. He should have chased them back to their sects and killed them all. He had found his sword near the front lines where he had abandoned it with Mao Xia and Lei Bo. “Father?”

He arrived at the throne room of Burning Fire palace, the heart of the sect, and stopped dead in his tracks. The room was almost empty, the throne destroyed and the banners torn and burned, but it was his father, nailed to the throne that made his heart want to flee his chest.


Zhan Wei was stabbed ten thousand times.

The swords were still lodged in his body like nails holding him in place as if to mock him on his throne. His body was a mound of flesh while his mouth lay open in horror. Zhan Wen felt the blood drain from his body.

Zhan Wen’s sword clattered to the floor, his knees buckled and a tidal wave of anguish washed over him. The Burning Fire sect had been destroyed by the Emperor of Sun Ocean Palace, citing that Zhan Wei was a devil and that devils had no place in the mortal realm. His father had led the Burning Fire sect for many years and never once showed his true evil nature. The existence of devils in the mortal realm was few and far between, mostly because the devils hated the righteous mortal sects and vice versa.

Yet, they found out. They knew what he was and worst of all, they knew the way to attack them. Something sinister had happened. Someone from the inside had planned to destroy them and succeeded.

How does the devil love me?

A blistering rage grew in Zhan Wen’s heart and a bloody thirst for vengeance stirred hot and deep, coiling around his soul like a black mist.

He’d kill them all.

Starting with Yun Xin.

End Book 1

Chapter 11

Zhan Wen basked in the glow of victory as the disciples of the Burning Fire sect surrounded him, congratulating him on his impressive performance in the martial arts competition. He accepted their praise with a gracious smile, feeling a surge of pride in his chest. He did it. He won.

Zhan Wen could barely contain his excitement; the battle had been fierce but swift since he had allowed Shen Shei to toil around for a while before he crushed him completely with his saber. There was a moment during the fight when he felt his devil’s blood surge hotly in his veins, but Zhan Wen controlled it and didn’t allow it to rule him. Zhan Wen turned to face his father, and the elder man beamed with pride. “Well done, my son,” he said, clapping Zhan Wen on the back. “You have made us all proud today.”

The air was thick with the scent of incense and the sound of clinking cups. Zhan Wen had just been declared the champion, having defeated every other competitor in the martial arts tournament. Zhan Wei stood off to the side, the aroma of the alpha’s scent was like a warm breeze, carrying the sweet and spicy notes of cardamom and nutmeg over a bed of rich, dark earth.

The disciples raised their cups in a toast, and Zhan Wen spoke, “I am but a humble disciple and it is an honor to stand before you as the champion. I would like to thank my fellow martial artists for their skills and their courage. Each one of you has shown great strength and determination.”

The room erupted into cheers and applause as the disciples toasted Zhan Wen’s victory. “To Zhan-gongzi, the greatest martial artist of our generation!” they cried.

Zhan Wen raised his cup in response. “To my fellow disciples, who have pushed me to become stronger and better. I could not have achieved this without your guidance and support. Let us continue to train together and strive for even greater heights.”

Zhan Wen had proven himself as the strongest among them, but the spirit of camaraderie and respect remained among the disciples. Zhan Wen drained his cup and all the disciples cheered. Zhan Wen’s heart swelled with joy. He had trained hard for this moment, and it had all paid off. But as he looked around at the sea of smiling faces, one person caught his eye.

Lei Bo stood off to the side, his expression inscrutable. Zhan Wen frowned slightly, wondering why he seemed so quiet. Lei Bo regarded him quietly, his features are sharp and refined, like the edges of a waterfall, and his piercing gaze is as deep and mysterious as the depths of an ocean. Zhan Wen felt the hair on his arm bristle beneath his gaze, almost as if Lei Bo could see right through him.

“Zhan-gongzi won!”

“Congratulations Zhan-gongzi!” the disciples around cheered and the celebrations continued.

“That reminds me,” Zhan Wei said, his mouth hooking into a smile. “We also have a wedding to plan.”

“Who? Zhan-gongzi’s? No way! Who’s the lucky omega?”

“Tell us!”

“She must be a rare beauty.”

Zhan Wen snorted loudly, staring at his father. Zhan Wei shook his head and pointed to Lei Bo. “It’s your Wanbei,” Zhan Wei announced. “In two weeks.”

The disciples cheered once again, and Zhan Wen felt a flutter of excitement in his stomach. But still, Lei Bo remained silent. As the crowd began to disperse, Zhan Wen approached him, a concerned look on his face.

“Are you all right, my love?” he asked, taking his hand in his.

Lei Bo looked up at him, his eyes searching his face. “I’m fine,” he said softly. “I’m just…thinking.”

Zhan Wen nodded, sensing that there was more to his words than he was letting on. But he decided not to press the matter, knowing that Lei Bo would tell him in his own time.

Instead, he leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. “We have a lot to celebrate today,” he said, grinning. “Let’s enjoy it while we can.”

Lei Bo smiled back at him, and Zhan Wen felt a rush of love for him. Whatever was troubling him, he vowed to support him through it. Together, they would face whatever the future held. Zhan Wen was riding high, with his omega nearby and the devil’s blood thrumming through his veins he knew this would be a time he would never forget.

Zhan Wen and Lei Bo were leaving the competition area, their hands clasped tightly together. They were still basking in the glow of Zhan Wen’s victory when a group of people walked by them, they were from the Heavenly Orchard sect, their robes fluttering in the wind as they gazed at them with a jealous expression. “Pst, isn’t that Lei Bo? The omega that likes at least ten cocks a day?”

One of the disciples laughed. “Yeah, he heard Lei Xun’s cock wasn’t enough so he had to leave the entire sect for another cock. What a beguiling omega! So ruthless!”

Their mocking laughter echoed through the air like the sound of clanging bells. The devil’s blood consumed Zhan Wen’s thoughts, filling his mind with dark desires and cruel intentions.

Zhan Wen felt his anger begin to rise as the group taunted Lei Bo. How dare they! Calling Lei Bo a soiled omega and other derogatory names, Zhan Wen could kill them just for breathing! His devil’s blood surged in his veins, and he felt the urge to lash out at them, to protect his mate.

But Lei Bo’s touch on his arm stopped him.

“Let it go,” Lei Bo said softly, his voice like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Zhan Wen looked down at his mate, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. He hated these righteous sects who looked down on omegas like Lei Bo, who had been forced into a situation beyond their control. Damn them. Lei Bo was above it. He had heard it for years since he rejected Lei Xun’s offer and defected to the Burning Fire sect, but still to think after all this time rumors about him leaving were spread to the four corners of the earth. These sects were truly despicable!  Zhan Wen walked away his heart heavy. He knew that he and Lei Bo would face many challenges as a mated pair, but he was determined to stand by his mate, no matter what. He would show the world that a omega like Lei Bo was just as worthy of respect and love as any other.

He held Lei Bo’s hand tighter, unwilling to let the omega out of his sight. Lei Bo would be his responsibility from now on, he would cut out anyone’s tongue who dared to speak against him.


The wedding hall was adorned with red and gold decorations, each one a symbol of prosperity and good luck. The walls were draped with silk, the color of ripe pomegranates, and shimmered like a school of fish in the sunlight. The tables were adorned with fresh flowers, their petals like drops of rain on a summer morning. The guests were dressed in their finest attire, their colorful clothing resembling a garden of blooming flowers. They mingled and chattered like a flock of sparrows, their excitement and joy palpable in the air. Zhan Wen’s blood raced in his veins when his eyes landed on Lei Bo.

Lei Bo was a vision of beauty. His dress was a vibrant shade of red, the color of a ripe persimmon, and shimmered like a dragonfly’s wings. His hair was coiled like a blooming peony, and his jewelry sparkled like stars in the night sky. Zhan Wen was handsome and dashing in his traditional garb. His robes were the color of a sunset, and his smile lit up the room like a beacon of light. He was the center of attention, the sun around which the other guests orbited.

Zhan Wen stood at the altar, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never been more nervous in his life. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He knew that he loved Lei Bo with all his heart, and he would do anything to make him happy.

They exchanged vows with their love like a river, flowing endlessly and deep. Their eyes met, and it was as if the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in a sea of bliss. The guests cheered as they were pronounced husband and wife, their happiness like a chorus of birdsong in the springtime. It was a day of joy and celebration, a memory that would last a lifetime. The guests cheered as they were pronounced husband and wife, and Zhan Wen felt like he was on top of the world.

But still, Lei Bo remained silent.

As they made their way to the reception, Zhan Wen took Lei Bo’s hand in his. “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice soft.

Lei Bo looked up at him, his eyes shining with emotion. “I’m happy,” he said simply.


Zhan Wen stood wringing his hands outside the door to his bedroom, his heart pounding in his chest. It was his wedding night, and he was filled with anticipation and nervousness. During dinner, he could barely keep anything down and messed up during his toast and his speech, far too nervous to speak. Zhan Wei had shot him several knowing looks and held back a small smile as he sipped his Baijiu. He knew that he loved Lei Bo with all his heart, but he couldn’t help feeling a sense of apprehension.

As he pushed open the door, he was struck by the sight of his mate. Lei Bo was dressed in a set of beautiful white robes, that clung to his body in all the right places. Zhan Wen felt his throat go dry as he took in the sight of his mate’s flushed face and alluring omega scent, which hung in the air like the scent of blooming roses.

Lei Bo smiled shyly at him, his beauty like a painting come to life. His hair was taken down and styled in loose waves, framing his face like a halo, and his skin was like cream. His lips were the color of raspberry, inviting and tempting, and Zhan Wen felt a surge of desire in his chest.

The cinnabar near his eyes added to his imposing presence, a splash of bright color against his otherwise austere appearance. Zhan Wen crossed the threshold and took Lei Bo into his arms, taking in his rich scent, which was intoxicating and alluring, like a bouquet of blooming flowers. He couldn’t help but be drawn to his mate, like a moth to a flame. Heat. Lei Bo was in heat. Zhan Wen must have been blessed by the Gods.

“How do you feel? Is this, okay?” Zhan Wen was so nervous he thought he was going to die.

“It’s fine.”

Zhan Wen sighed in relief, then stared into his eyes. “My father said when he married my mother, he made a devil’s vow to bring down the heavens just to get back to her…this vow I want to make to you, Lei Bo. I will love no other. If you depart from this world, then I will avenge you and then follow.” 

Lei Bo touched his cheek gently, his eyes shining like the stars. “Shengzi…” he chuckled, shaking his head. “How does the devil love me?”

With all of his heart and soul. Zhan Wen wanted to shout, but instead, he said. “With iron and steel.”

Something dimmed in his eyes, but his hands were soft and gentle as he led Zhan Wen to the bed, their bodies moving together like the ebb and flow of the tides. They stood in front of the bed, Zhan Wen cradled Lei Bo’s face, thumbs gently brushing against his jawline as he brought their lips together in a soft kiss. He lingered for a moment, simply tasting, and nipping at his bottom lip. Lei Bo’s robes fell off his shoulders revealing his flawless skin. He was breathless beneath him, shuddering violently as their lips met again.

Their lips met in a slow, tantalizing dance, igniting a wildfire of desire within them. Zhan Wen could feel the rise and fall of Lei Bo’s breath, the soft moan that vibrated in the back of his throat. He tasted of honey and milk tea, and something distinctively unique. Zhan Wen’s mind surged, and he hugged him tighter and tighter. The kiss was like a match struck in the dark, sparking a fierce blaze of passion that consumed them both. Every touch, every caress, was an electric jolt that sent shivers down their spines. Zhan Wen felt his lower regions swell too quickly and he broke the kiss to stop them from getting too carried away. Lei Bo’s chest was moving rapidly, his lips stained red as he looked up at him. Lei Bo looked debauched with his face red and lips redder.

Zhan Wen’s chest ached and with one pull the white robe fell away leaving Lei Bo stripped bare. It was just like in his youth. Lei Bo was smooth and delicate, his abs defined and his muscles wiry. Zhan Wen’s gaze devoured every inch of skin, taking in those long endless legs and toned stomach, those pale wide shoulders, and rippling pectorals. Zhan Wen’s gaze latched onto Lei Bo’s small cock, which was twitching slightly and filling, while his mount below was moist and glistening.

Zhan Wen thought he might die from happiness. He felt a thirst at the back of his throat, a gnawing ache that would never be quenched. Lei Bo shivered slightly, his pink nipples pebbling beneath his gaze.

“Lei Bo.”

“No more talk.” He whined helplessly. “I’m done talking. No more words. Will you keep your wife waiting?”

Pleasure jolted through him at the term and he abandoned all thought and took Lei Bo into his arms again and dragged him to the bed. Lei Bo’s scent was reminiscent of a tranquil stream, calm and soothing with hints of wildflowers and fresh moss. He spread Lei Bo out on the bed, he opened his legs further, his eyes taking in the glistening folds and swollen clit. Lei Bo bit his lip, allowing Zhan Wen to do whatever he wanted, never speaking out against him. Zhan Wen could feel his omega scent grow anxious, the rapid rise and fall of his chest increasing.

Zhan Wen gasped, his breath caught in his throat the more he looked.

His cock hardened painfully in his robes. He made a strange noise at the back of his throat and his hands trembled forward, trailing up the alabaster thigh until he reached Lei Bo’s mount. Using Zhan Wen’s fingers pushed one ample fold to the side before tracing the vernal, sopping entrance. It was all so hypnotic, the feel of rippled skin against his rough thumb or the light hitch of Lei Bo’s breath. Zhan Wen withdrew his hand, only to move towards his aching cock, he palmed it through his robes before he parted them and it sprung free. Zhan Wen returned his fingers to Lei Bo’s cunt, his breath stuttering, eyes widening as he makes exploratory circles around Lei Bo’s entrance with his fingers and then plunges in.

“Fuck,” Lei Bo bows, hands gripping the covers until his knuckles are white.

He was tight. Tighter than what Zhan Wen was expecting. A virgin. The alpha’s mouth filled with saliva. He was past the point of no return. There was an obscene squelching sound that filled the room, along with stuttering breaths and hiccupping moans. In and out, out and in—Zhan Wen became mesmerized with the motion, his fingers being sucked in and the pressure of tight heat nearly crushing them. By the time they get a proper rhythm going Zhan Wen was nearly salivating and Lei Bo was wanton, fucking himself on Zhan Wen’s fingers. Lei Bo’s little cock was spurting white pearls all over his toned stomach, and soon he was even fucking Zhan Wen’s fingers. Everything was raging hot and Zhan Wen might burst into flames.

Lei Bo was so beautiful.

Zhan Wen removed his fingers, ignoring the impatient whine from Lei Bo. The alpha disrobed, taking it off slowly and methodically folding his clothes and placing them on the nearest tabletop, and climbed onto the bed. Lei Bo was breathtaking beneath him, practically glowing with sweat and mirth. He grabbed Lei Bo’s hips roughly, jerking his entire body towards him. The action was abrupt and made Lei Bo gasp loudly. “Alpha,” Lei Bo utters and Zhan Wen might lose his mind.

There wasn’t a point that Zhan Wen thought to stop, the onslaught of emotions and the crazed haze of lust clouded his vision. He leaned forward, pressing their lips together in a brutish manner that ascended him into ecstasy.

Lei Bo was clawing at his back and scratching wildly. “Alpha please!”

Zhan Wen took hold of the base of his cock and wedged it between Lei Bo’s folds. The slick cunt throbbed and Zhan Wen’s vision nearly went black with how hard his heart was pounding. He made sure Lei Bo was ready before he guided himself into his pulsating entrance. Zhan Wen’s vision nearly went white, glittering sparks of sequin slivers and polar whites. He could feel Lei Bo’s cunt spasm around him, the eager and presumptuous folds greedily swallowing him whole.

Ahh—alpha!” Lei Bo cried, gripped onto his shoulders.

Zhan Wen was so close, just above the ridge, just around the corner, that he could feel his balls clenching. Lei Bo convulsed beneath him, shuddering, and shaking with a loud cry that nearly shattered the air. Zhan Wen’s eyes bleed reddish gold, the color vibrant and luminous in the light, his canines elongate, his face changes, and he bit down hard, his sharp teeth piercing Lei Bo’s neck.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Lei Bo screamed as blood erupted from the wound. Zhan Wen latched onto his neck, feeling the mating bond between them solidify. Zhan Wen became blind with his eyes wide open, enjoying the sapphires and diamonds traipse across his vision.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

He chanted, sucking at the wound, swirling his tongue inside to gather all the blood that was dripping down Lei Bo’s neck.

Lei Bo tightened around him, his cunt pulsating as he screamed. His entire chest flushed and it caused Zhan Wen’s knot to swell dangerously. Fuck. He can’t take it. With a near drunken cry, he ascended, bypassing this world, and flying onto the next. When Zhan Wen comes it’s like a supernova, a vast explosion rippling through his entire body and momentarily paralyzing him. His knot keeps coming, gushing like a volcano as waves upon waves nearly drag him under. Zhan Wen collapsed onto Lei Bo like a dead weight, his entire body quivering from the aftershocks. It took him several minutes to calm his pitter-pattering heart and his senses to befall him. His knot is still inflated, nearly bulging in Lei Bo’s stomach. Lei Bo was shaking, his hair plastered to his face and his smile infectious as he gazed up at his husband. “I love you,” Zhan Wen whispered, lips pressed against naked flesh.

Lei Bo didn’t respond, but he pressed his body closer as if to bask in his scent. The moment felt like a dream like they were the only two people in the world. They gave into their desires, their love was like a fire, burning hot and intense. Zhan Wen knew that he had found his true mate, the one who would be with him for the rest of his life.


1.    Chapter Twelve

Yun Xin sat in his room, surrounded by the opulent decor. The walls were adorned with intricate silk tapestries, while ornate wooden furniture filled the space. The room was bathed in a warm, soft light, coming from the small oil lamp on his desk.

Yun Xin couldn’t believe it. It had been weeks since the competition, and yet Fu Tai, his trusted servant, had been giving him the silent treatment ever since. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air, leaving Yun Xin feeling as though he had lost a part of himself. The competition had been the highlight of his life, the emperor himself congratulated Yun Xin on his crushing win but Fu Tai had remained suspiciously quiet, only talking when he was called upon and never acting out of turn.

Yun Xin had tried to talk to him several times, only for Fu Tai to clamp his mouth shut, hands balled into fists or outright leave the room. Yun Xin didn’t know what to do about it.

The first few days had been the hardest. Yun Xin had felt as though he was drowning in a sea of silence, each passing moment bringing with it a deeper sense of loneliness and betrayal. It was as though Fu Tai had abandoned him, leaving him to fend for himself in a world that was suddenly unfamiliar and hostile. He knew Fu Tai’s parents were there, expecting to see their son compete and they must have told their relatives about it. Yun Xin could not imagine the humiliation Fu Tai must have felt having to explain to them that Shifu never planned to have him compete in the first place.

Yun Xin was gentle and kind, not to mention that Fu Tai had forgotten to warm his bed or fix his breakfast for his father in order not to cause Fu Tai trouble. But as the days turned into weeks, Yun Xin began to feel a strange sense of despair in his heart. He loved Fu Tai deeply and the space between them seemed strange and unnatural. Yun Xin knew his heart, and he also knew that being with Fu Tai was inappropriate, but still, he couldn’t help the way he felt drawn to the alpha.

Even now when Yun Xin saw him, his heart would beat wildly. Fu Tai’s sleek black hair was usually styled in a modern cut, adding to his sophisticated and polished appearance. Although he was a servant, his masculine alpha appearance made Yun Xin’s insides clench and he could feel his face begin to warm whenever Fu Tai was nearby. And yet, as much as he tried to shake off the feeling, Yun Xin couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for Fu Tai’s resolve.

It was as though he was a rock, standing firm against the tides of time and emotion, unyielding in his determination to remain silent. Yun Xin didn’t know how to reach him, so he thought it’d be best to allow Fu Tai to come to him on his own. At times, Yun Xin felt like a lost child, wandering through the wilderness, searching for a home that no longer existed. It was as though Fu Tai had taken a part of him with him, leaving behind only a shell of a man.

But despite the pain and confusion he felt, Yun Xin refused to give up. He knew that he had to find a way to break through Fu Tai’s wall of silence, to reach the man he had once called his friend. Or at least give him the comfort and warmth that only a friend could provide until Fu Tai was ready to talk.

Yun Xin smiled to himself and waited patiently for the moment when Fu Tai would finally open up to him and he would finally let go of the past and embrace the future. For it was only then that he could truly be at peace, only then that he could truly call himself whole.


The next day, Yun Xin was summoned by the Imperial Prince Gong Yijun. As he made his way through the palace halls, he noticed the intricate artwork on the walls and the opulent furnishings that adorned the corridors. The soft sound of his footsteps echoed through the quiet hallways, as he tried to maintain his composure. His mind raced with thoughts of what the prince might want and how he could best serve the empire. Perhaps it was to congratulate him? Then again, why would Gong Yijun use such formal means to do so?

Excitement and nervousness roiled through him at the thought of meeting the prince. A part of him was hoping that it wasn’t because he had fallen behind in their studies. He quickened his pace, eager to find out. Yun Xin walked into the grand room of the imperial palace, his heart pounding in his chest. There was usually only one reason people from the court received an imperial summons, and he knew that it could only mean trouble. A eunuch led Yun Xin to a cozy sitting area, where Gong Yijun was lounging and he greeted him with a warm smile. “Yun Xin, it’s good to see you,” he said, pouring them both cups of tea. “I hear a congratulation is in order.”

“Thank you.” Yun Xin bowed deeply, then cupped his fist. Once the prince waved him off, he took a seat on a cushion and sipped his tea, feeling its warmth spread through his body. “Your Highness, you wanted to see me?” he asked, trying to sound calm.

“Yes,” Gong Yijun replied, his eyes crinkled. Yun Xin noticed that over the past few years, he has grown into the alpha he was supposed to be. He has a powerful and athletic build that exudes strength and confidence. His muscular arms and broad shoulders are evidence of his rigorous training regimen, and he carries himself with a sense of pride and self-assurance. All the features befitting the prince, gone was his awkward stutter and in his place was a very attractive young alpha. “My stepmother is dead.”

Yun Xin’s brows climbed his forehead, and he wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He knew how much Gong Yijun hated his stepmother and how much she abused him over the years, but he was never expecting this. “Oh.” Judging by Gong Yijun’s expression, it was good news.

“She died late last night. It was suppressed by my father so as not to cause panic, but there’s been an outbreak of tuberculosis. She caught it, my father has it as well and so does my brother Gong Xiaolong…they say he won’t last the night.” Gong Yijun sipped his tea, clearly holding back a smile.

Yun Xin wasn’t sure what to say. They never treated Gong Yijun well due to his stuttering, and even afterward they treated him like nothing. Yun Xin knew Gong Yijun hated them all to death, so their death was nothing short of a miracle. “I’m…sorry for your loss.”

Gong Yijun’s lips lifted into an attractive smile. “Don’t be.”

Yun Xin nodded and didn’t know what to say next. He was wondering how they all managed to get tuberculosis, but Gong Yijun remained untouched. Strange. “I see.”

“My father is too sick to make arrangements, and I can’t move until we know the fate of Gong Xiaolong since my father hasn’t named a successor we’ll have to wait and see what happens next.”

“Ah.” Yun Xin replied nodding. It would be more than likely that Gong Yijun took over the throne, if that were the case Yun Xin should prepare himself to become his acting general, the way his father was the current emperor general. “Thank you for telling me.”

