
Chapter 3

“You’re not good enough,” Lei Bo said, his voice cold and hard. “You need to try harder.”

Zhan Wen felt a surge of frustration, but he knew that Lei Bo was right. He had to keep pushing himself, to control his qi and become the sect leader he was destined to be. How could he become great like his father if he kept getting tripped up by these simple techniques?

The snow continued to fall as they trained, covering the courtyard in a thick blanket of white. The disciples moved with a grace and power that was awe-inspiring, their strikes with qi cutting through the air like knives.

Zhan Wen felt a sense of pride in being part of the Burning Fire sect, and in learning from the best of the best. And despite Lei Bo’s harsh training, he knew that he was getting better every day.

The sun finally began to set over the mountains, and Zhan Wen collapsed to the ground, his muscles burning with exhaustion. Lei Bo stood over him, his fur coat swirling in the wind. “You have potential,” he said, his voice softening. “But you must learn to control your devil’s aura. It could be your undoing.”

Zhan Wen nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude for Lei Bo’s tough love.

“Lei-ge how did you come here? Where is your sect?”  

Hurt flittered over Lei Bo’s features and Zhan Wen felt like he said something wrong. A few of the disciples that overheard them snickered, their alpha scent souring.

“When one is well-fed and warm, they start thinking of mischief during their free time.” One of the disciples chuckled shaking his head.

“Dismissed. All of you,” Lei Bo snarled, his hands balled into fists. He left shortly afterward, his black robe flowing in the wind. Zhan Wen wasn’t sure what he said wrong, but a few of the disciples came up to him.

“Don’t take it to heart Zhan-gongzi,” one of the disciples said. “Wanbei is always prickly regarding his past. Push it from your thoughts.”

“Yeah, yeah don’t worry Zhan-gongzi.”

“Wanbei is always like that.”

Zhan Wen nodded along, but he felt strange and uncomfortable in his heart. He thought about how beautiful Lei Bo was, with his lithe body and striking features, but how sad he always seemed to be. A large part of him wondered about the Omega’s past and what that would mean going forward. Zhan Wen walked back inside with his fellow disciples and when he looked over his shoulder, he saw Lei Bo standing on a balcony nearby, their gazes met, and Lei Bo nodded gently. Zhan Wen’s heart lifted, and he vowed no matter what to see Lei Bo smile more.


A few weeks later, Zhan Wen followed Zhan Wei, as they made their way through the forest. The crisp winter air chilled him to the bone, but he knew he couldn’t let it show. He was determined to learn how to control his devil’s blood, even if it meant braving the cold.

“Here,” Zhan Wei said, stopping at a clearing in the forest. “This is where we’ll meditate.”

Zhan Wen looked around the clearing, taking in the barren trees and the snow-covered ground. It was a stark contrast to the warmth and comfort of his home. They had agreed to train late at night when everyone was asleep, that way it would lessen their chances of exposure.

Zhan Wei was the sect leader, on top of that, the Burning Fire sect held several delegates from other sects year-round, not to mention the disciples who came here to train. It would cause a whirlwind of trouble if the other sects were to get wind that there was a devil in the midst and have been for a few years.

Zhan Wen sighed as he sat cross-legged on the frozen ground, staring up at the bright winter moon. At times, he could feel the devil’s blood boiling inside him, threatening to burst out of him. It felt like a curse that he had been born with and one that he had struggled to control his entire life.

“Now, close your eyes,” Zhan Wei instructed. “Focus on your breathing. Let everything else fall away.”

Zhan Wen did as he was told, taking deep breaths, and trying to clear his mind. But he couldn’t help but feel frustrated. Why was this so difficult? Why couldn’t he just control his devil’s blood? The midnight winter moon shone down on them, casting an eerie glow over the forest. It was both beautiful and haunting, reminding Zhan Wen of the darkness within him.

“Good,” Zhan Wei said, interrupting his thoughts. “Now, visualize your qi circulating through your body. Feel it flow through your veins, calming your devil’s blood.”

Zhan Wen tried to do as his father instructed, but he could feel his frustration building. It was like trying to catch the wind in his hands. He couldn’t control it. The calming qi felt like sand slipping between his fingers and suddenly Xing Junwei’s face flashed before his eyes mocking him. Zhan Wen’s lips curled, rage sparked within his chest and suddenly, he felt a surge of energy within him, and he gasped as his devil’s blood flared to life. He could feel the darkness taking over, and he panicked.

“Father!” he cried out, but Zhan Wei was already by his side, guiding him through the meditation.

“Focus, Shengzi,” Zhan Wei said firmly. “You can control this. Breathe.”

Zhan Wen tried to follow his father’s instructions, but the darkness within him was overwhelming. It was like trying to fight a raging storm with only a candle. But Zhan Wei was patient, and he knew it would take time for Zhan Wen to get used to the feeling of his powers. “Keep breathing, Wuhan,” he said. “Picture yourself as a calm lake, with the energy flowing through you like a gentle breeze.”

“Father!” he cried out. “It hurts! Make it stop!”

Zhan Wei’s voice was steady, but there was a hint of concern in it. “Breathe, Shengzi. Focus on your breathing. You can do this.”

Zhan Wen tried to take a deep breath, but the pain was too intense. He felt like he was going to pass out. “I can’t! It hurts, father!” he gasped, his eyes filling with tears.

“I know, son. But you must stay focused. You are strong enough to endure this.”

Zhan Wen gritted his teeth and tried to follow his father’s instructions, but the pain was too intense. It felt like his blood was boiling inside him, threatening to burst out and consume everything in its path. The cold ground beneath him was uncomfortable, and the wind howled through the trees, making it hard to hear anything else. But as he continued to breathe, he felt a strange calmness come over him, like he was floating in a warm bath instead of sitting in the freezing wilderness. Zhan Wen nearly collapsed, his little body bowing forward as sweat beaded on his forehead.

“Why is this happening to me?” he moaned, feeling a sense of frustration and hopelessness wash over him like a tidal wave.

Zhan Wei’s voice was calm and reassuring. “You were born with a gift. But with that gift comes great responsibility. You must learn