Gong Yijun was practically beaming, then his hand came over Yun Xin’s. “I’m…without my father pushing it I don’t have to marry Yun Xinyi. I-I can be free.”

Yun Xin nodded eagerly. “That’s good news. I know Yun Xinyi was looking forward to cultivating for a few more years too. It’s probably best to delay for the time being.”

Gong Yijun’s entire face flushed red. “Do you really think so?”

“Of course,” Yun Xin replied. “You’re both young. Take some time before settling down.”

“Yin-er, would—I mean—as an Omega—d-d-do you think you’d—”

“Your Highness,” a eunuch interrupted him, bowing deeply. “Urgent news for the Emperor.” He handed Gong Yijun a scroll and he unraveled it quickly, and then Gong Yijun’s expression turned serious.

“What is it?”

Gong Yijun sighed through his nose and passed him the imperial scroll. Yun Xin read it over, his eyes widening in horror. “T-This cannot be true—”

“I’m afraid it is,” Gong Yijun replied. “We have reason to believe that the Burning Fire sect is planning an attack on the imperial palace.”

Yun Xin’s heart skipped a beat. “An attack? Are you sure?”

Gong Yijun nodded. “Yes, our intelligence reports have been consistent. We cannot ignore this threat. We need to take action.”

Yun Xin felt a knot form in his stomach. He had always known that conflict with the Burning Fire sect was inevitable, but to hear it spoken out loud made it all the more real. But to brazenly attack the palace? Why would they go to such lengths? Something about it didn’t sit right with him, but who was he to question the emperor?

“That’s not all…” Gong Yijun said. “We have evidence that Zhan Wei is a devil, and he has been hiding inside the Burning Fire sect. Who knows how many devils he allowed inside his clan? What if they’ve breached the realm? We cannot allow him to continue to wreak havoc on our kingdom.”

Yun Xin’s mind raced and for a moment he couldn’t believe it. When he saw Zhan Wei, he looked like such an outstanding individual, but from what everyone was saying Zhan Wei was actually one of the most dangerous men in the land. If he was truly a devil, then the threat he posed was even greater than they had imagined. Then he would have to do his best to fight as hard as he could to protect the clans. The devil realm was sealed off from the mortal realm, if there is a breach then we need to know about it as soon as possible and gather all resources together to stop it.

There was something behind his words that Yun Xin wasn’t quite grasping, but the more he looked at Gong Yijun the more he felt like he was telling him to do something else. Something more. There was no point in beating around the bush and so he asked outright. “What do you want me to do, Your Highness?”

Gong Yijun’s eyes narrowed. “I want you to kill Lei Bo.”


Yun Xin’s heart skipped a beat. Lei Bo was Zhan Wen’s omega, Yun Xin had heard recently that they were newly mated and married. How could Yun Xin kill another omega? By this time what if Lei Bo was pregnant with Zhan Wen’s child? The thought chilled him to the bone and his uneasiness grew. Despite the war, omegas didn’t generally fight for this reason alone, it was also why most omegas couldn’t cultivate past the Qi Condensation stage. Yun Xin’s throat felt dry thinking about it. Lei Bo certainly looked like a temptress, but then again how could Yun Xin know besides all the rumors he’d heard?

“May this lowly one ask, why Lei Bo must die?” 

“Lei Bo has many aliases, and it was later revealed that he was working for Zhan Wei by moving between the mortal realm and the devil realm cargo between the two. But we don’t know exactly what they’re moving, all we know is that it’s even altered Lord Xaio leader of the five devils.”

“Even though devils are sealed inside, mortals can still move freely through the realms. Aside from that, the current Jia Zedong is accusing him of stealing money from the Snake Poison sect, after he was banished by Lei Xun. There is also a rumor that they have a love child, a daughter by the name of Lei Fang…I understand that killing him would be a dangerous and difficult task, but as the prince, I need to make the right choice. Lei Bo is a lecherous omega and causing his sect master to almost qi deviate and relinquish his title just to recover is truly despicable.”

 Gong Yijun fumed, his hands curled into fists. Yun Xin wasn’t aware all of this had happened, he’d heard of serval rumors regarding the omega, but since it had gone so far that even the prince was involved, he knew the accusations against the omega couldn’t be taken lightly.

“General Yun Jiahao will lead the first waves of attacks against the Burning Fire sect tomorrow, I want you to join him as my eyes and ears on the battlefield and report back once the omega is dead.”

Tomorrow? But Gong Yijun just received the news a few minutes ago. How could he be prepared to go to war so quickly? Unless…Gong Yijun had already planned to and this was just solidifying his reason to destroy the Burning Fire sect. Yun Xin’s thoughts were reeling, but this was an imperial decree and he dared not refuse. Yun Xin cupped his fist and bowed, he knew that he couldn’t refuse the prince’s command.

“I will do it,” he said, trying to sound confident.

Gong Yijun nodded. “Good. We cannot afford to let any traitors live. You will have my full support in this matter.”

Yun Xin stood up, feeling the weight of his mission heavy on his shoulders. He knew that he had to succeed, no matter the cost. Yet, something about all of this didn’t seem right with him.

Refusing a alpha wasn’t a crime…

Was it truly Lei Bo’s fault Lei Xun Qi deviated from the rejection? He agreed the money stolen should be repaid, but does the omega truly deserve death? Was consorting with devils that heinous of a crime he wouldn’t even get a trial? As the Emperor general, he knew he’d be having conversations off the record, and some things he may have to do that he didn’t agree with, but Yun Xin was prepared for it. He steeled his nerves and readied himself for the battle ahead. 


Yun Xin gazed up at the night sky, the stars twinkling like diamonds in a sea of black velvet. The horse he rode, snorted as the remaining general remained back behind the line. The air was still, yet charged with electricity, like a storm about to break. He could sense the tension in his companions and knew that they were ready to strike. Yun Xin was accompanied by his Shifu, who stood tall and resolute beside his father Yun Jiahao, as they advanced toward the Burning Fire sect. The group was tense with anticipation, ready to execute their secret attack.

They approached the enemy stronghold, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to tremble with fear. The sound of their footsteps was muffled, like the heartbeat of a predator stalking its prey.

Yun Xin felt his heart pounding with excitement, like a war drum beating in his chest. The air was thick with the scent of battle, like the musk of a wild animal. Shifu drew his sword, and Yun Jiahao followed suit, their movements precise and fluid. Fu Tai and Yun Xinyi stood ready, their weapons at the ready, their faces set in grim determination.

The plan was to attack the Burning Fire sect quietly, catching them off guard. Yun Xin could feel the tension building, like a bowstring being drawn tighter and tighter.

They prepared to strike, he felt a sense of fear creep in, and like a cold hand wrapping around his heart. But he also felt the resolve and determination in his comrades, like a fierce flame burning bright in the darkness. They were like shadows moving in the night, silent and deadly. As they reached the Burning Fire sect, Yun Xin knew that they were about to unleash a storm upon their enemies, one that would be felt for years to come. Then there were lights in the Burning Fire sect, cultivators were rushing everywhere unprepared for the attack against them. The Burning Fire disciples got ready, shouted their orders, and quickly got into formation.  Yun Xin felt his heart pounding like a drum as he faced the Burning Fire sect cultivators. He could hear the clash of swords and the battle cries of his fellow sect members all around him.

“Charge!” General Yun Jiahao shrilled and they rode into battle.

Yun Xin rode into battle on his trusty horse, feeling the wind whip through his hair and the adrenaline pumping through his veins. But suddenly, a group of Burning Fire disciples charged at him, causing his horse to rear up and throw him to the ground. He scrambled to his feet, unsheathing his sword, and diving headfirst into the fight. He fought with all his might, but his thoughts kept drifting to Yun Xinyi, his beloved Shigu who was fighting by his side.

Suddenly, he heard a piercing scream that cut through the chaos of the battlefield. He turned just in time to see Lei Bo, the omega of the Burning Fire sect, strike a deadly blow to Yun Xinyi. Time seemed to slow down as Yun Xin watched in horror as his Shigu fell to the ground, her lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. Anger surged through Yun Xin like a raging inferno. He felt like a trapped animal, desperate to break free and exact revenge on the one who had caused him so much pain. His movements became faster, more precise, fueled by his fury.

Yun Xin launched himself at Lei Bo, his sword slicing through the air with the speed and ferocity of a lightning bolt. Every fiber of his being was focused on one thing: taking down the man who had killed his Shigu. Lei Bo was a skilled fighter, but Yun Xin’s rage gave him an edge that he had never felt before.

Their swords clashed in a shower of sparks, the sound echoing across the battlefield. Yun Xin’s eyes blazed with the intensity of his hatred as he attacked again and again, each blow stronger and more relentless than the last. He fought like a man possessed, his body moving with the fluidity of a dancer and the strength of a wild animal.

The battle raged on, the sounds of metal against metal and the screams of the wounded filling the air. But for Yun Xin, there was only one thing that mattered: revenge. He fought with a single-mindedness that would have scared even the most battle-hardened warrior.

Yun Xin faced Lei Bo, his opponent on the battlefield. The two men circled each other warily, each aware of the other’s skill. Yun Xin’s heart pounded like a drum as he waited for the first strike.

Lei Bo looked distracted, constantly looking away to make sure Zhan Wen was okay. Yun Xin sensed an opening and lunged forward, his sword flashing in the sunlight. But Lei Bo was quick, and he dodged out of the way with the grace of a dancer.

The two fighters exchanged blows, their swords ringing out like thunderclaps. Yun Xin felt a sense of exhilaration wash over him as he fought with all his might. Lei Bo was a worthy opponent, but Yun Xin was determined to come out on top.

Suddenly, Yun Xin noticed that Lei Bo was not fully focused on the fight. He kept glancing over at Zhan Wen, who was under attack by something sinister. Yun Xin’s eyes widened as black miasma grew all around him, he seemed to be struggling with some immense power.

“Breathe!” Lei Bo shouted, he turned for a split second, just to make sure his mate was okay. Yun Xin saw his chance and seized it, unleashing a flurry of strikes that left Lei Bo reeling.

Another martial artist attacked Zhan Wen, and Lei Bo leaped in the way to protect him. Lei Bo cried out as his arm was slashed, he counter-attacked and stabbed the other cultivator in the stomach, but he was badly wounded. Yun Xin could see the pain etched on his face. Yun Xin pressed forward with even more ferocity, his movements swift and precise. Lei Bo fought back with all his might, but he was weakened by his injuries.

The battle raged on, the sound of swords clashing filling the air. Yun Xin felt his heart racing as he pushed himself to the limit, his muscles burning with the effort. Zhan Wen was surrounded by cultivators, Yun Xin could barely make out his red robes in the flurry of people who were trying to kill him.

Lei Bo’s face was ashen, but he was fighting with every breath. It wasn’t until a sharp cry pierced the air and Lei Bo’s head snapped to the side, that he saw Zhan Wen stabbed through the shoulder by the other cultivator. Lei Bo’s full attention was now on Zhan Wen.

Yun Xin snarled, he saw an opening and struck a killing blow, plunging his sword into Lei Bo’s chest. Lei Bo stared at him in shock, his eyes wide as Yun Xin ripped out his sword and watched Lei Bo fall to the ground. Agony rippled on Lei Bo’s handsome face, and a strange light emitted from his chest before being snuffed out like a candle.

 Yun Xin’s heart jammed into his heart, and for some reason, he felt like he had died too. The rain began to fall in a heavy downpour, pattering against his skin and drenching his robes. 

Yun Xin stood over his fallen opponent, his chest heaving with the effort of the fight. They had to go. Now. He looked around frantically for Yun Xinyi’s body and picked her up, angry tears falling down his face. Shigu. He clenched his teeth and brought her back, her beautiful face tucked into his neck.

She was gone.


Zhan Wen choked on a scream. Lei Bo’s body fell to the ground, his eyes wide open as the sword was ripped from his chest. The mating bond between them shrilled before shattering completely and Zhan Wen felt it like a thousand knives piercing his body.


The wound on his shoulder bleed profusely and he snarled, grabbing the cultivator that slashed him by the neck and ripping out his throat. A blistering red haze filled his vision as he fought through the sea of cultivators, cutting them down piece by piece, ignoring the cries of horror as his body began to transform. The devil’s blood swarmed and his heartbeat in his chest like a drum the world around him nearly faded into darkness as his true nature finally erupted in his veins.

His skin rippled and stretched like molten wax, contorting into a patchwork of matted fur and bulging muscle. His bones cracked and twisted, elongating into a gnarled and twisted form, while his eyes burned with wild, feral hunger. It was as if a demon had taken hold of him, twisting and corrupting his very essence into something primal and terrifying.

The cultivators around him screamed and tried to run away but Zhan Wen’s claw sliced them into minced meat. Thunder rolled across the sky, and Zhan Wen’s snarled exposing a row of razor-sharp teeth long as swords. Kill them all.

He howled, piercing the air as the rest of them scrambled to get away, but Zhan Wen moved faster than lightning. He grabbed the nearest disciple and tore into his flesh, the disciple choked on a garbled scream before he was devoured instantly. Zhan Wen fought his way over to Lei Bo, but by then it was too late. Agony shot through him and Zhan Wen fell to his knees, his devil’s blood calming and his form turning back to human.

The rain drenched Zhan Wen’s clothes and plastered his hair to his forehead as he held Lei Bo, his dying omega mate, in his arms. Lei Bo’s once sparkling eyes now dulled and glazed over, his skin pale as the moon, soaked in his own blood, the bright red liquid contrasting starkly with his skin. Zhan Wen’s heart broke as he watched his mate slip away, knowing he couldn’t save him. The pain was indescribable, like a sharp blade piercing his soul, leaving a raw and jagged wound.

“How does the devil love me?”

Zhan Wen shook, his hand braced against Lei Bo’s pale cheek. “T-this Devil Venerable loves with iron and steel.” There was no point in denying what he was anymore. He was a devil and he would never let them make him feel ashamed of it ever again.

Zhan Wen couldn’t speak, his heart breaking in two. Lei Bo looked up at Zhan Wen, his eyes filled with love and pain. “Remember,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “Remember your iron heart and your devil’s vow.”

Zhan Wen nodded, tears mixing with the rain on his face. “I will,” he vowed. “I will make them pay for what they’ve done to us.”

Lei Bo took his last breath, and Zhan Wen held him close, his heart heavy with sorrow. But he also knew that he couldn’t let his mate’s death be in vain. He would honor Lei Bo’s memory by seeking justice and making sure that those responsible paid for their crimes. He would not let his hatred consume him, but he would not forget his iron heart and his devil’s vow. The rain continued to pour down, a bleak and mournful accompaniment to Zhan Wen’s grief.

He’ll never forget the first day he laid eyes on Lei Bo. General Lei Bo’s beauty was cold and unapproachable. His features were sharp and angular, with a chiseled jawline and piercing eyes that seemed to look right through people. The cinnabar near his eyes added to his imposing presence, a splash of bright color against his otherwise austere appearance, but at age nine Zhan Wen knew he was in love. No. No. Zhan Wen buried his face in Lei Bo’s neck sobbing violently, his chest felt like it was being carved open as his sect burned before his eyes. He had no idea where his father was, but he knew General Yun Jiahao would not give up until everyone in the sect was dead.

He had to find his father. He had to save his sect. But Zhan Wen could barely breathe past the gaping hole in his chest. Lei Bo was dead and the world was on fire.

Zhan Wen heard the sound of a pipa drifting through the air. The notes were like a whisper in the wind, delicate and ethereal, tears burned his eyes, and no matter what he knew he would never hear the musician responsible for the haunting melody play it ever again. He would make the Heavenly Orchard sect pay, even if it meant risking everything, he held dear.

Zhan Wen’s heart was a shattered mess, broken and battered by the loss of his mate. It was like a part of him had been ripped away. The pain was excruciating, a searing hot blade that seemed to slice through his soul.

How does the devil love me?

With iron and steel.

The battlefield was a scene of destruction and devastation after the battle. The ground was torn and scorched, evidence of the intensity of the fight. Smoke filled the air, along with the smell of blood. The bodies of the fallen were scattered around, their limbs twisted and their eyes lifeless. It was a chaotic and violent scene, a reminder of the horrors of war.

Zhan Wen sat among the wreckage, his body and soul overwhelmed with grief. He couldn’t move. It felt as if a part of him had been torn away, leaving a raw and jagged wound that would never heal. Zhan Wen sat there, surrounded by the bodies of his comrades, he felt a wave of emptiness wash over him. He had lost everything in this battle – his mate, his home, his purpose. He didn’t know how he would go on, how he would find the strength to continue fighting.

Suddenly, General Mao appeared, his body battered and bloodied. He was panting, his face filled with worry and concern. “Zhangmen, we have to retreat,” he said urgently. “The Heavenly Orchard sect is too strong. We can’t win this battle.”

“Leave me,” Zhan Wen replied holding Lei Bo’s lifeless body in his arms.

He’s already gone cold, his pale skin white as snow. Zhan Wen brushed a lone tear from Lei Bo’s eye, not knowing if it was Lei Bo’s or his own.

Mao Xia’s eyes widened as he took in Lei Bo’s dead body and swallowed, looking around anxiously. “My lord, there’s no one to lead us and the sect leader has been ambushed in the great hall. Please we need—”

“Leave me!” Zhan Wen snarled, baring his teeth like a wild animal. He clutched Lei Bo in his arms so hard his knuckles were white. He would never give him up. Not now. Not even. He’d follow Lei Bo straight to hell once he avenged him.

Mao Xia’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but he didn’t back down. “My lord, they need you too.”

Remember your iron heart and your devil’s vow. Zhan Wen shook his head vehemently as if Lei Bo had spoken the words again aloud, but his body remained still. Cold. He was long gone. Mao Xia stepped forward again, his eyes beseeching, reflecting the flames of their sect. This was all he had left.

He had to save them. Zhan Wen pressed a trembling kiss to Lei Bo’s forehead, brushing his hand against his chest for the last time before he laid him to rest on the ground. Zhan Wen stood on shaking legs, his chest felt like it was carved open by a rusty knife. “Watch after him. Don’t let him leave your sight.”

“Yes, my lord!” Mao Xia saluted.

Zhan Wen dragged his body several steps forward, rage curling hot and unstoppable in his gut. Black mist coiled around his entire body, the disciples nearby inched back in horror, and most of them dropped their swords in fright to flee from the man transforming into a monster.

Zhan Wen’s skin stretched and contorted into a grotesque patchwork of matted fur and bulging muscles, while his bones cracked and twisted into a gnarled and twisted form. With an animalistic growl, he lunged at the disciples surrounding him, his eyes burning like hot coals. His once-human senses were now heightened, like an apex predator honing in on its targets, leaving the disciples paralyzed with fear as they realized the extent of the danger before them. Zhan Wen leaped into the air, he grabbed the head of the nearest disciple and smashed it to pieces, his brains spread across the ground like scrambled eyes. He moved like a black shadow, slicing them all down and crushing their skulls like watermelons hitting concrete. Fury burned like wildfire in his veins, singeing his core until he could feel nothing else.

He’d slaughter them all.

Starting with that damn omega that killed his mate and destroyed his life.


Zhan Wen approached the ruins of the Burning Fire sect palace with a heavy heart, the stench of smoke and ash filling his nostrils. The sect had been decimated, reduced to nothing but a pile of rubble and destruction. His transformation into a devil lycan had given the disciples the ability to push the sects back until they could do nothing more but retreat, but that didn’t mean that Zhan Wen had won by any means. He walked through the barren halls, Zhan Wen couldn’t help but feel like he was walking through a graveyard, surrounded by the ghosts of his past.

“Father?” he called out, but his voice was hoarse, his body caked in blood and guts. He should have chased them back to their sects and killed them all. He had found his sword near the front lines where he had abandoned it with Mao Xia and Lei Bo. “Father?”

The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of his sword dragging behind him, a constant reminder of his failures. The once beautiful architecture now lay in ruins, the walls blackened and charred, and the floors cracked and broken. Zhan Wen felt like he was standing on the battlefield once again, surrounded by the chaos and destruction of war.

With every step, Zhan Wen’s agony grew, like a storm raging within him. The weight of his losses bore down on him like a crushing force, threatening to break him. He thought of his mate, Lei Bo, and the pain was like a knife twisting in his gut. The memory of his last moments, the sound of his screams, haunted him still.

He arrived at the throne room of Burning Fire palace, the heart of the sect, and stopped dead in his tracks. The room was empty, the throne destroyed and the banners torn and burned, but it was his father, nailed to the throne that made his heart want to flee his chest.


Zhan Wei was stabbed ten thousand times. The swords were still lodged in his body like nails holding him in place as if to mock him on his throne. His body was a mound of flesh while his mouth lay open in horror. Zhan Wen felt the blood drain from his body.

Zhan Wen’s sword clattered to the floor, his knees buckled and a tidal wave of anguish washed over him. The Burning Fire had been destroyed by the Emperor of Sun Ocean Palace, citing that Zhan Wei was a devil and that devils had no place in the mortal realm. His father had led the Burning Fire sect for many years and never once showed his true evil nature. The existence of devils in the mortal realm was few and far between, mostly because the devils hated the righteous mortal sects and vice versa. How they found out was beyond him, but Zhan Wen vowed to find out.

Growing up he had been half-devil due to his father’s lineage, and half-mortal but very few people knew how deep they were intertwined with the devil realm, nobody except Lei Bo, who was now dead. The weight of his failures pressed down on him, a heavy burden that threatened to consume him. Zhan Wen cried out, a primal scream of agony that echoed through the halls. But even as he cried, he knew that he could not give up.

He would rebuild the Burning Fire sect, he would honor the memory of Lei Bo, and he would never stop fighting. Zhan Wen knew that the greatest battles were not won on the battlefield but within the hearts of those who fought them.


The morning sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the land, as Zhan Wen began to prepare for the ceremony. He wore a plain white robe, a symbol of mourning, and his hair was tied back in a simple knot. His sword lay at his side, a constant reminder of the battles he had fought and the losses he had suffered. Mao Xia lingered behind him, his head down and his face ashen, his white robe making his face look even more gaunt and haggard.

As the guests arrived, Zhan Wen welcomed them with a solemn nod, his eyes betraying the deep sadness that he felt. The air was filled with the scent of incense, the smoke rising like a bridge between the living and the dead. Zhan Wen had placed offerings of food and drink on an altar in the center of the shrine.

The ceremony began with the washing of Zhan Wei’s body, along with Lei Bo. It was a ritual meant to purify them before entering the afterlife. Zhan Wen cleaned their bodies with water, anointed them with oils and perfumes, and then dressed them in ceremonial clothing, with his heart ready to explode from his chest.

The guests then gathered around the altar for the offering of food and drink. Zhan Wen offered the first cup of wine to Lei Bo’s spirit, pouring it into a cup and placing it on the altar. The guests followed, each offering their cup of wine to his Zhan Wei and Lei Bo.

The Taoist priest then led the guests in a series of prayers and chants, asking for blessings and protection for their spirit. They also asked for guidance for their journey to the afterlife.

Finally, the casket was carried to the cemetery, where Lei Bo and Zhan Wei would be buried. Zhan Wen and his family followed, along with the guests, who carried white flowers as a symbol of purity and respect.

In the bleakness of the day, it seemed as though it were a never-ending blur of horror. Screams echoed through his mind at all hours, raging cries of death and destruction of the people of the Burning Fire. Very few of them were devils in disguise, the ones that were could easily protect themselves but the mortals had no choice. It was only now that he knew the extent of his father’s will against the emperor. Their sect was filled with devils.

Zhan Wen’s hands curled into a fist, starting at the very few people that were left. Some were high-ranking devils, while others were mortals, brought to the brink by the so-called righteous sects.

And he had no idea. Zhan Wen wanted to hate his father for hiding this from him, but what else could he do? Zhan Wei kept it secret until the emperor sought to destroy them. Having the devils here went against the will of the heavens, but they weren’t at all like how they were described in books. These devils were peaceful, half-mortals, most of them just looking for a place to settle. They weren’t like the bloodthirsty, vicious beast that kills cultivators senselessly. Zhan Wen swallowed around the knot in his throat, trying to make sense of what to do next. Everything was in ruins.

He was the sect leader’s son. They would be expecting him to say something. Do something, but he felt hollow.

“My lord?” Mao Xia stood beside him and Zhan Wen had no idea how or when he appeared.

Zhan Wen felt bitter tears slide down his cheek as he recalled Lei Bo, soft yet war-hardened, gazing at him over the fire, unwilling to go to bed just yet due to the biting winds for their encampment, but content to sit in the stillness beside him.

Peace and tranquility. Just them. With Zhan Wen watching the orange flames flicker over the freckles on his neck. How does the devil love me? With fire and ash. He dreamed of Lei Bo’s death often. It was broken into bits and pieces, the acrid smell of smoke, the licking flames around him, the sound of screaming. This was a true devil that erupted inside Zhan Wen’s heart.

That had been born that day he lost everything.

I’ve loved him since I was a child. Zhan Wen’s eyes burned hot with rage at the memory of Lei Bo. “You said you wouldn’t leave me. You promise.” He spoke the words bitterly through clenched teeth.

Lei Bo was enigmatic, with quick reflexes and a razor-sharp tongue, he was the strongest omega Zhan Wen had ever met, but even strength had its limits. Up against Yun Xin, Lei Bo had been needlessly slaughtered. When he looked back, he realized that Lei Bo had been too distracted. He didn’t take Yun Xin seriously as a threat and put most of his effort into helping Zhan Wen control his devil’s blood.

The lowered Lei Bo’s body last, Zhan Wen touched the covering over his face, swallowing around the knot in his throat. He stood there for a long time, long after they lowered him and long after the sky darkened to the point where the earth became the sea.

How does the devil love me?

A blistering rage grew in Zhan Wen’s heart and a bloody thirst for vengeance stirred hot and deep, coiling around his soul like a black mist.

Chapter 10

They raced outside to the grand hall, taking in the sights and sounds of the approaching disciples. The air was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation as martial artists from various sects arrived, each with their own unique style and approach to combat. Yun Xinyi, Fu Tai, and Yun Xin were in awe as they took in the sights of the sect competition. Everything was so grand.

Yun Xin’s heart pounded with a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. He had been preparing for this moment for months, and now it was finally here. He felt a sense of pride in his skills, but also a tinge of self-doubt as he looked at the formidable competition before him.

“Slow down,” Shifu said trailing behind them, but his wrinkled with joy. “Don’t go too far, we still need to regroup for the competition.”

“Yes, Shifu!” They shouted but still ran off.

The grand hall itself was an impressive sight, with ornate banners and flags fluttering in the wind. The sound of chatter and excitement filled the air as the disciples mingled and greeted each other, preparing for the competition ahead. Yun Xin’s eyes were drawn to the large stage at the front of the hall, where the competitions would take place. He could feel the weight of the expectations upon him as he contemplated stepping into the ring and showcasing his skills.

Despite his nerves, Yun Xin could not deny the thrill of anticipation that coursed through him. He knew that this was a pivotal moment in his career as a martial artist, and he was determined to give it his all. Fu Tai stood tall beside him, and although he was still hurt by the punishment Shifu had given a week prior, he never showed it. Today was the day they would all have their talents on display, he knew out of the three of them Fu Tai worked the hardest.

“Fu Tai,” Yun Xin said. “Let’s find the best spot.” He went to grab Fu Tai’s hand as he did in their youth, but Fu Tai flinched away and put his hand in his sleeve.

Yun Xin pretended not to feel hurt, although it flickered in his chest. Yun Xinyi watched their exchange and spoke up. “What are you guys waiting for? Let’s go! We need to find the best seat in the house.”

Fu Tai forced a smile a followed closely behind them. Yun Xin swallowed around the blockage in his throat, not letting it get to him. He knew Fu Tai was still upset about the punishment, which could have easily been avoided if Yun Xin had been more mindful. They were just about to look for a seat when Yun Xin’s eyes widened as he saw the Burning Fire sect arrive at the martial arts competition. The whispers and murmurs that followed in their wake only added to the tension in the air.

As they walked by, people inched back in fear, eyeing Zhan Wei’s large black fur cloak with suspicion. He looked regal and imposing, but to many, he appeared more like a devil than a martial artist. However, Zhan Wen’s arrival soon after softened the mood. He was tall, with chiseled features, and dressed in a striking red outfit. Beside him stood a beautiful omega, Lei Bo, whose presence immediately caused gossip to erupt.

The Burning Fire sect made their grand entrance, the crowd could not help but gasp in awe at their intimidating presence. “Did you see Zhan Wei’s cloak? It’s like he’s a lord of the underworld,” whispered one spectator to another.

Another spectator, overhearing the whispers, chimed in, “I heard rumors that the Burning Fire sect has connections with the criminal underworld. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re here to cause trouble.”

However, the arrival of Zhan Wen and Lei Bo soon shifted the attention. “Look at Lei Bo, he’s a soiled omega! And with Zhan Wen no less!” exclaimed a woman in shock. “I heard that they’re planning to get married, but I can’t believe it. Lei Bo is nothing but a lecherous troublemaker,” replied her companion in disbelief.

Overhearing the gossip Yun Xin couldn’t help but feel uneasy. What kind of sect would welcome such scandal and controversy into their ranks? They must have some ulterior motive. He thought to himself. The arrival of the Burning Fire sect had already put Yun Xin on edge, and now this revelation only added to his suspicions. He couldn’t help but wonder what kind of sect would welcome such scandal and controversy into their ranks.

Yun Xin kept a wary eye on the Burning Fire sect, unable to shake off his unease at their presence. The whispers and rumors continued to spread, but he tried his best to remain focused on his performance and not get too distracted by the drama unfolding around him. He focused his attention back on the competition, trying to block out the distractions around him. They went back to their balcony to get dressed and prepare for the competition. Each of them had their quarters where they could change and get dressed. Yun Xinyi was the first to come out and looked beautiful dressed in bright purple robes, her sword attached to her hip and her smile dazzling.

Yun Xin was the second to come out, he was also given expensive white robes to signify the Heavenly Orchard sect, it was lined with silver and gold, with beautiful interwoven patterns that made Yun Xin’s pure white complexion look even more stunning. Yun Xinyi and Yun Xin both danced around in the back room practicing their steps, each other their robes flowing in the wind. They almost collapsed in a fit of laughter, but when Fu Tai stepped out, he was still dressed in the shabby clothes from earlier.

Yun Xin and Yun Xinyi’s laughter died in their throats, and Yun Xin’s brow knitted as he stepped closer to Fu Tai. “What happened? Where are your robes?”

Fu Tai’s entire face flushed. “I didn’t get any…Shifu must have forgotten.”

Forgot? On such an important day? That didn’t make any sense. Yun Xin could feel something was wrong in the bottom of his heart and he quickly grabbed his old robes and gave them to Fu Tai. “Here put these on, they’re nicer than the robes you have, and at least they won’t be able to say anything about it.”

Fu Tai’s lips pulled into a frown. “These are omega robes…I can’t wear them.” He tossed them onto the floor beneath his feet. Yun Xin was shocked that he behaved so brazenly and Yun Xinyi was as well, but before they could say anything Shifu walked through the doors.

The three of them knelt, their heads bowed as Shifu closed the doors behind him. “You’re all here.” He said and turned around. “Good. The competition will start soon so I want everyone to be prepared, we are representing the Heavenly Orchard sect, we must all be above reproach.”

“Yes, Shifu!”

Shifu smiled proudly until his eyes landed on Fu Tai. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be in the back with the other slaves?”

Yun Xin’s head snapped up and he gazed at Shifu in horror and disbelief.

“W-what does Shifu mean? I am to compete—”

Shifu hmphed. “What? I said no such thing. You should have been beaten harder for your insolence.”

“Shifu,” Yun Xinyi spoke up. “What do you mean by saying this? Fu Tai trained with us from dust until dawn for the competition. How is he not supposed to compete? There must be some kind of misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?” Shifu’s gaze turned hard. “There is no misunderstanding. Fai Tai is a part of the guards to protect Yun Xin. His job is to make sure Yun Xin is safe at all costs, he is no better than a mindless soldier. Compete? The only reason he was there was to make sure you both had someone close to your age who you could compete against.”

Fu Tai looked utterly crushed. “W-what? No one told me—no one said anything—”

Shifu raised his foot and kicked Fu Tai in the chest, Fu Tai tried to block the blow but Shifu was too powerful and he stumbled backward, clutching his injured arm. Yun Xin’s heart was beating in his throat. He had never seen his Shifu so ruthless before.

“You were never going to compete, boy. The only reason I trained you was to help Yun Xin,” Shifu said, his voice dripping with disdain.

Fu Tai’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief. “What? That’s not true, Shifu. I want to compete. My parents are here, they’re waiting for me,” he protested.

Shifu laughed at him as if the idea of a slave like Fu Tai competing was absurd. “You’re nothing but a servant, boy. You’ll never be anything more than that,” he sneered.

The words cut like a knife, and Fu Tai fled the tent, tears streaming down his face.


Yun Xin wanted to go after him, to comfort him and tell him that he was more than just a servant. But he couldn’t. The competition was about to start, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted.

Yun Xin clenched his fists, seething with anger and frustration. How could Shifu be so heartless? He had always respected his mentor, but now he felt nothing but contempt for him.

“Shifu…” Yun Xinyi said in shock, but he said nothing.

“I told you both before Fu Tai is nothing but a servant! You must not be too familiar with him, least of all you Yun Xin! He comes from the Snake Poison sect. They are sneaky poisonous creatures and must be beaten into submission!”

Yun Xin’s mind was reeling and he leaped up, running after Fu Tai so quickly, that he could barely hear Shifu calling after him. Nothing matters except Fu Tai. Yun Xin had seen him train for days and weeks, so proud to be included in the competition and Shifu had watched from the sidelines, all the while knowing the truth.

Fu Tai was never going to compete. It was really too viciously. Yun Xin ran through the streets searching for Fu Tai but couldn’t see him anywhere. His heart felt like it was going to break in two, but he couldn’t find Fu Tai at all. Yun Xin returned with his head down, Shifu and Yun Xinyi were waiting for him near the competition stage. Shifu said nothing, but his frown was etched into his face.

Yun Xinyi touched his arm offering him a sad smile. He could feel Fu Tai’s absence like a weight on his shoulders, and it was all he could do to push his anger aside and focus on the task at hand.

The martial arts competition was held in a large, open-air arena, surrounded by towering walls made of stone and wood. The floor of the arena was made of packed earth, with a raised platform in the center where the fighters would face off. Yun Xin watched with rapture as the first competitors took their stage, their bodies fluid and agile like dances, they fought so quickly that their robes were like a blur.

The crowd was seated in bleachers that rose on all sides of the arena, providing a clear view of the action. The seats were made of simple wooden benches, but they were packed with spectators, who leaned forward eagerly to watch the fighters below. Yun Xin and Yun Xinyi were high above the rest, Shifu had a nice seat beside General Yun Jiahao and his mother, but Yun Xin and Yun Xinyi couldn’t sit still and preferred to stand near the edge of the competition.

In the distance, he could see the flags of various martial arts sects, fluttering in the breeze. The Burning Fire sect’s banner was especially prominent, with its striking red and gold colors standing out against the rest. But as the competition progressed, Yun Xin couldn’t help but think of Fu Tai. He had been a loyal friend and a dedicated student, and now he had been cast aside like he was nothing. It was an injustice that burned in Yun Xin’s heart, and he vowed to make things right, no matter what it took.

Despite the excitement and commotion, there was an air of respect and discipline in the arena. The fighters moved with focus, their eyes fixed on their opponents. Even the spectators were quiet and attentive during the fights, only erupting into cheers and applause when a particularly impressive move was made.

“You’re up next,” Shifu said to him, and together they walked down to the area. Shifu grasped his shoulders, looking deep into Yun Xin’s eyes. “I know you think I’m cruel, but there are certain things about the Fu clan that you don’t understand and you won’t until you are older. Snake shifters are not to be trusted.”

Yun Xin bit back his reply, knowing that Shifu wouldn’t listen to anything he had to say anyway. He knew all about snake shifters and how they were different from wolves, but Yun Xin didn’t care. Fu Tai was his oldest friend, he cared for him.

“Circulate your qi, you are now at the Core Formation stage. Make your father proud.”

“Shifu,” Yun Xin said, looking deep into his eyes. “Thank you. For everything you’ve done.”

Shifu snorted and patted his back. “Don’t thank me until you’ve won.”

The air was filled with the sounds of cheering and shouting, as the crowd egged on their favorite fighters. Yun Xin’s blood was pounding in his veins the moment he stepped onto the stage. The noise was almost deafening, and Yun Xin could feel the energy of the spectators coursing through him. Yun Xin squared off against Dong Hu, the sect leader’s son of the Fearless Gang, holding his Butterfly Swords tightly. Dong Hu wielded a broadsword with deadly precision, his eyes locked on Yun Xin with fierce determination.

It was the same man from earlier who had attacked him. Yun Xin’s eyes narrowed as he thought back to the vicious words that were spouted at him for not knowing his place as a omega. Back then, Yun Xin had been distracted and there were five guys against two. Now he would have his victory.

The two warriors circled each other, their movements slow and cautious. Yun Xin’s gaze was sharp as he looked for any openings, the Fearless Gang were mountain lion shifters, known for their sheer brute force, but Yun Xin knew that he had to find a way to outwit his appoint or at least he be crushed to death by his Broad Sword. The crowd was seated in bleachers that rose on all sides of the arena, providing a clear view of the action. The seats were made of simple wooden benches, but they were packed with spectators, who leaned forward eagerly to watch the fighters below.

In a flash, Dong Hu lunged forward, his sword whistling through the air. Yun Xin blocked the attack with ease, then followed up with a leg sweep that sent Dong Hu sprawling.

But Dong Hu was quick to recover, vaulting back to his feet and charging forward with a flurry of strikes. Yun Xin blocked each one with precision, his swords flashing through the air in a deadly dance.

The two fighters exchanged kicks and punches, each trying to gain the upper hand. But Yun Xin could sense that he was losing ground. Dong Hu’s strength and skill were formidable, and Yun Xin was starting to tire. This was not good. Most omegas had gentle dispositions and weren’t made for longer-term frightening due to their bodies, but Yun Xin gritted his teeth. He would win.

Just as Yun Xin thought he was about to be defeated he saw an opening. Dong Hu swung his broadsword in a wide arc, leaving himself momentarily exposed. Yun Xin seized the opportunity, darting forward and delivering a swift strike with his Butterfly Swords.

The strike connected, and Dong Hu stumbled backward, his broadsword clattering to the ground. Yun Xin stood panting, his swords at the ready, as Dong Hu slowly rose to his feet. The two fighters circled each other once more, both gasping for breath.

Then, in a burst of energy, Dong Hu charged forward, his fists flying. But Yun Xin was ready. He deftly blocked the punches, then delivered a swift kick that sent Dong Hu reeling backward.

Dong Hu crashed to the ground, defeated. Yun Xin stood over him, his swords gleaming in the sunlight. He had won. Yun Xin’s lungs burned and his entire arm felt like it was going to fall off. The crowd erupted into cheers and Yun Xin’s smiled so wide and so hard he thought he might die.

Yun Jiahao and Shifu saluted him from the balcony and Yun Xin knew he had made them both proud.

Breathless and exhilarated, Yun Xin sheathed his swords and walked away from the arena, his mind racing with the thrill of the fight. He knew that he had been lucky to come out on top, but he also knew that he had given it his all. As he was walking down, in the far corner he saw Fu Tai’s parents, both of them huddled together under the wooden bleachers, waiting for Fu Tai to be called next.

            Yun Xin’s heart nearly broke, he was about to walk over to him with Shifu grabbed his arm, and pulled him into a tight hug. “I knew you could do it!”

Yun Xinyi jumped in hugged them both and laughed. Yun Xin laughed too and his father brought him into a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

Yun Xin was happy, but it was twinged with sadness and when he looked back to the bleachers, he noticed that it was empty. Fu Tai’s parents were gone. He barely had time to register it, when another fight began. Yun Xin’s heart pounded as Zhan Wen stepped onto the stage. The young warrior from the Burning Fire sect was dressed in flowing red robes, his long hair tied up in a high ponytail. The crowd gasped as he drew his weapon – a gleaming Saber, its edge glinting in the sunlight.

Shen Shi from the Snake Poison sect stepped up to face him, twirling his Soft Sword with ease. The two fighters bowed to each other, then the fight began.

Zhan Wen attacked first, his saber flashing through the air in a series of quick, deadly strikes. Shen Shi countered with fluid, graceful movements, his soft sword dancing around Zhan Wen’s attacks.

Yun Xin watched in shock. He had heard the rumors that a devil had infiltrated the Burning Fire sect and that Zhan Wen had been its chosen vessel. He had never believed them, but as he watched him fight with such ferocity, he couldn’t help but wonder. The fight reached its climax as Zhan Wen unleashed a flurry of powerful strikes. Shen Shi tried to defend himself, but it was too late. Zhan Wen’s saber found its mark, and Shen Shi collapsed to the ground, defeated.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Zhan Wen was declared the winner. Yun Xin felt a shiver run down his spine. The rumors about the devil in the Burning Fire sect might be true after all.

Chapter 9

The sun was setting, casting a golden light over the forest. Zhan Wen and Lei Bo had come to this secluded spot to practice their cultivation techniques, but their thoughts were far from focused on their training. Zhan Wen had Lei Bo pressed against a tree, they stood face to face, Zhan Wen gazed deeply into Lei Bo’s eyes, his heart racing with desire.

The omega’s scent was soft and pure as sweet milk and Zhan Wen dipped down and pressed his lips against Lei Bo’s, savoring the taste of his lover’s mouth. Lei Bo responded with equal passion, their kiss deepening into a fiery embrace, wrapping his arms around his neck. Lei Bo made a noise in his throat and Zhan Wen deepened the kiss, growing hot and hard just having the beautiful omega beneath him. Zhan Wen could taste Chrysanthemum tea on Lei Bo’s lips, it was like a gentle breeze on a spring day, with a hint of sweetness that lingers on the tongue like a kiss of sunshine. Zhan Wen’s cock hardened, and his hands slipped around Lei Bo’s thin waist, pressing him harder against the tree.

His flesh felt like it was on fire. Everything inside him was boiling and Zhen Sheng felt that he could live and breathe for nothing else except this omega beside him. Zhan Wen’s lips met Lei Bo’s in a tender kiss, and as he felt the warmth of Lei Bo’s body against his, he realized with sudden clarity that he was in love. His heart beat faster, his breath quickened, and all he could think of was the man in his arms. It wouldn’t take much to hike up Lei Bo’s robes, pull down his pants and fuck into his moist cavern.

Zhan Wen has dreamed of nothing else for ten years.

I love him.

Everything else fell away at that moment. The world around them ceased to exist, and all that remained was the intense connection between them. Zhan Wen felt as though he was soaring, his heart filled with a joy he had never known before. Lei Bo’s lips were soft and yielding, and Zhan Wen found himself lost in the sensation of their kiss. He ran his fingers through Lei Bo’s hair, pulling him closer, and deepening their embrace.

The alpha inside him was preening, over the last couple of days they had stolen kisses like this whenever they could and Zhan Wen could feel his impatience for when they would finally mate grow.

Lei Bo pushed against Zhan Wen’s chest, breaking the kiss. Zhan Wen was panting, and he stared down at Lei Bo with a ravenous expression. As they broke apart, Zhan Wen gazed into Lei Bo’s eyes, and he knew that he had found the one he had been searching for. The one he had been waiting for all his life. And with that realization, he knew that he would never let him go.

“E-enough for now.” The cinnabar near his eyes added to his imposing presence, a splash of bright color against his otherwise austere appearance. “Let’s go back.”

“Not yet,” Zhan Wen kept his arms around him. “Let’s wait a while. I want to hold you.”

Lei Bo glared up at him. “Let me go. We should go before someone sees.”

Zhan Wen’s mouth tugged into a sardonic smile. “Why does it matter if someone sees? Isn’t my scent all over you?”

“Zhan Wen!” Lei Bo snapped. “It’s improper. Even so, let’s hurry back. I don’t want others to know.”

Zhan Wen could feel anger rising in him. Why couldn’t anyone know? He wanted to marry Lei Bo, what would it matter if people found out? “Why not?” Zhan Wen demanded, his scent souring. “We’re together. I kissed you, that makes you mine.”

“Is that how it works?” Lei Bo shoved him off. “How simplistic.”

Zhan Wen didn’t understand why Lei Bo was treating him like this. “Wait—” he grabbed Lei Bo’s wrist before he could run away. “What’s wrong? What did I do?”

“Get off me.”

“You’re always running away…” Zhan Wen continued. “I don’t understand.”

Lei Bo wrenched his arm free. “There’s nothing to understand. You’re the sect leader’s son, find someone else.”

“I don’t want anyone else.” Zhan Wen breathed deeply trying to calm down. Lei Bo was giving him mixed signals and it was confusing the hell out of him. Zhan Wen grabbed his wrist again, this time holding on tighter. “A minute ago, you were kissing me, and now you want us to part like we’re strangers.”

“We are strangers. Let go.”


Lei Bo’s gaze slanted towards him. “How does the devil love me? Your emotions are too turbulent. Focus on your studies.”

Zhan Wen’s anger simmered beneath the surface like a kettle on low heat. “My studies? Is that all you care about?” He spoke softly, but his words were charged with palpable tension.

His posture was rigid, and his eyes gleamed with a dangerous intensity. He knew what he wanted, and it was more than just stolen moments in the forest. He wanted to be with Lei Bo forever, to marry him and build a life together. But every time he brought it up, Lei Bo would shake his head and say it was impossible. He’s wanted that ever since he was young. Lei Bo didn’t respond, and Zhan Wen’s frustration grew.

“Why won’t you consider it?” Zhan Wen demanded, but in the face of Lei Bo’s coldness, he was no match. Zhan Wen’s anger blazed like a bonfire, intense and all-consuming. His eyes burned with a fierce determination, and his voice was sharp and cutting. Lei Bo took the opportunity to rip his arm away, he turned around swiftly but then stopped.

There was a long moment of silence where Lei Bo stood with his back to him, his long black robes hanging elegantly on his slender frame, and the black fur coat draped over his shoulders gleamed like a still lake reflecting the moonlight. “I’m too old for you, Zhan Wen. And I have no status in the sect. You could do so much better than me.”

Zhan Wen shook his head. “No one could ever be better than you.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Zhan Wen walked around Lei Bo to face him. “I know about your past. I know that you left the Snake Poison sect…I may not know all the details but I know some things. Is it so hard to tell me what happened? Is it so hard not to confide in someone else?”

Lei Bo’s brow trembled and he turned his face away. “Nonsense.”

“Is it so bad that I want to get to know you?” Zhan Wen gritted out.

“Sometimes the things we want just aren’t meant to be. We have to accept the things we cannot change.”

Zhan Wen felt a wave of anguish wash over him, like a stormy sea crashing against the shore. Lies. All fucking lies. Why did Lei Bo kiss him? Why did he not push him away? So what if he had no status? If Lei Bo had said no did, he think Zhan Wen would shamelessly force him? Was he such a beast in Lei Bo’s eyes? Zhan Wen’s anger was like ice, freezing everything in its path. His expression was hard and unyielding, his tone clipped and devoid of emotion. “So…you don’t you feel anything for me?”

Lei Bo’s cheek jumped and his hands curled into fists at his side. “Don’t say such stupid things. Of course, I feel something for you…Or else why would I…” he slammed his mouth shut. “It’s inappropriate. You should just let it go, focus on the competition, and nothing else.”

Zhan Wen felt the pain of rejection tearing at his soul, like a knife slicing through his heart.

Let Lei Bo go? Never.

Zhan Wen would razor the sect to the ground before he ever let this omega of out his sight.

Darkness swirled inside him, moving like a thick blanket as he tried to control his primal instinct, anger made his hands shake and it took everything within him to suppress his devil’s blood which was raging beyond his control. Lei Bo’s brows knitted as the aura shifted, contorting into something black, like a rising shadow from the abyss. “Breathe deeply. Control your devil’s blood.”

Zhan Wen turned around quickly, gulping in air as fast as he could to circulate his qi. It took several moments for the fog to clear, and his vision to turn back to normal. Lei Bo touched his arm, his expression one of deep concern. Zhan Wen wiped the sweat from his bow and looked up into the clouds, his heart beating out of his chest. What happened just now? That hasn’t happened in several years. Zhan Wen was always able to control himself, but it was just after Lei Bo rejected him, that he wanted to destroy everything in his path. Lei Bo touched his wrist and then shook his head.

“Your qi is turbulent… you mustn’t exert yourself like this before the competition. Go and meditate. I’ll let your father know.”

Zhan Wen said nothing, staring off into space trying to keep his emotions under control. Lei Bo didn’t want him and it felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest.

“Zhan Wen?”

“Leave then,” Zhan Wen spat. “I’m fine. Since we’re strangers now. There’s nothing more to be said.”

Lei Bo’s face hardened and he left in a flurry of black robes. Zhan Wen allowed the tears burning his eyes to fall, he slammed his fist against the tree nearly caving it in two.

Damn. How did things go from bad to worse?



Zhan Wei stood in the center of the training courtyard. His eyes were sharp and his movements precise as he demonstrated his techniques to a group of disciples. The sun beat down on the stone courtyard, casting sharp shadows across the ground. Zhan Wen was a mess when he approached his father, his mode sour and bristling with anger.

Zhan Wei lifted a brow and scented the air, his eyes narrowed at him but he didn’t comment on the fact that Lei Bo’s omega scent clung to his robes. Another man was standing beside him, upright and stoic, he wore a black general uniform and he was facing the group of disciples. Zhan Wei smiled warmly and gestured for Mao Xia to come forward.

“Mao Xia, I’d like you to meet my son Zhan Wen,” Zhan Wei said, motioning to a tall, muscular man standing nearby.

Mao Xia saluted him with a fist-hand gesture. “The honor is mine.”

Zhan Wen regarded Mao Xia with interest. Mao Xia was large and slender, with a shock of black hair that fell in waves around his face. His eyes were bright and alert, scanning the courtyard for any potential threats. He wore a simple black robe, but it was evident from the way that he carried himself that he was a skilled warrior. Upon closer inspection, Zhan Wen couldn’t help but be struck by his beauty. He moved like a dancer, his steps light and graceful. His skin was smooth and unblemished, like a porcelain doll. But there was also a fierceness in his gaze that suggested He was not to be underestimated. The beta’s scent wasn’t at all threatening, like the sweet and floral scent of lotus. It reminded him of distant farmlands, and an overwhelming sense of purity and enlightenment engulfed him. This man would serve him well.

He’s like a bird of prey. Zhan Wen thought to himself, admiring his delicate but deadly form.

“Where are you from?” Zhan Wen asked.

Mao Xia looked startled. “This servant does not know where his family originally is from, I’ve lived in the Emperor Shadow Guard my whole life, but I’m happy to be employed here.”

The emperor often employed guards that were raised from birth to watch over the empire, they were commonly known as Shadow Guards, but the emperor’s group of elite soldiers were specifically from the Moonlit Guards, a sect of well-trained assassins that remained only loyal to the emperor.

After a few more words were exchanged, Zhan Wen knew that Mao Xia was the perfect choice for his shadow guard. He was quick, agile, and incredibly skilled with a blade. But this was something else about his that Zhan Wen couldn’t quite put his finger on. It was like there was a hidden depth to him, a quiet strength that lurked beneath his surface.

Mao Xia bid them both goodbye and Zhan Wei turned to him. “What’s got your mood all twisted up? Is it Lei Bo?”

Zhan Wen gritted his teeth. He knew his father didn’t want him to be with Lei Bo, but Zhan Wen didn’t want anyone else. “He rejected me.”

“Oh.” Zhan Wei didn’t seem all that interested, almost like he expected it.

Zhan Wen turned to look at his father. “You knew he would?”

Zhan Wei didn’t respond immediately, but Zhan Wen could tell that his father knew Lei Bo would never agree to marry him, hence why he didn’t do more to stop him from getting attached. “Omegas are often fickle. Turn it from your thoughts. There will be others.”

“I don’t want others.”

“So, you’re determined to force him?”

Zhan Wen’s anger erupted like a volcano, sudden and violent. “Is that what you both think of me? That I would dare hurt him just to get what I want? That I’d attack the person I love just because he denied me?” Rage sparked inside his core like a match, a familiar black aura threatened to swallow him whole. Zhan Wen’s body trembled as the devil’s blood threatened to take control, but he fought against it with all his strength.

“What’s wrong?” Zhan Wei looked alarmed, he grabbed Zhan Wen’s wrist, helping him circulate his qi. “Breathe. Don’t let it overtake you.”

Zhan Wen’s eyes slipped closed, and he circulated his tumultuous qi, trying to wrangle to darkness back in. It took several deep breaths to return to normal and his body finally stabilized.

“When did this start happening again?” Zhan Wei demanded.

“Today—I—I don’t understand what’s happening.” It was the second time today his body went ballistic like that. This hasn’t happened since he was young.

“Have you imprinted on Lei Bo?” Zhan Wei’s mouth drew into a hard line.

Good question. Zhan Wen wasn’t sure how to answer that. Lei Bo had been gone for ten years, and he never thought he’d have such a visceral reaction to the omega coming back, but he felt like his feelings for Lei Bo were unlike those he’s ever had in his entire life. He wanted to process him in the worst way possible and felt like he’d die if he didn’t. If Lei Bo ever left him, Zhan Wen knew he’d follow him to the ends of the earth.

“I don’t know…”

“You mustn’t there are things about Lei Bo…” Zhan Wei regarded him for several moments, then sighed through his nose. “Come with me. We have much to discuss.”


Zhan Wei slumped down in a chair; his face lined with age. Zhan Wen opted to stand, not sure what his father was going to say, but he knew that whatever came next wouldn’t be good. Zhan Wen had been suspicious and had questions regarding his devil’s blood, but his father had always brushed it off, and then Zhan Wen stopped asking. For years, Zhan Wen had wondered about the strange powers that ran through his family’s bloodline, powers that had always been whispered about but never openly discussed. Now, he hoped that his father would finally reveal the truth.

“Lei Bo isn’t who you think he is.”

Zhan Wen’s heart nearly skipped a beat at his father’s words. “What do you mean?”

“He was gone for ten years under the disguise of business…but in reality, I had him moving precious cargo from the devil’s realm into the mortal realm and vice versa.”

“What cargo?” Zhan Wen demanded.


Zhan Wen’s brow furrowed as he tried to understand what his father was talking about. People? It didn’t make any sense.  Zhan Wei sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. He stared off into the open bay windows as if he knew that this moment would come eventually, but he had hoped to delay it for as long as possible. “People on the run, like your mother. Refugees caught between the two realms, mostly omegas, and other alphas but they are the majority of disciples that make up the Burning Fire sect today.”

Zhan Wen’s brows climbed his forehead. “You mean there are devils within the sect?”

“Few but their numbers are growing,” he said slowly, “ The devil’s blood is a gift and a curse. It is the power of the demons that once roamed the earth, the same demons that we fought against in the great war that raged centuries ago. That’s why devils are forbidden from the mortal realm.”

Zhan Wen’s eyes widened in shock. “The demons?” he echoed. “You mean the devils that we were always taught to fear?”

“Yes,” Zhan Wei confirmed. “Those same devils. Their blood contains a power that is beyond anything that humans can imagine. It gives us strength, speed, and agility, and it allows us to harness the spiritual energy of the world in ways that other cultivators can only dream of. But it also comes with a price.”

“A price?” Zhan Wen asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

“Yes,” Zhan Wei said gravely. “The devil’s blood is tainted with darkness, with the same darkness that the demons themselves embodied. Those who possess it are always in danger of being consumed by that darkness, of losing themselves to the demonic forces that lurk within. That’s why for their own good, they were barred from ever entering the mortal realm. For over a thousand years, the stronghold has remained unbreeched. But I am different. I am a devil who has chosen to stay in the mortal realm, despite the consequences that will inevitably follow. By breaking the rules of the heavens, I am going against the norm.”

Zhan Wen stared at his father in horror. “And you never told me this?” he exclaimed. “You let me believe that our powers were something to hide, but you never explained why!”

“I had my reasons,” Zhan Wei said quietly. “I did not want you to be burdened by the knowledge of what you carry within you. I did not want you to fear yourself, or to be afraid of what you might become. But now, I see that my actions were misguided. You deserve to know the truth, and to make your own decisions about how to use the power that you possess.”


Zhan Wen shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t know what to say,” he muttered. “This changes things…”

“Yes,” Zhan Wei agreed. “It does. But remember, my son, that power is not inherently good or evil. It is what we choose to do with it that determines its nature. You have a choice to make now, a choice that only you can make.”

“Is that why I have these urges? To transform into something dark.”

“Zhan Wen,” Zhan Wei said. “I wanted you to grow up having all the benefits. I don’t want you to think of what’s “wrong” and what’s “right” I wanted you to just be like a child. You aren’t as they say, devils can change. They can be good. They just need to opportunity to.”

“Then how do you remain here? You talk about going against the heavens, but how can that be true if you are still here?” Zhan Wen demanded.

Zhan Wei stood up and walked towards the window, his face bathed in sunlight. “I met your mother in the devil’s realm.”

Zhan Wen was stunned into silence.

“Some cultivators believe that one drop of devil’s blood could transform a mortal into an immortal, but at a great cost. Some cultivators experience a bottleneck and cannot go further than how they are and remain at the same stage for centuries. Your mother’s Shizun was greedy and wanted his disciples to retrain a drop of devil’s blood for his own. They broke into the devil’s realm and I was the one that they attacked…” Zhan Wei touched the glass window, his mind a million miles away. “Zhan Mei was very young there, only sixteen, but I knew she was my fated mate. I took her then, but my father found out and it wasn’t safe for her to remain in the devil’s realm.”

“You’re father…?”

Zhan Wei sighed through his nose. “Your grandfather, leader of the five devils Lord Xaio otherwise known as the Unholy Emperor, Zhan Long.”

The Unholy Emperor? Zhan Wen’s head spun. The name sounded vaguely familiar and remembered that he was once told about the five rulers of the devil’s realm. He didn’t know how much more information he could take. If his grandfather was an Unholy Emperor, then Zhan Long would be one of the highest-ranking devils of his generation.

“I won’t go into too much detail,” Zhan Wei continued. “But there are five rulers of the devil’s realm, the first being the emperor and the second being Lady Sable, Queen of the Abyss. The third, is the Duke Valtor, the Master of the Nine Hells. The fourth, the Baroness Nyx, Mistress of Shadows. Lastly the Countess Malice, the Dark Sovereign. All of them report to my father, as their Emperor. For mortals to receive immortality, they must gain the blood of a devil venerable.”

Zhan Wen’s blood rushed through his veins. A devil venerable? Who knew his father was such a high-ranking devil? No wonder he was able to able to help establish this sect for years without getting noticed.

“I was able to get your mother out and to safety, but I wasn’t able to leave myself, due to the mortal realm being forbidden to devils. Your mother’s Shizun disowned her once he learned that she was pregnant and that’s how she found her way into poverty at the minor sect… I had to save her. To save you.” His fingertips dragged over the glass as if caressing a face. “So…I made a devil’s vow…it goes against the will of the heavens and my fate was sealed that day…” Zhan Wei finally turned around. “But these last years with you…I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.”

Zhan Wei walked over to him and hugged him, his hand cupping his head. “My son. My Shengzi…we loved you so much.”

Zhan Wen sighed into the hug and wrapped his arms around his father. He wasn’t sure how he felt about all the information that was said, but he knew his father loved him beyond anything he could ever imagine. They stood hugging for a long time and Zhan Wen felt his robes become damp with tears, and he knew his father had risked everything just to give him the life he deserved.

“I love you too.”

“Here. Take it before you go.” Zhan Wei handed a small pouch to his son, Zhan Wen. “This is Dragon Bone Powder. It should help with your injuries.”

Zhan Wen looked at the pouch with surprise. “Dragon Bone Powder? I’ve heard of it, but I thought it was just a legend. How did you get your hands on this, Father?”

Zhan Wei shrugged. “I have my ways. But the important thing is that it will help you. You’ve been through a lot, and your body needs to heal.”

Zhan Wen took the pouch and examined it closely. “Thank you, Father. I don’t know how to repay you.”

Zhan Wei’s lips pulled into a smile. “Just take care of yourself, my son. And don’t be too reckless in battle. You’re important to our clan, and we need you healthy and strong.”

Zhan Wen nodded, tucking the pouch carefully into his robes. “I’ll remember that. Thank you again, Father.”


Zhan Wen sat quietly in the corner of the training hall, eyes closed in meditation as he listened to the sounds of the disciples practicing their swordplay. He was lost in thought, thinking back to everything his father had said earlier. Zhan Wen that there were still things his father was choosing not to tell him and he wasn’t sure what to make it all. Lei Bo had been smuggling half-devils into the mortal realm. His father was actually a devil venerable, here secretly against his grandfather’s orders? All that information was making his head hurt. Not only was there a devil realm, but there was also a hierarchy…? Fuck. Why did it end? If he truly got involved with Lei Bo, he’d have to make certain that Lei Bo was aware of all of these things in case they came back to haunt him.

Zhan Wen knew nothing about his devil heritage and he didn’t want to know. He was busy contemplating when the voices of two disciples caught his attention.

“I heard that Lei Bo has a daughter now,” said one of the disciples.

Zhan Wen’s eyes shot open, his curiosity piqued. Lei Bo had been one of the strongest omega disciples of the sect, but he had disappeared ten years ago, leaving behind a trail of mystery and rumors.

“Really?” replied the other disciple. “I heard that he refused Lei Xun’s proposal to join the alpha sect, and that’s why he left.”

Zhan Wen frowned. Lei Xun was the leader of the alpha sect and was known for his ruthless tactics in securing power and influence. It was rumored that he had offered Lei Bo a high-ranking position in exchange for his loyalty, but the omega had refused.

“That’s just a rumor,” said the first disciple. “But I heard from a reliable source that Lei Bo had a daughter with Lei Xun’s mate, the alpha sect leader herself.”

Zhan Wen’s eyes widened in shock. If the rumor was true, it would mean that Lei Bo had defied the conventions of the sect and mated with a alpha. Such a union was forbidden, as it was believed to weaken the purity of the bloodlines.

“I don’t believe it,” said the second disciple. “Why would Lei Bo risk everything for a forbidden love?”

“Love makes people do crazy things,” replied the first disciple with a shrug. “But if the rumor is true, then Lei Fang, the daughter, must be a powerful hybrid.”

Zhan Wen listened intently to their conversation, his mind racing with questions. Who was Lei Fang? What had become of Lei Bo? And why had he left the sect in the first place?

Zhan Wen stumbled out of the training hall, his mind reeling from the shocking news he had just heard. His heart was pounding in his chest, his thoughts consumed by the image of Lei Bo with a alpha mate and a daughter. He could feel the rage building inside him, threatening to overwhelm him completely.

Suddenly, Zhan Wen felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his vision began to blur. He clutched at his chest, gasping for breath as he realized that his qi was almost deviating.

“No,” he whispered hoarsely, struggling to regain control of himself. “Not like this.”

But it was too late. The pain in his chest intensified, and Zhan Wen felt his devil’s blood begin to stir within him. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, threatening to break free and unleash itself upon the world. With a cry of rage, Zhan Wen unleashed his power, sending a shockwave through the air. The disciples in the training hall stumbled and fell, caught off guard by the explosion of energy.

“What’s that?” voices screamed.

“What’s happening?”

Zhan Wen staggered backward, his body wracked with pain as he fought to contain his power. He could feel the devil’s blood surging through him, twisting and warping his thoughts until he could barely remember who he was. Zhan Wen felt his devil’s blood surge within him, overwhelming his senses and driving him to the brink of madness. A group of disciples rushed over, all of them speaking at once but Zhan Wen felt like his head was underwater. Black miasma seeped from his skin, drifting into the air, causing all the remaining disciples to jerk back as if they’d be stung. The Dragon Bone Powder his father had given him had done nothing to quell the devil’s blood surging like wildfire in his veins. Zhan Wen was on the verge of unleashing his power and he could no longer hold it back.


Zhan Wen lay in bed, his body weak and his mind clouded with the aftereffects of his devil’s blood back last. Everything had swarmed him until dark spots danced before his vision and before he could think the ground was rushing up to meet him. The disciples had gotten him back to his room and his father called for a healer. Zhan Wen could barely breathe around the dagger in his chest.

Zhan Wen stared blankly at the ceiling. He had heard the sound of a pipa in the distance, its melancholy notes echoing through the night like the cry of a wounded bird. He closed his eyes and let the music wash over him, feeling the weight of his unrequited love for Lei Bo pressing down on his chest like a boulder. It was as if his heart had been shattered into a thousand pieces, each one stabbing him with pain.

The pipa’s strings seemed to be playing the story of his life, a tragic tale of love and loss. He longed to be able to marry Lei Bo, but their society’s rules forbade it. He felt like a bird with clipped wings, unable to soar freely in the sky.

As the music faded away, Zhan Wen opened his eyes and wiped away a tear. He knew that he would never be able to marry Lei Bo, but he couldn’t stop his heart from yearning for him. He closed his eyes again, feeling the weight of his unrequited love like a chain around his heart, pulling him down into the depths of despair.

Black mist swirled around him and he could barely breathe from the crushing weight on his chest. The images of Lei Bo fat and pregnant with another alpha’s pup nearly drove him mad, he couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe. But it would explain why Lei Bo was so reluctant to be with him. Zhan Wen’s eyes burned with tears, his hands curled into a fist as he tried to make sense of what was going on around him. His room was small and quiet, filled with the soft glow of candlelight and the smell of medicinal herbs. He lay there lost in thought before the door creaked open and Lei Bo stepped into the room. Zhan Wen’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, torn between anger and longing.

“What are you doing here?” Zhan Wen demanded, his voice weak but filled with accusation.

Lei Bo said nothing, his expression stoic and calm. He moved towards the bed, his steps measured and deliberate, like a still lake on a windless day.

Zhan Wen watched him approach, his mind spinning with confusion and hurt. Lei Bo had rejected him time and time again, and now he had learned that Lei Bo had a daughter. Lei Bo had given birth. The thought made his stomach knot. He couldn’t stand it. Lei Bo was his. Another alpha had claimed him, had been inside of him.

Zhan Wen was disgusted.

Yet, at the same time boiling with jealousy. This Lei Xun would pay with his life for defiling his Lei Bo. Zhan Wen’s hands curled into a fist and his eyes remained sharp.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Zhan Wen demanded, his voice rising in frustration. “Why did you keep it a secret?”

Lei Bo’s eyes flickered with a hint of cinnabar as he met Zhan Wen’s gaze. “It wasn’t my secret to tell,” he said simply.

What kind of bullshit answer was this?

Zhan Wen glared at him, his emotions churning inside him like a turbulent sea. He wanted to reach out and touch Lei Bo, to feel his skin against his own, but he knew that it was impossible. He wanted to grab Lei Bo and force him onto the bed. Zhan Wen’s anger blazed like a bonfire, intense and all-consuming. His eyes burned with a fierce determination, and his voice was sharp and cutting.

“Why did you reject me?” he asked. “Was it because of her?”

Lei Bo’s expression softened slightly, like a glacier beginning to thaw. “No,” he said quietly. “It was never because of her.”

Zhan Wen stared at him, searching for some hint of emotion in his still face. He wanted to reach out and touch him, to feel the heat of his skin against his own, but he knew that he couldn’t.

“Then what the fuck are you here for? Why did you reject me? What do you want?” Zhan Wen’s emotions were spiraling. Everything about this omega made him want to tear the world to shreds, but at the same time how could he Lei Bo? Was it his fault that he had a daughter? Was it his fault for being kicked out of his sect? Zhan Wen knew he was being irrational, but he couldn’t help himself. Lei Bo’s lashes fluttered and he stared down at the bedding.

“Your father must have told you why I was away.”

“He said you were on a mission for him, smuggling cargo, but now I don’t even know what the fucking truth is anymore.” Zhan Wen was confused. If during all that time Lei Bo was away on a mission, then when did he get pregnant? Zhan Wen would have noticed if Lei Bo were pregnant during his childhood, but perhaps all of this happened when Lei Bo was away. Zhan Wen couldn’t be sure.

For a moment, the room was filled with silence, broken only by the soft sound of Zhan Wen’s breathing. Then Lei Bo spoke again, his voice low and steady.

“I came here to tell you the truth,” he said. “Lei Fang isn’t my daughter. She’s my sister, and I’ve been away for ten years looking after her. She’s old enough now to travel, and she’s coming here to join the sect.”

Zhan Wen’s heart lifted at the news, his mind suddenly clear. He looked at Lei Bo, really looked at him, and saw the stillness in his eyes, the calm surface of his being. “What?”


I am such a fool. Zhan Wen’s heart slammed against his ribcage. Deep down he knew it didn’t make sense. There was no way Lei Bo had a daughter, from the time he’s been in the Burning Fire Sect, Lei Bo hasn’t left his side. If Lei Xun really did get a hold of him, his father would have been notified almost immediately. These rumors were just to smear Lei Bo’s reputation. Lei Bo’s entire face flushed including the tips of his ears. “That’s why we can’t be together. It’s too much of a responsibility—”

He was like a lake, deep and unfathomable, with hidden currents and hidden depths. And Zhan Wen knew that he would never be able to resist the lure of those depths, no matter how much he tried. Zhan Wen grabbed him and dragged Lei Bo onto his lap. Lei Bo squeaked and flailed, but Zhan Wen held him tightly. “What are you doing? Stop it—”

Zhan Wen silenced him with a kiss. Lei Bo melted, he sighed through his nose holding onto Zhan Wen tightly. His tongue teases Lei Bo’s lips, gently prying them open and they kiss until Lei Bo makes a noise at the back of his throat. Zhan Wen pulled away and looked at the flushed omega, his eyes wide and his expression debauched. “Lei Bo…did you really think I’d give a shit about that stuff?”

Lei Bo’s face turned even redder.

“I don’t care if she’s your sister, your aunt, or your brother,” Zhan Wen tucked a stray hair behind his ear. “I want you. I love you. I spoke with my father, after the competition we will marry. As long as you are mine…that’s all I care about. Will you be mine?”

Lei Bo shook his head. “I’m too old, it’s not appropriate it—”

Zhan Wen silenced him again with a kiss and Lei Bo kissed him back with equal intensity. He kissed downward, each breath, each sigh, each touch a fire over Lei Bo’s flesh. He pulled back and touched Lei Bo’s neck and when he scented alert contentment, he replaced his finger with his lips, brushing and placing soft kisses over that delicate thin flesh before he rasped his teeth gently over it and relished the omega’s small shiver. Zhan Wen looked into Lei Bo’s eyes and felt a sudden urge to kiss him again. He reached out and touched Lei Bo’s cheek, then leaned in to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Lei Bo’s omega scent was like a tranquil stream, calm and soothing with hints of wildflowers and fresh moss. The sensation was almost overwhelming. He felt like time had stopped and there was nothing else in the world but Lei Bo and himself. Zhan Wen knew, at that moment, that he never wanted to let go of this perfect moment with Lei Bo.

“Lei Bo…” Zhan Wen whispered, his mouth tugging into a devilish grin. “You’re mine already.”

Pressing a kiss to his palm, Lei Bo looked deep into his eyes. “How does the devil love me?”

With all his heart. Zhan Wen wanted to say but tucked a hair behind his ear. “This devil loves with iron and steel.”

Chapter 8

Yun Xin stepped out onto the terrace of his estate and looked out into the darkness. His spirits were lifted after speaking to Yun Xinyi. In the distance, he saw a figure moving with purpose and determination. As the figure drew closer, Yun Xin recognized it as Fu Tai cultivating. Things had been awkward between them since the fight with the Fearless Gang sect. Yun Xin felt guilty for dragging them both into it. He should have just listened to Fu Tai when he told him to walk away.

Fu Tai was training hard, practicing his martial arts under the cover of the night. His movements were swift and fluid, each one executed with precision and grace. Yun Xin watched in awe as Fu Tai moved through a series of quick kicks, landing each one with a resounding thud. Fu Tai had matured into a striking alpha, exuding a commanding presence and a sense of power. Yun Xin’s face began to warm as he watched his servant move, the fluidity like a dancer on a lake. The muscles in Fu Tai’s back were well-defined, making the alpha look more daunting than ever before. Arousal shot through him and Yun Xin licked his dry lips. His nipples tightened, Yun Xin’s core throbbed lightly and he felt his pants damped.

Why did this always happen around Fu Tai? Yun Xin wasn’t sure why he was so attracted to the alpha but he knew that it had to stop. They weren’t suited for one another and if anyone found out it would ruin his family completely. The rules were much different for a omega from a gentry sect like the Heavenly Orchard Sect. Yun Xin was responsible for the entire clan, if he made one wrong move, they would all suffer. Not to mention it was his duty to see to the needs of the future Emperor, Yun Xin couldn’t afford any mistakes, not for his father’s or sister’s sake. Yun Xin must be above reproach at all times.

Fu Tai finished his routine and paused when he noticed Yun Xin standing there watching him. His alpha scent was crisp and clean like pine, as he wiped the sweat off his brow, he cupped his hands and bowed respectfully.

“Master, I didn’t expect to see you here. I was just practicing my skills.”

Yun Xin hated it when Fu Tai called him master, it made his stomach sink. It was a stark reminder of the power imbalance between them and how Fu Tai would always be less than him. Yun Xin smiled and walked over to him, his white robes flowing in the wind. “I’m impressed, Fu Tai. Your dedication to your training is admirable.”

“Thank you, I could only dream of catching up to you and Yun Xinyi.”

Yun Xin sat down on a boulder nearby. “That’s not true, you’re just as good. If only Shifu would give you the benefit of the doubt every once and a while.”

Fu Tai’s expression changed slightly, but he forced it back into neutrality. “Shifu has his own reasons for treating me the way that he does.”

“Which are?” Yun Xin raised a brow.”

“Nothing more than the fact that I have come from the Fu clan…but my ties with the Snake Poison Sect complicate things.”

Ties with the Snake Poison Sect? Yun Xin’s brow knitted. He had no idea that the Fu clan had ties with them. Then again, Fu Tai’s true form was that of a snake, so maybe they were related through ancestors? “Mhmm…I didn’t know that.” It made Yun Xin realize how little he knew about Fu Tai.

“Shifu’s mate was killed by a member of the Snake Poison Sect. The rumor is that it was Lei Xun before he fled and hid in seclusion, but I cannot be certain. Yun Xinyi was too young to remember and Shifu never talks about it.”

Yun Xin had heard the rumors before about Shifu’s wife, but he imagined that if it really was the Snake Poison Sect, then the Heavenly Orchard Sect would not take things lightly. Then again what reason would the Snake Poison Sect have to kill Shifu’s wife? How were they connected? It didn’t seem like these rumors had any real standing in the grand scheme of things. He looked at Fu Tai and sighed through his nose. “I see…still…it doesn’t make sense as to why Shifu would personally hold you accountable. I’ve also heard the rumors but I don’t think they have any merits.”

Fu Tai nodded in agreement. “I also heard once that Shifu thought I had risen above my station, servants aren’t usually promoted to guards, but given your designation, Yun Jiahao had been desperate. At least with a alpha guard those that were unsuspecting would automatically think you are a alpha…just by having my scent nearby.”

Yun Xin never thought of it like that. “Really? But…why?”

“From what I was told, it was just a precaution to keep you safe. Since you were born, they knew you would present as a omega, so my father told me it was best I grew up alongside you. My life would never be my own…” Fu Tai’s jaw tightened.

His father wanted him to smell like Fu Tai. Yun Xin was having a hard time understanding why. His omega scent was potent, but standing next to Fu Tai would dim it significantly, especially to alphas looking for mates. Maybe that was the reason? Fu Tai sensed his confusion and his mouth tugged into a knowing smile. “It’s so that other alphas might think that you are mine.”

Yun Xin’s face heated, and his throat went dry. The thought of Fu Tai claiming him, made a shiver run down his spine. “Nonsense.”

“Regardless, it’s my duty to keep you safe and I’ve failed on that account.”

Yun Xin quickly grabbed Fu Tai’s hand hoping to soothe his friend. “I don’t care about that stuff. You know I don’t. Don’t listen to them, you acted the way I instructed you to..” Yun Xin was anxious to coax Fu Tai and make him smile again. “Besides if it were up to me, we’d hang out and cultivate day and night! Becoming the number one fighter in all the sects.”

Fu Tai’s lips pulled into a wiry grin. “Good thing it’s not up to you. I think given a regular fight I’d crush you.”

Yun Xin nodded eagerly, wanting to see him free and happy. “When I’m General things will change, I won’t be under my father’s thumb anymore and we can have more time to do what we like, until then Shifu will be watching us like a hawk.”

Fu Tai snorted and looked away, then slowly withdrew his hand. Yun Xin tried not to let the disappointment show on his face. “So…why are you training so hard? You’ve already passed level 3 of the Foundation Establishment stage, are you looking to go higher before the competition starts?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Why?” Yun Xin swung his feet, he knew the answer why, he just wanted to remain near the alpha and bask in his scent. Yun Xin wasn’t sure where these feelings came from or why he loved looking at Fu Tai, all he knew was that his heart beat faster whenever Fu Tai looked at him or whenever he smiled at him, it was as if he couldn’t get enough. A part of him was deeply embarrassed by it, but other than Gong Yijun, there was nobody else he could talk to, nobody else that knew him.

Fu Tai hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Master, I have always been a servant. But I… dream of something more. There is a martial arts competition coming up, and I want to participate to bring honor to our name.”

Yun Xin was moved by Fu Tai’s words. “I am proud of you, Fu Tai. Your hard work and determination inspire me. With your training, I have no doubt you will do well in the competition.”

A strange shadow passed Fu Tai’s features and he nodded listlessly. Yun Xin knew his words were a bit generic, and to his ears sounded very silly. Fu Tai would compete, but it would be very unlikely that he would place in the competition, regardless of how skilled he was. Fu Tai was still a slave.

“Have you heard the latest gossip?” Fu Tai asked.

“No, what is it?” Yun Xin replied.

“There are whispers of a devil within our sect.”

Yun Xin’s eyes widened. “A devil? The same one Gong Yijun was talking about?”

“Some say that there is a powerful force at work, manipulating our leaders and causing chaos within our ranks,” Fu Tai explained. “If this is true, we may have to go to war.”

Yun Xin nodded thoughtfully. “If there is a devil among us, we must act quickly to stop it. But we must be careful not to jump to conclusions. We must investigate and gather the evidence before we make any moves.”

Fu Tai looked off into the distance, the hand around his sword tightening. “Agreed. But we cannot ignore this. If there is a devil in our midst, we must do everything in our power to stop it.”



Over the next few days, Yun Xin did his best to recuperate. He kept a low profile, avoiding his father and the chilling gaze of his Shifu. Yun Xin stood before the mirror, his eyes fixed on his reflection. Despite the bruises that marred his once flawless skin, he couldn’t help but be captivated by the gentle beauty that stared back at him. His eyes, like crescent moons, shone with a soft, ethereal light that seemed to draw you in. His lithe frame was slender like that of a crane, yet held a quiet strength within. His long black hair cascaded down his back unbound, unlike other omegas from gentry clans he chooses to wear all white like a wandering immortal.

Or at least he tried to be. Yun Xin’s mood dimmed as he stared at himself, his mind was clouded with worry. Fu Tai had been avoiding him recently, and he couldn’t help but wonder why. Had he said something wrong? Had he done something to upset him? The uncertainty gnawed at him like a hungry beast, threatening to consume him whole.

Yun Xin’s fingers traced the edges of the bruises on his face as if searching for answers in the pain. He longed to see Fu Tai’s face again, to feel his touch, but it seemed as though he had vanished into thin air. What would it be like? To touch him? Kiss him?

As he gazed into the mirror, Yun Xin’s thoughts drifted to the world outside. The sky was dark, the stars glittering like diamonds in the inky blackness. He felt as though he too was lost in that vast expanse, adrift and alone. Yun Xin’s imagination began to run wild as if in answer to his silent prayer, he saw a faint light in the distance. It was small, but it grew brighter with each passing moment until it illuminated the entire room. And there, in its warm embrace, stood Fu Tai.

Yun Xin’s heart leaped with joy at the sight of him. He stepped forward, his eyes never leaving Fu Tai’s, and as their lips met in a tender kiss, he knew that he was no longer alone in the darkness. Just as quickly as the images came, they vanished and he was back to begin alone in his room.

When would it stop? Yun Xin touched his forehead sighing through his nose. He checked the time and realized he was running late. It was high noon when he made his way through the imperial guards, he had a study session with Gong Yijun and he was glad to be taking it easy for the next few weeks until the competition. The Sun Ocean Palace sect had been buzzing lately as people from all the sects gathered for the competition, Yun Xin knew he should be spending this time cultivating, but he was still immensely sore and he didn’t want to damage himself further by not tending to his wounds first.

There were still a few weeks before the competition started, so he knew he’d have enough time to heal up and then begin practice again with his Shifu. Yun Xinyi had been practicing non-stop for weeks now, hoping to get ranked high enough. As the daughter of Yun Chen, she knew she had to do her best.

Yun Xin was holding his scrolls in his hand when he passed by the punishment courtyard and saw his father and his Shifu standing there. Yun Xin’s brows knitted in confusion until he watched in horror as his Shifu strapped Fu Tai to a pole, his arms and legs bound tightly. The young disciple’s eyes were wide with fear, his face pale and streaked with tears. The Fu clan were all lined up, kowtowing, their heads knocking against the ground.

What? A cold sweat dripped down his back and he felt like his lungs were being squeezed by a fist.

Yun Jiahao stood tall and proud with a whip in his hand, glaring down at them. “Have mercy, my lord—” Fu Fen had served Yun Jiahao for nearly forty years, but he was viciously kicked to the ground.

“Quiet,” Yun Jiahao spat.

Yun Xin’s heart ran rampant as he lurched forward, grabbing at his father’s arm. “What are you doing?!”

Yun Jiahao shrugged him off. “Yun Xin, stand aside while I punish this slave.”

“No—you can’t—” Several guards grabbed Yun Xin. “Father—it was my mistake. Don’t punish them, please—”

“Look at you,” Yun Jiahao barked. “Pleading for a servant. Look how far you have fallen! Fu Tai’s job is to protect you at all costs, even if it means his life and yet here you are beaten and bruised and he has barely a scratch! You are the sect leader’s son! Conduct yourself with propriety. Or so help me, Yun Xin I’ll lock you in seclusion so you’ll never see the light of day! Begin!”

Yun Xin’s heart jammed in his throat as Shifu stepped forward, brandishing the whip in his hand. “For your insolence Fu Tai, you will receive fifty lashes. Never in my life have I seen a servant so willful, that he’d conspire not only to not help his sect leader but allow him to be beaten severely.”

Yun Xin couldn’t believe what he was hearing! Fu Tai did nothing but help, it was Yun Xin’s idea to jump into a fight with the Fearless Gang and interfere with their matters. “Shifu—please—it was me I did it—”

“Silence!” Shifu snarled. “Or I’ll add another fifty lashes to the punishment!”

Yun Xin slammed his mouth shut, he knew his Shifu was ruthless when it came to punishments, but he never imagined that their Shifu would resort to such cruel punishment. The whip cracked through the air, cutting into Fu Tai’s back with a sickening thud. Yun Xin winced in pain, feeling as if the whip had struck him instead. He could see the deep red welts forming on Fu Tai’s skin, each one a testament to his failure. Yun Xin’s hands curled into a fist, his anger rising. How could their Shifu be so heartless, so cruel? He wanted to rush forward and stop the punishment, but he knew that he would only make things worse. Yun Xin could do nothing but watch as Fu Tai was whipped, the skin from his back flayed and the scene before reminded Yun Xin of a gruesome painting, with Fu Tai’s body serving as the canvas. Each strike of the whip was like a brushstroke, leaving behind a trail of pain and misery. The sound of the whip was like a violent thunderstorm, its cracks echoing through the courtyard.

Yun Xin couldn’t bear to watch anymore, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He could feel the bile rising in his throat, the sickening sensation of helplessness and despair. Tears slipped down his cheeks. His heart wanted to flee his chest but he didn’t dare move.

 After what seemed like an eternity, the whipping stopped. Fu Tai was released from the pole, his body trembling with exhaustion and pain. Yun Xin rushed forward but was yanked back by the guards, the motion jarred his wound sending spikes of pain through his entire body. He winched, stifling the cry that was almost ripped from his throat. Yun Jiahao snorted, then flicked his wrist and walked away, his head held high. Fu Fen remained bowed, forehead knowing against the ground, while Shifu followed suit. The guards finally released Yun Xin and he lurched forward, grabbing Fu Tai who was slumped on the pool. “Fu Tai! Fu Tai!” Yun Xin cried, tears streaming down his face. It was all his fault.

He could feel the heat radiating from the fresh welts on Fu Tai’s back, the pain and anger mixing in a potent cocktail of emotions.

“Yun-gongzi please,” Fu Fen begged, he was elderly and wrinkled, and his knees were dragging on the ground. “Allow me—my son—please—”

Yun Xin let Fu Tai go and watched as his mother and father hurriedly grabbed their son off the floor, his blood drenching the ground. Fu Tai’s back was a shredded mess of flesh, it looked like saggy lasagna as they carried him away. Bitter tears ran down Yun Xin’s cheek, there were three weeks before the competition, and although Fu Tai was strong, there would be no way he’d be able to heal by then.

His position had been lost and their Shifu knew it. Yun Xin felt anger roil in his heart. How could they do this to him? Fu Tai had been his friend and servant all his life, he would have never done anything to hurt Yun Xin intentionally. Yun Xin’s blood pulsed, he knew that Fu Tai had trained for ages just to be named in the competition to make his family proud. Now it was all for nothing.

Yun Xin’s bottom lip trembled as Fu Tai was taken away, he tried to swallow around the blockage in his throat. There was no one else to blame. Fu Tai would carry these scars for the rest of his life.

Chapter 7

The next day, Zhan Wen marched into his father’s office determination set in every step. The walls were adorned with intricate paintings and tapestries depicting ancient battles and scenes of prosperity. The wooden furniture was carved with such detail that it seemed almost alive, and the scent of sandalwood filled the air. He walked towards the large desk where his father sat, feeling small under the weight of his father’s disapproving gaze.

Zhan Wei’s office reflected his power and status, and Zhan Wen could feel it in every inch of the room. Zhan Wen thought of the kisses he shared with Lei Bo by the stream, his first kiss and he felt his face grow hot. Lei Bo had been wanton and pink beneath him, stuttering and flushing with each breath trying to shove Zhan Wen away, but Zhan Wen had held him close.

Now was the time and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

The omega had been so embarrassed that he didn’t recognize when his heat was coming, but Zhan Wen didn’t care. All he wanted to do was hold Lei Bo, nuzzle deep within his warmth, and never leave. They traded kisses for several hours before Lei Bo had to leave and Zhan Wen let him, not sure if he could control himself if Lei Bo stayed.

Zhan Wen fidgeted in his seat as he faced his father. Over the years his father had allowed some of his devil’s features to show, his ears were slightly pointy, and his canines sharper than normal, but he still retained his human aura. He felt like Zhan Wei’s eyes were drilling a hole in his head, almost as if he knew what his son had been up to. Zhan Wen cleared his throat, he had come to request something that he knew would not be easily granted. But he had to try.

“Father, I have been thinking,” Zhan Wen began, trying to keep his voice steady. “I have decided that I want to marry Lei Bo.”

Zhan Wei raised his eyebrows, clearly taken aback by his son’s request. “Lei Bo? But he is too old for you. You deserve a young omega who can bear you strong and healthy pups.”

Zhan Wen’s heart sank. He knew his father wouldn’t approve, but he had hoped for a more sympathetic response. “I didn’t want anyone else, Father,” he said firmly. “Lei Bo was the only one I desired.”

Zhan Wei let out a sigh. “Zhan Wen, you know I cannot agree to this… there are things you don’t know about him. Things you may never understand and it goes against tradition and would bring shame to our family.”

“I already know what they say about him,” Zhan Wen replied. He wasn’t deaf and blind to the rumors circulating about the Snake Poison sect. Lei Bo was a disgraced omega, cast out by the sect leader Lei Xun at the time for not wanting to become one of his concubines.

“Then you’ll know, that the Zhangmen of Snake Poison is never wrong, Lei Bo as a omega should have submitted to his alpha and done his duty.”

“I disagree,” Zhan Wen bared his teeth. “Lei Bo is his own person, why should he have to bow when Lei Xun says so?”

“Because this is the way things are done,” Zhan Wei sighed through his nose. “Lei Bo is much older than you, and he carries a lot more baggage than you think. Turn it from your thoughts. Prove yourself worthy in the competition and think of nothing else.”

Zhan Wen clenched his jaw. He couldn’t accept that answer. He had to do something. “Then let me prove myself, Father,” he said, desperation creeping into his voice. “I’ll compete in the martial arts tournament next month and if I win, I’ll ask Lei Bo to marry me.”

“And if I say no?” Zhan Wei’s expression was thunderous, his lips thinned into a hard line.

“I’ll lose on purpose,” Zhan Wen replied, stubbornly. On this, he would not bend, either Lei Bo would be his or the Burning Fire sect would never come to glory. He knew it was Zhan Wei’s dream to the sect excel beyond all expectations.

Zhan Wei raised an eyebrow, considering his son’s proposal but his face darkened considerably, and a shadow of disappointment and dismay descended over his features. “Fine. Do as you please,” he said finally. “But you must win first, Zhan Wen. And even then, it will be up to Lei Bo to decide.”


Yun Xin walked through the bustling market, taking in the sights and sounds. The colorful stalls and merchants hawking their wares created a lively atmosphere that he found comforting. He was accompanied by Fu Tai, who walked several feet behind him, behaving more like a servant than he used to in their youth. Over time things changed between them, as they grew into their roles Fu Tai became more and more reserved, not holding Yun Xin’s hand like he used to or laughing with him like in their childish youth. But at the age of eighteen, Yun Xin guessed it wasn’t really appropriate, Fu Tai was a alpha and Yun Xin was an unmated omega. 

“Fu Tai, please don’t walk so far behind me. You are my friend too, not just my servant,” Yun Xin said, turning around to face his companion. Fu Tai’s sleek black hair was now styled in a modern cut, adding to his sophisticated and polished appearance. Although he was a servant of the Heavenly Orchard sect, he was still higher ranked, and he acted more like a bodyguard to Yun Xin than anything else. Since Yun Xin was on the fast track to becoming the next General, who would eventually serve the emperor, having Fu Tai as his personal guard would be advantageous to him.

“I’m sorry, Yun-gongzi. It is my duty to serve and protect you,” Fu Tai replied.

Yun Xin sighed in his heart, knowing he wouldn’t be able to convince Fu Tai otherwise. “Very well. Just try to stay closer, all right?”

“As you wish, Yun-gongzi,” Fu Tai said, falling into step behind Yun Xin.

The colorful stalls and merchants hawking their wares created a lively atmosphere that he found comforting. Yun Xin’s long black hair was left unbound, cascading down his back in waves. His beauty was striking, and he was aware of the attention he garnered from both alphas, betas, and omegas alike. But he paid it no mind, content to enjoy the simple pleasures of the market. Besides the only real attention was the one he knew he would never get. He stopped at a stall, looking at some purple fabric he might buy Yun Xinyi, since she had come of age, she still loved to cultivate but he heard that his Shifu would soon be looking to marry her off as soon as possible.

Yun Xin snuck a peek at Fu Tai through his lashes, his heart beating in his chest as he noticed Fu Tai’s once boyish features had sharpened into a chiseled jawline and high cheekbones, framing his piercing dark eyes. His lean frame had filled out with muscle, making him a formidable figure and cultivator. Yun Xin had trained and finally made it to the Core Formation stage, while Fu Tai was at the Foundation Establishment stage. Yun Xin licked his dry lips, his omega heart swooning and he quickly turned away. Yun Xin’s nipples tightened, and his pants became a little wet and he cleared his throat to steer his thoughts away from Fu Tai.

Yun Xin wasn’t completely innocent of the graphic novels the alphas passed around at school, he was well aware of his omega intersex parts that most alphas found deeply arousing. But Fu Tai never did anything, he never even looked at Yun Xin in any other way besides master and servant. Yun Xin knew it wasn’t at all appropriate to lust after his servant, the way he did Fu Tai.

Yun Xin and Fu Tai overheard a group of elderly ladies whispering amongst themselves, “Have you heard the rumors about the devil in the Burning Fire Sect? They say it has the face of a pig and the body of a snake! What a sight that must be!”

“Impossible! How can anyone take it seriously?” another lady chimed in, stifling a giggle.

“It’s true! They say if you look at it, you’ll burst into laughter and won’t be able to stop,” another woman added, covering her mouth to contain her laughter.

Yun Xin and Fu Tai exchanged a bemused look, wondering how anyone could believe such outrageous rumors. Yun Xin chuckled behind his hand and kept walking, not sure where these ridiculous rumors were coming from, it was like each time they went out there was some new rumor about the Burning Fire sect, each one more outrageous than the last. Yun Xin walked past a group of ruffians that seemed to be swarming a young servant omega, their brash voices heard above the crowd as they pushed her around. Yun Xin stopped, his brows knitting together. Yun Xin’s brow knitted as they made their way toward the commotion and saw a group of burly men in black robes surrounding a young omega servant.

The men were members of the Fearless Gang sect, here for the martial arts competition that was being held in the city. They were taunting and pushing the servant, who was cowering in fear.

Yun Xin could feel his blood boiling at the sight of the injustice. “Wait,” Fu Tai grabbed his arm. “These men are senior cultivators of the Fearless Gang sect, we don’t know why they’re troubling this servant we should not interfere.”

“And let them hurt her?” Yun Xin shrugged him off. “We don’t know why they’re troubling her that should be the reason we get involved.”

“Yun-gongzi,” Fu Tai pleaded. “Let’s report it, the Sun Ocean Palace guards patrol the city. This is not our sect, things are different in the Heavenly Orchard sect. As a future sect leader, it’s best not to be involved directly, if you plan to be the General of the Sun Ocean Palace sect, then let one of the guards deal with it. The Fearless Gang sect is known for holding grudges, what would you do if you happened to offend them? If the Emperor was ever in danger, they were working against you.”

Yun Xin weighed the pros and cons, but a sudden cry came out among the group and Yun Xin couldn’t hold back any longer. He approached the group, his head held high.

“You there, what do you think you’re doing?”


Several heads turned, the Fearless Gang sect wore large fur cloaks made of wolf and bare skin, their robes were more like leather armor, the straps visible as they swayed. One of the men stepped forward and sniffed the air.

“What’s it to you, Omega?” The Fearless Gang sect were mountain lion shifters, known for their brute strength. Yun Xin did not take them lightly.

“What business do you have with a servant of Sun Ocean Palace? Speak quickly, before I lose my patience.”

The alphas around chuckled and sneered at him, and the from earlier spoke. “This servant saw fit to steel my satchel if you must know and when I asked for it to be returned, she spat in our faces. Is this the hospitality of the Heavenly Orchard sect? Puah!”

Yun Xin bristled and he turned to stare at the women. “Is what he said true?”

“Gongzi—I beg you—I—it was nothing more than a few pennies—” she sputtered helplessly.

“We’ll call the guards and have this woman punished for her insolence,” Yun Xin replied, then stared up at the alpha. “Next time, don’t act rashly. Notify the guards if something like this were to happen again.”

The man chuckled throatily. “The Sun Ocean Palace sect is really something. First, you allow servants to steal and now you allow omega cunts to tell Alphas what to do? This place is simply backward. All your guards are wet noodles, I wouldn’t trust them to guard my streaming shit let alone a person.”

This man was at the Nascent Soul stage, much higher than Yun Xin’s Core formation stage, if they got into a fight he could be severely injured. Yun Xin could feel his blood boiling, his hands curled into a fist but he wasn’t going to waste any more words, at least the matter was resolved and this woman could leave in peace. “I will compensate you for your troubles. Until then, don’t cause trouble.”

Yun Xin was about to walk away when he was suddenly yanked back by the hair, the man snarled under his breath his alpha scent rancid. The attack was too swift, Yun Xin didn’t see it coming until he was caught in the jaws of the wolf. “Don’t turn your back on me, Omega. Had you been in the Fearless Gang sect you would have been fucked to death just for daring to look me in the eyes!”

“Unhand him!” Fu Tai withdrew his sword, but his hands were shaking. They were all at the Nascent Soul stage while Fu Tai was only at the Foundation Establishment stage. Yun Xin had rushed in without fully assessing the situation and if things turned bad, they could both be killed.

“Oh?” the man said. “Is it a fight you want? Let’s have at it.”

Yun Xin threw an elbow into the man’s stomach and sidestepped, his feet light and quick as if walking on air. The man threw a fist forward, it was filled with his qi with enough force that it shoved Yun Xin back several steps. The Fearless Gang alphas roared, they charged at Fu Tai and used brute force to talk him down, while the servant woman fled, hopefully calling for help, but Yun Xin couldn’t think about that now. The alpha barreled towards him with the force of a mountain, sending a barrage of punches so fierce Yun Xin could barely think straight. He leaped up and kicked the man in the stomach with a loud thud, but the man barely flinched.

The man retaliated with a swift kick that Yun Xin barely managed to block. Pain punched the air from his lungs, and the force of the impact was so great that it sent Yun Xin flying several feet back, he landed on the ground with a painful thud. Yun Xin gritted his teeth, his ribs were throbbing but he refused to give up. He stood up, wincing in pain, and faced his opponent again. The man charged at him with a roundhouse kick, but Yun Xin managed to duck and counter with a lightning-fast jab that hit the man’s nose. Blood gushed out, but the man didn’t seem to care.

Yun Xin knew that he had to use his speed and agility to his advantage, so he moved around the man in a circular motion, looking for an opening. The man swung his fists, trying to hit Yun Xin, but the young martial artist was too quick for him. Yun Xin kicked the man in the back of the knees, causing him to fall to the ground, but the man was not defeated yet. He got up quickly, and Yun Xin could see the anger in his eyes. This man was like a killer machine! It was nothing like how his Shifu taught him to fight, with honor and grace. It was a dirty back alleyway brawl. Yun Xin hated this man down to his bones as they exchanged blows and traded punches. Each lightning-fast speed.

Yun Xin cried out as he landed a crippling punch to his kidney, the pain coursed through Yun Xin’s body like a raging wildfire, burning everything in its path and leaving him feeling scorched and raw.

Yun Xin faced his opponent, his muscles taut with anticipation. The air crackled with energy as they both took their stances. The enemy launched a fierce leg sweep, but Yun Xin leaped effortlessly over it. With a swift pivot, he retaliated with a palm thrust, aiming for the enemy’s chest.

The two fighters were evenly matched, each blow and counterblow landing with deadly accuracy. Yun Xin’s feet flew as he executed a lightning-fast series of kicks, the sound of his movements echoing throughout the alleyway. He could feel the sweat pouring down his face, his breaths coming in short gasps as he dodged and weaved. Yun Xin was quick as a striking snake, leaping over the sweeping leg with graceful ease. He countered with a palm thrust, like a sharp dagger aimed at the enemy’s heart. The sound of the clash reverberated like a fierce thunderstorm.

His opponent was skilled, Yun Xin knew that much. But he refused to let that deter him. With a fierce shout, he launched into a furious attack, his fists and feet moving in a blur.

Fu Tai’s face was bloody as they pounced on him one by one until a horn sounded and all the alphas fled. “Yun-gongzi!” Fu Tai cried coming over to him and helping him stand. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“My ribs,” Yun Xin grounded out, and he clutched his side. Fu Tai looked worse for wear, his nose broken and his lip bloodied, but otherwise seemed okay. Fu Tai helped him stand and soon the guards were surrounding them, most of them knew his father and were worried he was seriously hurt. Yun Xin waved them off, knowing that with some rest his healing abilities would come into play. He just needed to find a place to meditate and a few days to recuperate.

“I’ll take you back to the palace,” Fu Tai said holding him upright as they went back to the palace. They were walking up the steps when they happened to run into Shifu, who was going into town for some things.

“What is the meaning of this?” Shifu demanded; his gaze cold as they landed on Fu Tai.

Yun Xin cupped both hands. “Shifu,” he wheezed. “It’s my fault, we ran into some trouble in the city with the Fearless Gang sect. Fu Tai did everything he could to help.”

Yun Chen’s eyes were frosty and he listened without making a sound. An awkward silence descends upon them and Fu Tai dropped to his knees, knocking for forehead against the ground. “This lowly servant didn’t do his job hard enough. Please punish me.”

Shifu snorted. “Both of you hurry back to the palace, General Yun Jiahao will be notified at once. As for you Fu Tai…” his lip curled. “Your punishment will be swift and unyielding.” He hmphed, flicking his sleeves, and walked past them, his hands clasped behind his back and his robes swaying in the wind.

Yun Xin nearly collapsed with relief, Shifu could have punished them right then and there, but luckily, he saw fit to put it off to another day. Fu Tai was oddly silent as they climbed the last remaining steps, and Yun Xin knew he made a mistake by dragging him into the fight. “I’m sorry. I’ve made a mess of things…”

“It’s all right,” Fu Tai replied. “I should have protected you more. I am at fault.”

“I wish you wouldn’t—”

“If there’s nothing more you require of me, I’d like to head to my room later.”

Yun Xin felt a pang in his chest and he knew it was Fu Tai’s way of distancing himself from him. They weren’t kids anymore, Yun Xin shouldn’t have become so attached to his servant, a alpha at that.  Yun Xin said nothing more and allowed Fu Tai to take him back to his room.


Yun Xin dismissed Fu Tai for the evening and meditated on his bed for a while. Circulating his qi to replenish his muscles and mend some of his broken bones, but his ribcage still ached fiercely and he knew it would take at least a week to heal. Yun Xin sighed through his nose as he thought about all the trouble he caused today, all he wanted to do was help, but he realized he should have just listened to Fu Tai instead of going off on his own. Now they were both in trouble.

Yun Xin was about to prepare for bed when he overheard the hushed voices of the servants through the door.

“…I heard that Shifu is preparing for the wedding. I wonder if Gong Feiyan will try to harm Gong Yijun.”

Harm Gong Yijun? It was no secrete concubine Gong Feiyan hated Gong Yijun to the bone, mostly because he was the emperor’s favorite, and the last surviving prince of the late empress, she feared her son Gong Xiaolong wouldn’t sit on the throne. Gong Yijun and Yun Xin had been working on his stutter for years now, Gong Yijun was almost a proficient speaker, and his eloquence was outstanding, shocking all the scholars in the Sun Ocean Palace sect.

“Shh! Do not speak of such things. We do not want to be caught spreading rumors.”

Yun Xin’s curiosity was piqued so he got out of bed, threw open the doors, approached the group of servants, and spoke up. “What rumors are you spreading? About whom?”

The servants looked up, startled to see Yun Xin. “My lord, we were just discussing the upcoming wedding between Shifu’s daughter and Gong Yijun. There are concerns that Gong Feiyan, his stepmother, may try to harm him.”

Yun Xin’s heart sank. He had heard rumors about Gong Feiyan’s cruel nature, but he never thought she would stoop so low as to harm her stepson. “Thank you for informing me. I must speak to Gong Yijun immediately.”

Yun Xin had one the eunuch sent Gong Yijun a message and waited patiently for the reply to see if the prince was available to have an audience with him. The eunuch came back quickly and advised that the prince wasn’t busy and that he could visit with him in his chambers.  He rushed off to Gong Yijun’s chambers, his mind racing with worry. When he arrived, he found Gong Yijun at a table with a bunch of scrolls in front of him. Gong Yijun’s lips pulled into a dashing smile, even sitting down he was a tall and regal-looking young man with sharp features and an elegant posture, befitting of his status as an imperial prince. His chiseled jawline and piercing eyes add to his commanding presence, making it clear that he was a force to be reckoned with.

“What’s wrong, XinXin?” Gong Yijun asked, noticing the worry etched on his friend’s face.

“I overheard some servants talking about Gong Feiyan potentially harming you,” Yun Xin said, his voice laced with concern.

Gong Yijun’s remained flat. “Oh. Is that all? What happened to your face?”

“Aren’t you concerned about this?” Yun Xin asked and sat gingerly in the seat beside him.

“No. She’s always hated me,” Gong Yijun shrugged. “I don’t care. Father has been sick lately and t-t-they say we might go to war soon.”

“War?” Yun Xin’s brow knitted he hadn’t heard anything about that.

Gong Yijun leaned in close. “They say there’s a devil in one of the sects.”

“A devil?” Yun Xin gasped, but he had heard the rumors before and thought they were all ridiculous. “What devil? In the Burning Fire sect?”

Gong Yijun shrugged. “Something like that…” He sighed through his nose. “With my father ill and concubine Gong Feiyan still waiting for him to name a successor… I feel that things might turn for the worse.”

Yun Xin nodded as if there was a devil in the Burning Fire sect that needed to be taken seriously. The devil had been banished to their realm for terrorizing the mortal realm, which had an area sealed off specifically for devils to make sure that once they entered the devil realm they could not leave.

“It’s best to follow up on the rumors and see if they’re some t-t-t-truth to them,” Gong Yijun said. “But until then don’t associate with anyone from the Burning Fire sect.”

Not that he really did anyway. “Okay.”

“So…” Gong Yijun stared at him, his brows knitted. “What happened to your face?”

Yun Xin’s face heated and rubbed the back of his neck. “Well… you see…it’s a funny story…”


Yun Xin walked through the imperial gardens, taking in the beauty of the blooming flowers and the tranquility of the surrounding nature. As he strolled along, he heard the soft, melodic sound of a pipa being played. The music drew him closer to its source, where he found Yun Xinyi sitting under a cherry blossom tree, strumming the strings of the instrument with a serene expression on her face.

Yun Xinyi had grown into a stunning beta, her alluring scent was what Yun Xin found he liked most about being around her. Yun Xinyi sat gracefully with her pipa, her delicate fingers plucking the strings with precision. Her beauty was like a painting, framed by the soft purple of her robes, her long black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Yun Xin gazed at his Shigu, completely mesmerized.

Yun Xin approached her and sat down beside her. “That’s a beautiful melody,” he said, admiring her skillful playing.

Yun Xinyi smiled at him. “Thank you. Do you want to learn?”

Yun Xin hesitated, unsure if he had musical talent. “I’m not sure if I’m skilled enough for that.”

“It’s not about being skilled,” Yun Xinyi replied. “It’s about expressing yourself through music. Here, let me show you a few chords.”

Yun Xin took the pipa from her, feeling the weight of the instrument in his hands. She showed him how to position his fingers on the strings, and together they played a simple melody. Yun Xin was surprised at how quickly he caught on to the basic chords and found himself enjoying the music.

As they continued to play, Yun Xinyi began to speak about their Shifu’s plans for her future. “My father is preparing for my marriage to Gong Yijun,” she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Yun Xin was taken aback. “Marriage? But you’ve always talked about wanting to cultivate.”

“I know,” Yun Xinyi sighed. “But it’s what my father wants for me. And since your sister, Yun Jiayi, is not of age yet, it falls to me to fulfill this obligation.”

Yun Jiayi would be fifteen this year, and a bit too young for marriage, while Yun Xinyi was eighteen and in her prime. If Yun Xinyi became one of Gong Yijun’s concubines it would form an unbreakable alliance between the Heavenly Orchard sect and the Sun Ocean Palace sect.

Yun Xin could see the conflict in her eyes. “But…?”

“I don’t want to be married,” Yun Xinyi said firmly. “I want to cultivate. Marriage would only hinder my progress.”

Yun Xin nodded in understanding. “I can see that. But have you spoken to your father about this?”

Yun Xinyi shook her head. “It wouldn’t do any good. He has already made up his mind.”

And he knew just how stubborn their Shifu could be. Yun Xin chewed on his bottom lip, almost relieved that he didn’t have to go through the same fate. Since his father never had any sons, Yun Xin would be the last surviving general of the Yun clan, therefore his ascend to becoming the emperor general was paramount. There could be no mistakes. Yun Jiahao made sure that Yun Xin knew the gravity of the situation, and he wasn’t allowed to be near any alphas unless it was Fu Tai or family members. Yun Xin’s childhood had been strict, as a omega he was limited to where he could go, for fear he’d go into heat somewhere and be taken away by another alpha.

Yun Xin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Yun Xinyi sighed. “I guess I can give up my dream of becoming the next Jia Zedong…”

Since they were young, they all had dreams of becoming immortal heroes. Jia Zedong from the Snake Poison sect has always been Yun Xinyi’s favorite. She was at the Immortal Ascension stage and ranked one of the highest in their generations. “Not necessarily…”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… you could still place in the competition,” Yun Xin said. “Maybe you can put your wedding off until you’ve reached a higher level. I don’t think Shifu would disagree with that. A concubine in the imperial court that can fight will always be an asset.”

Yun Xinyi’s entire face lit up. “Yin-er you’re a genius!” she squealed hugging him. “I can still cultivate! Your friends with Gong Yijun, oh please put in a good word for me! Pretty please!”

Yun Xin laughed. “Alright, alright I’ll ask him. I’m sure he’s not in a rush to get married either.”

Yun Xinyi pulled him into a crushing hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Ahh, your friendship means the world to me.”

“Yeah sure,” Yun Xin chuckled. “Now, why don’t you show me a few more chords?”

Yun Xinyi beamed and together they got lost in the beauty of the moment and the tranquility of the imperial gardens. Despite the uncertainties of the future, they found comfort in the present, in each other’s company, and in the music they created.

Chapter 6

Ten years later…

Striding into the throne room, Zhan Wen held his head high. Several omega disciples blushed, their voices tittering as he strutted by. Dressed in a black fur cloak and fine robes lined with red, Zhan Wen looked an immortal, handsome, and mysterious. His hair was a wild mass of black curls that tumbled down his back like a cascade of midnight waves, making him look like a fierce warrior ready for battle.

Zhan Wen’s lips hooked into his cheek, and he threw them a devilish wink as he walked to the throne room. Zhan Wei stood proud near the throne; his eyes held more wrinkles than ever before but he still smiled when Zhan Wen bowed before him. “Shengzi,” he sighed. “Don’t act shameless.”

Zhan Wen rolled his eyes but he stood saluting his father. “You summoned me? I hope it wasn’t for another lecture.”

Zhan Wei rubbed his brow. “Not this time, but I’m sure you need it. How many times have I told you to stay away from certain omegas? Wait until I can arrange a proper marriage for you.”

Zhan Wen chucked throatily. “Father, you can’t expect me to go by without sniffing the flowers. It was just a bit of fun, nothing to get worked up over.”

Zhan Wei grumbled under his breath but said nothing more. It was normal for alphas to try to seduce omegas. Zhan Wen was nearly twenty, it was about time he had some fun. Over the last ten years he’s been training for the sect competition, day and night, he lived and breathed cultivation. He had even made it to the Core Formation stage and would be well onto the Nascent Soul stage if things continued going this well. Zhan Wen was lit with exhilaration, soon all the sects would see the mightiness of the Burning Fire sect, and sooner or later they’d become the number one sect in Sun Ocean Palace!

Zhan Wen couldn’t wait to crush them all into the dust. A smile tugged at his lips, as he thought about how he’d finally managed to subdue his devil’s aura and cultivate the righteous path. It irritated him to no end, his father’s rantings about keeping his devil side a secret. Zhan Wen didn’t care about what people thought about them, their sect was invincible, and he’d dare anyone to try to take them down.

“Well, moving on…I see you’ve progressed,” Zhan Wei praised. “We can look into getting you some magical beasts to ride on our way to the competition.”

Zhan Wen’s face lit up. “Really?”

“If you keep it up.”

“I will.” Zhan Wen vowed, grinning like mad. A magical beast? He’d make a grand entrance for sure now!

Zhan Wei’s expression was serious as he replied, “Yes, my son. I have important news to share with you… After ten years, Lei Bo is finally coming back.”

Lei Bo.

Zhan Wen’s heart fluttered and his throat wet dry, a cold sweat broke out over his palms and he almost laughed at how ridiculous he was being. Zhan Wen has seen countless beauties, most omegas nearly preened when they found out he was going to be the sect leader. He was nineteen now, no longer the young boy Lei Bo had known before he left, but just the mention of Lei Bo’s name had his knees quaking. Don’t leave me. He had cried, but Lei Bo kept walking as if tears meant nothing.

Zhan Wen understood that he had probably gone on a mission for his father and it had taken him several years to return, but the resentment had coiled in his heart like barbwire. Lei Bo. He had spent years waiting for Lei Bo’s return, hoping that he would see him as the man he had become.

Zhan Wen’s blood quickened when his thoughts drifted back to his memories of Lei Bo. He remembered the way Lei Bo had looked at him with those intense, dark eyes, the way his heart had beat like wild horses on a terrain whenever Lei Bo was nearby. He had desired Lei Bo with a passion that was both intense and all-consuming, like a fire burning deep within him that he couldn’t extinguish.

Even after all these years, Zhan Wen felt that same desire stirring within him.

“When?” Zhan Wen asked, swallowing around the blockage in his throat.

“Tomorrow,” Zhan Wei replied chuckling softly. “I’ll hold a banquet in his honor.”

Zhan Wen’s throat felt parched, he still remembered the omega’s clean scent and was ashamed to admit he spent most of his nights sleeping in Lei Bo’s bed, trying to keep the scent with him as long as possible. “I see.”

Zhan Wei shook his head at Zhan Wen’s expression. “Still got a crush?”

Zhan Wen’s face heated up. “No.”

Zhan Wei laughed. “Sure, you don’t. Anyways, you’re dismissed.”

He left the throne room. Thoughts filled with Lei Bo. He knew that he had to be patient, to wait for the right moment to make his move. Zhan Wen was no longer a child. Lei Bo was a prime omega and he wouldn’t waste his time pinning anymore.


This time, Zhan Wen would make his move.


The banquet hall transformed into a symphony of colors. A canvas painted by the gods themselves. Zhan Wen watched as the walls draped in silk fabrics flowed like rivers of gold, emerald, and crimson. He drank beside his father through a golden cup, his thoughts buzzing like a cicada and his stomach in knots.

Where is he? Three hours into the banquet was there still no sight of Lei Bo. His father didn’t seem at all concerned, he spoke to whoever was nearby, not paying a lick of attention to the fact that the guest of honor hadn’t even arrived yet.

The chandeliers cast a warm glow, illuminating the hall like a thousand suns. The centerpiece of the room was a magnificent dragon sculpture, its scales made of pure silver and its eyes sparkling with jewels. The tables were lined with exquisite porcelain dishes, each one more beautiful than the last, decorated with intricate floral patterns and delicate brushstrokes. The scent of roasted meat and spices wafted through the air, like a gentle breeze on a summer evening.

Zhan Wen sipped Baijiu, his heart trembling as he tried to make sense of his emotions. Several omegas tried to catch his eye, but Zhan Wen remained stoic and laid back, drinking without tasting trying to calm his nerves. Tonight, he was dressed in extravagant red robes. Zhan Wen knew that with his slightly pointed ears and sharp canines, his devilish aura shone through, making him look both dangerous and alluring. His eyes were like two shining orbs of obsidian, drawing in those around him like moths to a flame.

 The guests dressed in their finest attire and adorned with shimmering jewelry filled the room with their energy. It was as if the banquet hall had been transported from the mortal realm to the heavens, and everyone in attendance basked in its otherworldly beauty.

Then suddenly Lei Bo entered the banquet hall with a flourish, his presence commanding everyone’s attention. The musicians stopped playing, their instruments silenced by his arrival.

Zhan Wen’s heart lurched, he nearly leaped from his seat but stopped himself at the last minute, his eyes shining as he took in Lei Bo’s form after almost ten years.

He wore a fur coat that glistened in the light, its blackness a stark contrast to the colorful attire of the other guests. The cinnabar near his eyes enhanced his cheeks, which were high and prominent, and his hair was tied in a half-updo with a small crown, the rest tumbling down his back. Lei Bo’s entrance was a spectacle, causing the room to fall into hushed whispers as he made his way toward the banquet table.

“Lei Bo,” Zhan Wei stood and greeted him at the door. Lei Bo saluted his father and kept his gaze on the ground. “Welcome back.”

“Zhangmen, this honor is far too great for someone as lowly as me.”

“Nonsense.” Zhan Wei clasped his arms. “Come. Sit with me. We have much to discuss.”

The music resumed and the palace was alive with the sound of music and laughter as the lavish banquet was held to welcome Lei Bo back. The tables were covered with red cloths and adorned with beautiful flowers and candles; the air was heavy with the scent of incense. Zhan Wen sat nearby with his heart in his throat, drinking enough liquid to drown in. Lei Bo barely looked at him throughout the entire night and Zhan Wen didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

Unable to stomach it a second later, Zhan Wen stood from the table and walked over to the preening omegas nearby as they fluttered their fans. Zhan Wen strode over to them, his towering height making the omegas shrink back, their eyes shining as he stared down at them.


They relaxed instantly, sharing a drink with their shidi. Zhan Wen was desperate, flirting shamelessly with every omega he could find. But his eyes kept straying to Lei Bo, who stood in the corner, silent and still as a lake. Zhan Wen couldn’t take his eyes off him, mesmerized by the cinnabar on his face and the beauty of his black hair and fur coat. Zhan Wen walked to the middle of the room and raised his cup in a toast.

“Welcome back, Lei Bo,” he said, his voice filled with warmth and longing. “It’s been far too long since we last saw you. We’re all eager to hear of your travels and adventures.”

“Wanbei tells us of your journeys!” another disciple shouted.

“Yeah, Wanbei we’re eager to hear more!”

A chorus of voices sounded through the banquet but Lei Bo remained silent, his expression unreadable. Zhan Wen felt a pang of disappointment, but he refused to let it show. He raised his cup again, determined to keep the conversation flowing.

“Please, tell us of the wonders you’ve seen,” he said, his eyes fixed on Lei Bo’s face. “We’re all eager to hear of your experiences, to share in your knowledge.”

Lei Bo’s gaze finally met his, and Zhan Wen felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body. It was as though Lei Bo’s eyes were the sun, and he was a mere mortal basking in its warmth. He knew then that his desire for Lei Bo was as intense as ever, like a wildfire burning deep within him.

“No need,” Lei Bo spoke, his voice cool and calm before he took his cup and drank. The rest soon followed confused and disappointed by his attitude. Zhan Wen didn’t understand what had just happened, but his father didn’t comment on it so he left it alone. Eventually, the banquet ended and Lei Bo stepped outside into the tranquil moonlit courtyard. Unbeknownst to him, Zhan Wen had followed him secretly, watching him as he walked. In the pale light of the moon, Lei Bo’s black fur coat glistened, and the cinnabar near his eyes added a rosy glow to his sharp features.

Zhan Wen’s heart throbbed as he watched him from afar. He was drunk. Way too drunk. And he knew that he shouldn’t be doing this, but he’d spent years pinning for Lei Bo.

Lei Bo’s beauty was captivating, and Zhan Wen felt an intense desire for him. He couldn’t resist the urge to approach him, even if it were from a distance. He watched Lei Bo, his eyes dark and unreadable, Zhan Wen’s breath caught in his throat. He yearned to be closer to him, to touch him, but he knew it was impossible. Lei Bo’s head turned suddenly, peering over his shoulder.

It was just like that ten years ago, and Zhan Wen felt like he was drowning. Lei Bo’s eyes bore into his and they stared at each other for a long time.

“You left.” Zhan Wen blurted the words out, feeling his face grow hot.

“I did,” Lei Bo responded, but his voice sounded low. “But now I’m back.”

The way he looked at him stirred a passion in him that he had never felt before, and then Lei Bo turned and left. Zhan Wen continued to watch from afar, longing to be near him but not daring to get any closer. He knew that he had to have him, to possess him, but he also knew that he had to wait for the right moment to make his move. The devil’s blood sang in his veins and the alpha within him slammed against the confines of its cage with each passing moment. Zhan Wen’s desire for Lei Bo burned hotter, like a flame that threatened to consume him. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from him, and he knew that he would stop at nothing to make Lei Bo his.


Zhan Wen planned and plotted, watching Lei Bo with desire blackening his heart. He had to have him. He had to. Lei Bo was the one thing in this world Zhan Wen couldn’t live without, ever since he was nine and found out what it was like to fall in love for the first time.

Lei Bo was still at the Qi Condensation, probably due to his omega disposition but still he cultivated regularly so he should be at least at the Core Condensation stage. It was strange he never seemed to progress, even after all these years, he never managed to surpass that realm. Zhan Wen didn’t understand it, but he knew it had something to do with Lei Bo’s past. Zhan Wen tracked Lei Bo down, his heart pounding, his breath coming in short gasps, as he caught sight of the man he’d been longing for. Zhan Wen was walking through a bamboo forest when he heard the sound of a pipa but couldn’t see anyone playing. It was as if the trees themselves were playing the instrument, the sound drifting through the air like the soft rustling of leaves. His eyes stung when he recalled the first time, he heard that song, face down in the snow wishing that death would take him. Lei Bo had been his savior all those years ago and Zhan Wen didn’t want to live without him. The forest was alive with the rustling of leaves and the gentle trickle of a nearby stream, spring was upon them after a harsh winter.

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the treetops, and he found Lei Bo by the streams, his fur coat swaying in the wind as he played his precious pipa. Lei Bo looks as stoic as ever, his features chiseled and handsome in the fading light. He stopped playing, his head turned over his right shoulder and then he spoke. “What do you want?”

“Just enjoying the scenery…” Zhan Wen’s lips curved into a lazy smile as he leaned against a bamboo tree. “How about you?”

“Stop following me.”


Lei Bo’s lip twitched and his hands curled into a fist. “I see, even after ten years you’re still a child.”

Zhan Wen laughed bitterly, he stepped towards Lei Bo and towered over the omega. A child? Zhan Wen scoffed. He knew his appearance was both commanding and seductive. His broad shoulders and narrow waist were perfectly proportioned, like a work of art come to life. His long hair, free of any head crown, flowed behind him like a cape, giving him an almost mythical quality.

A child? Ha! Zhan Wen could have died of laughter.

Lei Bo stood his ground like a cypress tree, but his lashes fluttered.

The scent of Lei Bo’s omega was like a gentle rain shower, light and refreshing with hints of blooming flowers and damp earth. Zhan Wen’s heart beat wildly and he stepped even closer.

“I’m not a child any longer, Lei-ge.”

Anger flashed in his eyes. “Don’t call me that.”

“What should I call you?” Zhan Wen taunted.

“Nothing. We’re strangers now.”

The words stabbed at his heart and he hated that Lei Bo was like this. Since the day Lei Bo had rescued him, he was always trying to put distance between them, as if he didn’t want to truly get close to Zhan Wen. But things were different now. Zhan Wen wouldn’t take no for an answer. He wanted Lei Bo. Plain and simple. Zhan Wen steps closer, his eyes locked on Lei Bo’s, and he speaks with a voice thick with desire. “You’ve been gone for so long, Lei Bo. I’ve missed you.” He takes a step closer, his body language confident and assertive. “You have no idea how much I want you.”

Lei Bo’s eyes narrow, and Zhan Wen can see the cinnabar near his eyes quiver, and his cheeks flushed with color. “You’re shameless,” Lei Bo says, his voice low and rough.

Zhan Wen chuckled. “Perhaps I am. But you’re the only one I want, Lei Bo. I’ll do anything to keep you near me.” He stepped closer until their bodies were almost touching. “Don’t you feel it too, the attraction between us? It’s like a force of nature.”

Sweat beaded on Lei Bo’s forehead and he took a step back, but there was nowhere to go. Zhan Wen towered over him, his chest heaving. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, why he wanted to cage Lei Bo and hold him captive. His thoughts went back to that day he held in his heart like a precious gem. Lei Bo was naked from his bath, his pale thighs like cream, his mount glistening and his tiny cock flushing with heat. Zhan Wen never allowed himself to think too deeply about it, most male omegas were intersex, but Zhan Wen had never seen a naked man before, and Lei Bo’s body was burned into his thoughts for all eternity. His devil’s blood surged like wildfire.

How many times did he fuck into his fist thinking about spearing Lei Bo with his hard cock? How many times did he imagine Lei Bo riding his fat knot? His face screwed in pleasure, his eyes trembling as he was nearly fucked to death.

“You’re crazy.”

“Am I?” Zhan Wen scented the air and his smile grew. Lei Bo’s scent had begun to spike slightly, signaling his own desire. The omega, although completely stoic had preened. But Zhan Wen smelled something else, something tantalizing and addictive that made him roil with desire.

Lei Bo was in pre-heat.

Fuck. Zhan Wen understood now why he kept following the omega, since the day he arrived Lei Bo had rarely left his sight. The alpha in him knew that the omega was going into heat and did everything to keep him close by. Lei Bo’s eyes dart to the side as if searching for a way out. Zhan Wen can see the longing in his eyes, the desire that he’s been trying to hide. He reached up to brush a strand of black hair from Lei Bo’s face, his fingers trailing down to his cheek. “I want you. Don’t deny me.”

Lei Bo’s eyes widened, and Zhan Wen took advantage of the moment to press his lips against Lei Bo’s. The kiss was like a spark igniting a flame, and Zhan Wen poured all of his longing and desire into it. Lei Bo’s response was hesitant at first, but then he melts into the kiss, his hands coming up to clutch at Zhan Wen’s clothes.

They break apart, panting and desperate, Zhan Wen can see the look of surrender in Lei Bo’s eyes. “Y-you back away—don’t come any closer—”

Zhan Wen grabbed his wrists and Lei Bo’s arms turned boneless in his grasp. “I told you, Lei Bo. I’ll do anything to keep you near me.” And with those words, he pulls Lei Bo into another kiss, sealing their passion and desire in a bond that can never be broken.

Chapter 5

Excitement brimmed in Yun Xin and Fu Tai as they walked through the grand halls of the Sun Ocean Palace sect, looking up in awe at the elaborate carvings on the walls and the gold-plated pillars that held up the ceiling. The throne room of the Sun Ocean Palace sect was a sight to behold. As one entered, they were met with a sense of awe and reverence. The room was vast, with high ceilings and intricately carved walls made of polished wood. A huge gold-plated throne sat at the far end of the room, where the emperor presided over his court.

Beside him, a smaller throne was reserved for his beloved concubine, Gong Feiyan. The room was lit by an array of lanterns and candles, casting a warm glow that added to the room’s magnificence. The air was thick with the scent of burning incense, which accents the solemnity and grandeur of the space. Yun Xin’s stomach fluttered; his little eyes wild as he gazed up at them. This was the first time he had ever been in the presence of the emperor and his concubine, Gong Feiyan.

Yun Xin was dumb-struck with a sense of awe as he looked upon Emperor Gong Yutong, the ruler of the Sun Ocean Palace sect. Gong Yutong was dressed in the finest and most opulent attire, with a long, loose-fitting robe made of the best silk and adorned with intricate embroidery. The ornate buttons and clasps on his robe were made of precious metals and gemstones, emphasizing his high status within the palace.

General Yun Jiahao bowed low before Emperor Gong Yutong and said, “Your Majesty, I present to you my son, Yun Xin, he has come to study under your son, Gong Yijun.”

Emperor Gong Yutong smiled warmly and looked down at the two young boys. “Zhen welcomes Yun Xin. We hope that you will learn much from my son, Gong Yijun.”

Something in Gong Feiyan’s expression darkened at the mention of Gong Yijun, but she smiled politely and nodded. She was the first and only concubine of Gong Yutong, her son Gong Xiaolong set to inherit the throne from Gong Yutong when he died. The emperor had only one other child from Gong Feiyan, and one from the Empress who died in giving birth to Gong Yijun.

Yun Xin’s heart pounded against his chest as he snuck a peek at Gong Feiyan. She was dressed in extravagant luxurious clothing, with a hanfu made of the brightest silk and embroidered with intricate patterns. Her jewelry was made of precious metals and adorned with gemstones, and her hair was styled in an elegant updo, held in place by delicate hairpins and combs. But something about her expression seemed off, her eyes were clear but her lip curled at the mention of Gong Yijun.

Gong Feiyan, who sat beside the emperor, looked at the man with a gentle expression. “You are so young and yet so full of promise. It is so rare to see in Omega’s these days. We wish you the very best in your studies.”

Although neither acknowledged Fu Tai since he was a servant, they both bowed low, feeling a sense of reverence towards the emperor and his concubine. Yun Jiahao led them out of the throne room, all of them keeping their heads bowed until a eunuch took them to another room. Yun Xin’s thoughts buzzed, and he looked at Fu Tai who was equally awestruck.

“Don’t wander off, I have business to attend to.” Yun Jiahao told them. “Fu Tai, make sure Yun Xin meets Wangye on time in the imperial study room.”

Fu Tai bowed and then grabbed Yun Xin’s arm, hauling them off to their chambers to make sure Yun Xin didn’t get into any trouble.


Over the next few days, Yun Xin and Fu Tai got used to their life in the imperial palace. Things were much grander here and Yun Xin wasn’t sure what to make of all the formalities. On the day he was supposed to meet the Wangye, Yun Xin dressed in study robes, and then allowed the eunuchs to take him to the study room. The room was filled with books and scrolls, and there was a large table in the center where they could work. A eunuch announced the prince’s arrival and Yun Xin’s eyes nearly fell out of his skull. The imperial prince’s robes were disheveled and haphazardly thrown on, giving the impression of someone who didn’t care about their appearance.

Gong Yijun was skinny and malnourished, his cheeks sunken and his eyes dull, his alpha scent sour. Yun Xin had expected someone grand and imposing, but instead, he found himself facing a pitiful sight. Why did he look like this? Yun Xin was puzzled and confused but kept his face neutral as he bowed and sat down beside Gong Yijun and opened his books. He could tell that Wangye was nervous, his hands twitching uncontrollably but Yun Xin’s lips dragged into a comforting smile.

“Hi, I’m Yun Xin,” he said, bowing low before the prince.

“G-G-G-Gong Yijun,” the prince stuttered, looking down at his feet.

Yun Xin could tell that Gong Yijun was uncomfortable. He knew that he had to do something to make the prince feel at ease.

“Where do you want to start?”

“T-T-The b-b-b-b-b-b-beginning.” Gong Yijun’s entire face flushed bright red, and a few servants nearby snickered at him. Yun Xin was so confused by what was happening. Why did Gong Yijun look like this? And why did even the servants not treat the prince with respect? Yun Xin decided to ignore it, his little hands grabbing a scroll nearby.

“Let’s start with something easy,” he said, pulling out a book of basic characters. “Can you read these?”

Gong Yijun nodded, and together they worked their way through the book. It was like pulling teeth and Yun Xin almost had a headache by the time they passed through the first sentence. Gong Yijun was too nervous, he kept stammering over the simplest words and Yun Xin didn’t know what kind of study partner he was supposed to be when the prince couldn’t even study. Then he noticed Gong Yijun’s eyes kept straying to one servant, he was tall and imposing, like a mountain. He barely spoke, but his eyes never strayed from Gong Yijun’s as if he wanted to do something sinister to him.

Yun Xin’s brow pulled, he knew of many plots to overthrow the crown since his father talked about it often. He leaned closer to Gong Yijun. “How about we clear the room? More privacy?”

“C-C-C-Clear the r-r-r-room!” Gong Yijun said mustering all his energy to seem fierce, but he really just looked like a beaten puppy. When all the servants left Gong Yijun’s entire body relaxed instantly, his alphas scent not as sour as it was before. “T-T-T-T-Thank you.”

Yun Xin’s mouth tugged into a smile. “You’re welcome. Now, why don’t we try reciting some poetry together?”

Gong Yijun looked hesitant but agreed to give it a try. Yun Xin chose a famous poem and recited the first line with ease, “In the world of men, in the city of Ch’ang-an.”

Gong Yijun took a deep breath and tried to repeat it, “In the w-w-world of m-m-men, in the c-c-city of Ch’ang-an.”

Yun Xin smiled encouragingly, “Great job, let’s try the next line.”

They continued reciting the poem, but Gong Yijun struggled with almost every word, stammering and stuttering. He became more and more frustrated with himself.

“I c-c-c-c-can’t do it,” Gong Yijun said, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Yun Xin was determined to help him, “Yes, you can. Just take a deep breath and try again.”

Gong Yijun took another deep breath and tried to recite the next line, but his stutter only grew worse. He couldn’t get the words out, and he started to feel hopeless.

“I’ll n-n-n-never be able to s-s-s-speak properly,” Gong Yijun said, tears streaming down his face.

Yun Xin placed a comforting hand on Gong Yijun’s shoulder, “Don’t give up. It takes time and practice, but you can do it.”

Gong Yijun shook his head, “No, I’m h-h-hopeless.”

Yun Xin refused to let him give up, “You’re not hopeless, and I’m not giving up on you. Let’s keep practicing.”

They practiced reciting poetry every day, and Yun Xin helped Gong Yijun with his breathing and speaking techniques. It was a slow process, but Gong Yijun began to make progress. His stutter became less pronounced, and he could speak more fluently.

Yun Xin sat patiently in front of Gong Yijun, who was still struggling to form complete sentences due to his stuttering. He knew that the prince needed more than just exercises to improve his speech, he needed something to inspire him.

“Your Highness,” Yun Xin said, “I have a poem that I think might help you.”

Gong Yijun looked up at him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

“It’s called ‘Lament of the Disabled Man’ by Du Fu,” Yun Xin continued. “It’s a poem about someone who feels helpless and powerless, but he still finds the strength to persevere.”

Yun Xin began reciting the poem slowly, enunciating each word clearly, and Gong Yijun followed along, repeating each line after him.

“O desolate is the world, and void of all that cheereth,

The way is hard and long, and no help cometh near it.

Amid the flowers of spring, I sigh for autumn’s coming,

For now, my life is spent, and every joy departed.”

Gong Yijun stumbled over some of the words, but Yun Xin corrected and then said. “Wangye, remember what Du Fu says: ‘In these dire straits, one must cling to the light, and never lose hope.’“

Gong Yijun nodded, and they continued reciting the poem together, each time with more confidence and fluency.

“T-T-The road to health and s-s-s-s-strength is hard to climb and dreary,

But w-w-with a steadfast heart, one may conquer and b-b-be cheery.

Though now we sorrow sore, we shall laugh w-w-w-when we have conquered,

And every ill we’ve borne, in triumph shall be honored.”

Gong Yijun recited an entire stanza with minimal stuttering. Yun Xin nearly wept with joy.

“I d-d-did it!” he exclaimed.

Yun Xin beamed with pride, “Yes, you did. I knew you could.”


Yun Xin and Fu Tai walked hand in hand, giggling as they ran through the palace gardens. The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, their pink petals falling like snowflakes. The air was perfumed with the sweet fragrance of the flowers, and the distant sound of a flowing stream could be heard. The sun was shining, casting a warm glow on the two children as they explored the winding paths and hidden alcoves of the garden. The colorful koi fish in the pond darted back and forth, occasionally jumping out of the water to catch a fly. Behind them, a few eunuchs followed, keeping a watchful eye on the children.

“Yun-gongzi, please don’t run,” Fu Tai tittered, but he too was running.

“Why not? There’s nobody around.” Yun Xin took off further into the garden with Fu Tai following closely behind them. “Let’s play immortal heroes! I’ll be the great Yun Xuanming, the Celestial Crane of Serenity!”

“Yeah right, you’re nothing more than dog meat!” Fu Tai shoved Yun Xin playfully. “If you’re Yun Xuanming then I’ll be Zhan Feng from the Burning Fire sect, he’s much more powerful than stupid Yun Xuanming.”

“You’re dog meat! Fu clan can’t even help themselves much less anyone else. What makes you think you’re better?”

Fu Tai looked as if he’d been slapped. “You—” he sputtered. “Yun Xuanming is just a stupid nobody and he’s probably dead somewhere rotting like stinky cow meat!”

“No.” Yun Xin stamped his foot and crossed his arms. “He’s a million times better. Zhan Feng is s-s-stupid.”

Fu Tai’s expression darkened and he shoved Yun Xin onto the ground. “You think your damn sect is better than everyone else.”

Yun Xin was suddenly overcome by fear. He felt like a tiny bird being circled by a predator as Fu Tai approached him with a fierce scowl, his eyes cold and unfeeling. The alpha’s scent began to sour making Yun Xin’s stomach turn, he wasn’t sure why Fu Tai was suddenly treating him that way, but he didn’t like it. Fu Tai was about to move when they heard a commotion from the other side of the gardens.

They ran towards the sound, hiding in the dense foliage as they watched Gong Feiyan grab Gong Yijun by his hair and drag him forward. “Useless child!” she screeched and slapped him across the face. “Good for nothing!”

Yun Xin’s heart raced as he listened to Gong Feiyan’s cruel words toward Gong Yijun. It was like a sharp blade slicing through his chest, making it hard for him to breathe. He could see the pain etched on Gong Yijun’s face, his stuttering worse than ever as he tried to reply.


“You’re a worthless burden on this family,” Gong Feiyan continued, her voice like venomous snakes hissing in the air. “Your mother died for nothing, giving birth to a stuttering fool like you. You’ll never be a real prince.”

He could see that Gong Yijun was not only physically malnourished but emotionally as well. Yun Xin hadn’t been in the palace long, but he could tell Gong Yijun was extremely soft-hearted, the alpha was self-conscious of his stuttering and the way he flinched at every blow and cowered before Gong Feiyan broke Yun Xin’s heart. He looked over at Fu Tai and saw the same expression of sadness and disgust mirrored on his face. This needed to be stopped.

Yun Xin clenched his tiny fist and sprang up, walking towards them determined to put a stop to it before he was grabbed by one of the eunuchs close by.

“Yun-gongzi, you can’t interfere with palace matters,” the eunuch said sternly. “Think of your father.”

There was a rule in the palace that if one person made a mistake, then the entire family was punished. Yun Xin didn’t want to shame his father so he allowed the eunuch to guide them away, his eyes straying back to Gong Yijun who didn’t make a sound as even the servants began beating him.

Yun Xin’s lip trembled and his eyes stung. Why was Gong Feiyan treating him like that? Yun Xin didn’t understand. His mother had always been very kind and loving, her sweet omega scent oftentimes lulling him to sleep, but Gong Feiyan was the exact opposite.

“Why does she do that?” Yun Xin asked the eunuch as he was led back to his room. “I don’t understand.”

“Some people are motivated by greed,” the eunuch replied. “Here, rest easy young master. You will be tutoring Wangye tomorrow.”

Yun Xin knew the eunuch was right, but it didn’t make the situation any less painful to witness. Fu Tai and Yun Xin were beside themselves, not sure what to do or say. Fu Tai boiled some tea for them and they sat quietly in the room for several moments. Fu Tai’s attitude had changed drastically, his alpha scent much calmer than ever before. Watching Gong Yijun get beaten, reminded Yun Xin of times he’s seen Fu Tai being treated the same way.

Yun Xin cared deeply for Fu Tai, his little heart moved and he grabbed Fu Tai’s hands. “Don’t worry. That will never happen to you. I’ll protect you.”

Fu Tai’s lips tugged into a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “As you say, Yun-gongzi.”



Yun Xin walked down the halls of the palace, with several eunuchs walking behind him. Gong Yijun hadn’t shown up for classes in several days and Yun Xin had grown increasingly concerned, especially after he saw concubine Gong Feiyan treat her stepson so badly. So, he mustered up all his courage and asked one of the eunuchs to get him an audience with the prince.

 Yun Xin’s blood pulsed as they brought him to the prince’s room and knocked on the door. A servant opened the door and led them inside. The palace bedroom was opulent, with silk drapes and ornate furniture. Gong Yijun looked up weakly as Yun Xin entered the room. His eyes were sunken and sweat beaded on his forehead. Gong Yijun was sobbing uncontrollably on his bed, his face full of cuts and bruises. Yun Xin ran as fast as his little legs could carry him and rushed to Gong Yijun’s side, his heart aching at the sight of Gong Yijun’s suffering.

“What’s wrong, Wangye?” Yun Xin asked.

Gong Yijun looked up at him, tears streaming down his face. “I-I-I w-w-want to d-d-d-die,” he said between sobs.

Yun Xin was taken aback. “What are you talking about? Why would you say that?”

Gong Yijun stuttered through his tears, “C-C-C-Concubine Gong Feiyan m-m-m-makes my life miserable. S-S-S-She tells me I’m u-u-useless and she w-w-w-w-wishes I was d-d-d-dead.”

Yun Xin felt a wave of grief wash over him, he knew Gong Yijun had a tough life, but he didn’t realize it was this bad. “Gong Yijun, you can’t talk like that. Your life is valuable, and you have so much potential.”

“B-B-B-But it’s so hard,” Gong Yijun cried. “A-A-A-All I w-w-w-want to do is be a salted fish, just -s-s-s-s-sit and be left a-a-a-alone. And raise my G-G-G-Gu worms.”

“Gu worms? What type of Gu worms?” Yun Xin lit up immediately, he’d never known anyone who wanted to raise Gu worms. They were a part of the forbidden arts, just because they only responded to one master and could be used to kill and massacre people without being detected by normal cultivators.

Gong Yijun looked around anxiously before he reached into his sleeve pulled out a small case filled with vials and handed it to Yun Xin. “T-T-T-Take a look at these,” he said.

Yun Xin peered inside and saw that each vial contained a tiny, insect-like creature. “What were these?” he asked, feeling uneasy.

“T-T-T-They’re my Gu worms,” Gong Yijun replied. “I h-h-h-h-have been raising them for a while.”

“Really? Aren’t they a part of the forbidden arts? How can you keep them?”


“B-B-B-Because they weren’t all bad,” Gong Yijun said. “Some Gu, like these, could be used for good purposes. T-T-T-Take this one, for example.” He pointed to a vial filled with a jade-colored creature. “That w-w-w-was a Jade Gu. It was said to have healing properties and could protect its owner.”

Yun Xin eyed the vial warily. “But what about the others? What was in the other vials?”

Gong Yijun pulled out another vial, this one containing a dark, shadowy creature. “This was a Shadow Gu. It could blend into its surroundings and become invisible. I-I-I-It was often used by assassins and spies to gather information.”

Yun Xin shook his head. “Still…they look dangerous.”

Gong Yijun looked at him seriously, there were big black circles around his eyes and his expression was bleak. “I understand your concerns, but I believe that these Gu could be a force for good in the world. It was all about how they were used. I would never use them for evil purposes.”

Yun Xin’s stomach knotted, but who was he to challenge the future prince? “Okay, I trust you. But you have to be careful, alright?”

Gong Yijun’s mouth tugged into a rueful smile. “I will. And who knows, maybe one day you would even be interested in raising your own Gu.”

Yun Xin didn’t want Gong Yijun to have hate in his heart, so he sat down next to him and put his arm around his shoulder. “Wangye, I know your life is difficult, but you can’t give up. You’re a prince, and you have a responsibility to your people. You have to keep going, no matter how hard it gets.”

Gong Yijun wiped his tears and looked at Yun Xin, “B-B-B-B-But how do I k-k-k-k-keep going when I can’t e-e-e-e-even speak properly?”

Yun Xin thought for a moment before remembering a poem by Du Fu, “Lament of the Disabled Man.” He recited it to Gong Yijun, hoping it would help.

“’A broken branch withered and old, a poor man’s life is sad and cold. The morning light no longer brings the joy that once made my heart sing,’“ Yun Xin recited, hoping to impart some wisdom.

Gong Yijun listened intently, still sniffling. “W-W-W-What does it mean?” he asked.

“It means that even if your life is hard, you have to keep going. You have to find joy in the small things and keep moving forward, even if it’s difficult. Don’t give up, Gong Yijun. You’re stronger than you realize,” Yun Xin explained.

Gong Yijun looked at him with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “T-T-T-Thank you, Yun Xin. I’ll try to be stronger.”


“My father calls me XinXin.”

“X-X-XinXin,” Gong Yijun said but his face flushed, and something in his eyes brightened like a ship adrift at sea finally spotting land. Gong Yijun took Yun Xin’s hand in his and together they continued studying. 

Chapter 4

The mountain top was covered in thick, fluffy snow, and the cold air nipped at their cheeks. The towering pine trees surround them, with their branches bending under the weight of the snow. Yun Xin noticed that the only sound was the wind whistling through the trees and the soft crunch of snow underfoot. Yun Xin looked up at the towering mountains with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He was only eight years old and still had so much to learn, but he was determined to impress his Shifu, Yun Chen. His Shifu was also known as the Heavenly Sword Grandmaster. The Heavenly Sword Grandmaster is known for their lightning-fast strikes and deadly accuracy with a sword.

Fu Tai and Yun Xinyi, moved with grace and precision as Yun Xin watched in awe. Their robes swirled around them as they punched, kicked, and twirled, each move executed flawlessly. Fu Tai looked somewhat nervous, his qi not flowing as easily as Yun Xinyi’s but she was Shifu’s daughter, of course, Yun Xin would expect nothing but the best from her.

“More control,” Shifu coached from the sidelines, watching Yun Xinyi take control easily subduing Fu Tai. The training ended with Fu Tai flat on his back, staring up a Yun Xinyi as her purple robes billowed in the sunlight. Fu Tai’s alpha scent was so sour that he lost, but Yun Xinyi grinned triumphantly.

Shifu was a paragon of refined elegance, with a delicate yet striking appearance that set him apart from others. His features were chiseled and symmetrical, his skin as smooth and flawless as white jade. Yun Chen wore flowing robes of blue and silver, his long hair tied up in an intricate knot, and his eyes shone like bright stars in the night sky, drawing all who met him under his spell.

Yun Xin bounced on his feet, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “I can’t wait to learn more martial arts moves today, Shifu!”

Yun Chen smiled at his eager student. “We will focus on refining the moves you already know, Yun Xin. Remember, mastery of the basics is key to advancing to more advanced techniques.”

Yun Xin was Yun Jiahao’s son, the sect leader of the Heavenly Orchard sect, and the emperor’s bodyguard. General Yun Jiahao’s sect has been guarding the emperor for centuries, the General role passed down from generation to generation.

Yun Xin would be the first omega, in the history of the Yun clan to receive the honor when Gong Xiaolong, the first son of concubine Gong Feiyan, took the throne.

If he ever took the throne.

Gong Yutong was dragging his feet in choosing a successor. It was a close race between Gong Xiaolong and Gong Yijun, the first son of the late empress, who should’ve been the rightful heir except he stuttered horribly. There were rumors that concubine Gong Feiyan hated him to death and sought ways to get rid of him completely.

Fu Tai stood quietly beside them. His eyes trained on the ground. Yun Chen turned to him, his lips drawing into a frown. “And you, Fu Tai, you still have much to improve upon. You must protect Yun Xin, to give your life for him if necessary. How can I trust you if you cannot even keep up with him?”

Yun Xinyi stepped forward, her hand on Fu Tai’s shoulder. “Shifu, you are too hard on him. He has improved greatly since he started training with us.”

Yun Chen turned to her with a stern look. “It is not enough. He must be the best if he is to serve his master properly.”

Yun Xinyi didn’t dare say anymore and Yun Xin knew he’d just be punished if he spoke up for Fu Tai again. For some reason, their Shifu hated the Snake Poison sect, even going as far as to brandish Fu Tai as a poisonous snake. The Fu clan had served the Yun clan for centuries, and even though Fu Tai was from the Snake Poison sect, he rarely went there and didn’t talk about anyone there besides his mèimei, whom Yun Xin had never met. Although Yun Xin grew up with his father being a general, he was passive-aggressive by nature and hated when his Shifu and Fu Tai fought.

Why can’t everyone just be kind and understanding like my grandmother?

She never puts me in situations like this.

“Alright, again. This time listen to my instructions, Yun Xin you may join too.”

Yun Xinyi and Fu Tai got into formation again and began fighting, their moves were skillful with precision and grace. Yun Xin was quick and nimble, his punches and kicks landing with force. Yun Xinyi’s movements were smooth and fluid, twirling and flipping gracefully. But Fu Tai struggled to keep up, his movements clumsy and uncoordinated. Yun Xin noticed his friend’s frustration and slowed down, encouraging him. “Come on, Fu Tai, you can do it! Just focus on your breathing and follow the movements.”

Fu Tai nodded, taking a deep breath, and trying to steady himself. But his movements were still slow and awkward. Yun Chen huffed, his face twisting in anger. “Enough. Enough. You’ll ruin their flow if you continue to move so sloppily Fu Tai. Again!”

Yun Xin couldn’t help but feel guilty for being the cause of his friend’s troubles. He knew he had a duty as a young master to be strong and skilled, but he didn’t want it to come at the cost of his friend’s happiness. Finally, the training session came to an end, and Yun Xin approached Fu Tai. “I’m sorry, Fu Tai. I didn’t mean to make things harder for you.”

Fu Tai shook his head. “It’s not your fault. I just need to work harder. I’m slow like Shifu says and I’m weak. How can I possibly protect you if I’m like this?”

Yun Xinyi placed a hand on his shoulder. “You are already doing your best, Fu Tai. Don’t let Shifu’s words get to you.”

Despite her words, Yun Xin could see the hurt in Fu Tai’s eyes. He vowed to himself to do better, to train harder and become stronger so that he could protect his friend as well as his duty as a young master.


A few days later, Yun Xin walked down the halls of the Heavenly Orchard sect with his head down, trying to avoid the group of disciples that always bullied him. As a omega, it was rare for him to be allowed to train in martial arts, let alone progress past the Qi Condensation stage. The halls of the Heavenly Orchard sect were magnificent with complex carvings of tartars and phoenixes on the walls.

“Hey, look who it is,” one of the disciples sneered as they spotted Yun Xin. “The little omega who thinks he can train.”

Yun Xin’s heart sank as he braced himself for what was about to happen. The disciples approached him, circling him like a pack of wolves. I can’t believe this is happening to me. It’s almost as if the universe has a vendetta against my peaceful nature. Yun Xin panicked not sure what to do next.

“What’s the matter, Yun Xin? Can’t handle a little fight?” another disciple taunted.

Yun Xin felt the fear in the pit of his stomach grow as he tried to back away. He wanted nothing more than to prove them wrong, to show that omega was just as capable as alphas and betas.

But before the disciples could lay a hand on him, a voice cut through the air.

“What’s going on here?”

The disciples turned to see Fu Tai, Yun Xin’s servant, standing tall and strong behind them. Fu Tai was a servant, but he was well-respected among the sect for his martial arts skills and loyalty.

“Nothing, Fu Tai,” one of the disciples muttered, backing away.

Fu Tai stepped forward, shielding Yun Xin from the others.

“You know better than to pick on someone weaker than you,” Fu Tai said sternly. “Especially someone from the sect master’s family.”

The disciples muttered their apologies before scurrying away. Yun Xin breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Fu Tai’s protection. The floors are made of polished marble, reflecting the warm light of the chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. The air is perfumed with the scent of incense, giving a sense of tranquility amidst the grandeur.

“Thank you,” Yun Xin said, his voice trembling slightly.

Fu Tai turned to him with a small smile. “You don’t have to thank me, Yun Xin. I must protect you.”

Yun Xin nodded, feeling a surge of determination wash over him. He wanted to grow stronger, to show everyone that omegas were just as capable as any other rank. He would make his father proud.

“Hey! Do you want to get some tasty osmanthus cakes? I’ve been craving them all day long.”

“No way.” Fu Tai shook his head. “You eat too many sweets. Your teeth will rot.”

“Please, you said you’d protect me. You have to come.”

“Fine,” Fu Tai said. “Only because I’m hungry too.”

They raced out of the sect, eager to get to the marketplace. Yun Xin and Fu Tai meandered through the area, the air thick with the mingling scents of spices. A cacophony of sounds assaulted their ears, from the shouting of vendors to the clanging of pots and pans. It was like a maze of stalls and shops, each one more colorful and inviting than the last. Baskets of exotic fruits and vegetables were stacked high, their bright colors a feast for the eyes.

Glittering trinkets and handmade crafts adorned the shelves, their intricate designs captivating. The vendors were persistent in their attempts to lure Yun Xin and Fu Tai in, promising the finest wares and the best deals.

“Fu Tai, do you smell that? It’s like my taste buds are begging for it!” Yun Xin exclaimed, leading the way to the cake vendor. They approached the vendor and noticed a group of little kids giggling and pointing at something behind them. Yun Xin was minding his own business, looking at the delicious cakes when suddenly, a goat sprang out of nowhere and started devouring the sweet cakes.

“…!” Yun Xin.

“…!?” Fu Tai.


Yun Xin’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh no, not the cakes!” he cried out.

The vendor tried to shoo the goat away, but it was too determined to give up its delicious find. Yun Xin and Fu Tai were not sure what to do, but they knew they couldn’t leave without their cake.

Yun Xin asked the vendor, “Excuse me, sir. Can we have two osmanthus cakes, please?”

The vendor nodded, “Sure thing. That’ll be five copper coins.”

Yun Xin and Fu Tai handed over the coins, and the vendor gave them the cakes. But the goat was not happy about sharing its treats. The goat charged towards the man, headbutting the cake stand and sending cakes flying. Yun Xin and Fu Tai ran for their lives, the goat hot on their trail, bleating like a siren.

The little kids in the market started to cheer the goat on, “Goat! Goat! Goat!”

Why does that goat have to be so persistent?

Can’t it take ‘no’ for an answer? I’ve already given it all my Osmanthus cakes, but it still keeps chasing me! Ahhh!

Yun Xin’s cake went flying out of his hand, soaring through the air, and landing on a young boy’s face, covering him in frosting.

“Oops, sorry!” Yun Xin apologized, picking the cake off the man’s face.

Suddenly, a group of chickens appeared out of nowhere, flapping their wings and clucking loudly, joining the goat in the chase.

Yun Xin and Fu Tai ran and dodged their way through the chaos, with chickens and a goat nipping at their heels. The commotion was causing an uproar in the market, with people shouting and running in all directions. They vaulted the corner and collided with a man hauling a cart of watermelons, the cart toppled over, and watermelons spilled in every direction, sending people slipping and sliding on the juicy fruit! Yun Xin and Fu Tai were thrown into a nearby wagon filled with hay, struggling to catch their breath and regain their composure. Yun Xin thought his soul had left his body.

Why does that goat have to be so obsessed with my osmanthus cakes?

Can’t it just eat some grass like a normal goat?

Yun Xin felt wronged and bullied by the goat, panting like mad trying to make sense of what had happened.  Fu Tai looked at Yun Xin, and they both burst out laughing, covered in hay and cake frosting.

“Let’s do that again!” Yun Xin beamed.

“No!” Fu Tai grabbed his arm still laughing. “We’ll be dog meat if we do what you say!”

“What’s wrong with that? You already look like a butt face.”

“No! You’re a butt face.”

“No, you!”

They collapsed into fits of giggles before Fu Tai couldn’t take it anymore and dragged him back to the sect.


The following day, Yun Xin fidgeted nervously, playing with his fingers as his father, the sect leader Yun Jiahao, and his Shifu, Yun Chen, summoned them. Yun Jiahao stood tall and proud, with a regal bearing befitting his lofty station. He was given the title of Gentle Storm by the emperor because he commanded the emperor’s guard, a group of assassins that only did the emperor’s bidding, they were called the Moonlit Guards. To tell their ranks, the emperor woven different colors in the seams of their pitch black uniforms, gold being the highest in terms of cultivation and skill, red in the middle, and black the lowest.

Yun Jiahao’s eyes were sharp gleaming like polished steel, and his long flowing hair, jet black as a raven’s wing, cascaded down his back like a river of ink. He exudes an air of effortless grace and commanding authority, inspiring fear, and respect in all who behold him. Fu Tai, Yun Xinyi, and Yun Xin all saluted him properly and got on their knees.

“Yun Xin, I have important news,” Shifu said, his voice firm.

Yun Xin immediately stood up and bowed, “What is it, Shifu?”

“There will be a competition in ten years between the sects, and I have faith that you will be the first omega to win it,” Shifu declared, his eyes glinting with confidence.

Yun Xin’s heart leaped in his chest. This was the news he had been waiting for his whole life. “I won’t disappoint you, Shifu,” he promised.

 Shifu’s gaze turned to Fu Tai, who had been sitting quietly in the corner of the room.

“You…on the other hand,” Shifu said, his tone turning cold, “will have to work twice as hard if you want to have any chance of winning. Don’t drag Yun Xin down with you.”

Yun Xin looked over at his best friend, feeling a pang of sympathy for him. Fu Tai’s eyes were downcast, and his shoulders were slumped.

“XinXin,” Yun Jiahao said, taking out a brand-new Butterfly Sword. “This sword is for you. It’s time for you to make it to the next stage, and I believe in you.”

Yun Chen handed the new Butterfly Sword to Yun Xin, who smiled widely. The blade was made of shining silver metal and had intricate engravings on the hilt and guard. Its sharp, curved blade looked deadly and precise, while the overall design exuded a sense of elegance and power. Yun Xin’s eyes widened as he picked up the sword, feeling the weight of it in his hand. “Thank you, Father,” he said, feeling a surge of motivation and determination.

“My turn,” Yun Chen said then placed a new Angel Blade sword in front of Yun Xinyi. “An outstanding sword for an outstanding daughter.”

Yun Xinyi’s face flushed red and she thanked him timidly, taking the precious blade in her hands. The light caught the glint of the blade’s shining silver metal. The intricate engravings on the hilt and guard were so complex, that they seemed almost magical. And when Yun Xinyi ran a finger along the sharp, curved blade, she could feel the weapon’s deadly precision. Its design was so powerful and elegant that she couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement and anticipation coursing through her veins. They marveled at it for several moments, and both Yun Xin and Yun Xinyi were excited to receive their first spiritual weapons.

“What about Fu Tai?” Yun Xin asked, feeling a bit embarrassed but unable to ignore his friend’s exclusion.

Yun Chen scoffed. “XinXin servants don’t get swords,” he said dismissively, causing Yun Xin to feel a twinge of anger and disappointment.

“But he’s my friend,” Yun Xin protested. “He’s helped me so much in my training.”

Yun Jiahao intervened, placing a hand on Yun Xin’s shoulder. “Fu Tai may not have a sword. You must understand the hierarchy of things, XinXin. As the future sect leader, you must respect order and not bend to the whims of how you feel.”

Yun Xin felt hurt by his father’s words. All his life he was told he was too weak and too emotional, and now when he stood up for his friend he was told not to. Then again, Fu Tai wasn’t his friend. He was his servant. His guard. Yun Xin should act according. Still, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Fu Tai’s exclusion. He wished he could do something to change it. They left the room one by one and Yun Xin walked alongside Fu Tai, who had a forced smile on his face.

“I’m sorry you didn’t get a sword, Fu Tai,” Yun Xin said, feeling guilty.

“It’s alright,” Fu Tai replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “I don’t need a sword to prove myself.”

It was a lie. Both Yun Xin and Fu Tai knew it, but instead of commenting on it, Yun Xin kept silent. Yun Xin would have to learn to respect the order of things or else they would both suffer.


Yun Xin sat on his bed, wondering what to do next. He already had his training for the day and since Fu Tai had his chores to do, Yun Xin was left alone. A large part of him wished that Fu Tai didn’t have chores and that he could be a regular child, just laughing and playing all day as Yun Xin did without a care in the world. Yun Xin’s gaze roamed the room, taking in the details of the opulent decor.

He scanned the ornate wooden panels that adorned the walls, admiring the carvings of inlaid gold. A soft smile played at the corners of his lips, content in the comfort of his surroundings. Yun Xin moved to sit cross-legged and began meditating hoping against hope that eventually, he’d move past the Qi Condensation stage. Yun Xin was busy mediating when his Yun Jiahao strode into Yun Xin’s room with a solemn expression on his face. “XinXin, I have good news,” he said, taking a seat in front of his son.

The eight-year-old boy sat up, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. “What is it, father?”

“The emperor has requested a tutor buddy for his son, Wangye Gong Yijun,” Yun Jiahao said trying to hold back his skepticism. His eyes lingered on the embroidered silk curtains that draped over the windows, billowing softly in the breeze. Yun Xin’s heart skipped a beat. He knew what that meant – the emperor was asking for him to be the prince’s study partner. It was a great honor, but also a great responsibility. He felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for this, Father,” he said, his voice uncertain.

Yun Jiahao looked at his son with a reassuring smile. “I have every confidence in you, XinXin. You are intelligent and talented. The emperor himself has requested you for this task.”

Yun Xin felt a surge of pride at his father’s words but still hesitated. “But what about my studies at the sect? And what about Fu Tai? I don’t want to leave him behind.”

Yun Jiahao nodded, understanding his son’s concerns. “You will still have time to study and practice your martial arts. And as for Fu Tai, you can bring him with you as your assistant. He will serve as your aide and companion.”

Yun Xin’s eyes lit up with surprise and delight. He had not expected his father to allow him to bring his best friend and servant. “Thank you, father! I will do my best to serve the emperor and the prince.”

Yun Jiahao patted his son’s shoulder. “I have no doubt you will excel in this new role. It is a great honor for our family, and I am proud of you.”

“There is something else as well.” Yun Jiahao’s gaze softened, he pulled out a small trinket and Yun Xin’s eyes widened. The heartstone made out of pure jade gleamed like a drop of dew on a leaf, with a cool, refreshing energy that seemed to flow through it like a stream. “This belonged to your mother before she died, the heartstone is the purest form of love that can only be held by the omega of the Heavenly Orchard sect. Here.”

He dropped the small stone into Yun Xin’s hands. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his whole life. Yun Xin barely remembered his mother, but he knew she was a powerful cultivator who was killed but ascended to mortality. His father was tight-lipped about her whereabouts, but Yun Xin figured she must have transformed into a Goddess and prayed that she was the one keeping watch over him.

“It can only be touched by the betrothed couple and has the power to strengthen their bond and deepen their feelings for each other. If one of the betrotheds dies, the heartstone will shatter, symbolizing the end of their love,” Yun Jiahao continued petting his head. “This is also a way for our people to recognize you as the heir to the Heavenly Orchid sect, you must keep it with you always.”

Yun Xin kotowed deeply, pressing his forehead against the floor. “Yes, father!”

“Good, very good!” Yun Jiahao patted his head, smiling wildly. “You’ll bring honor to us all.”

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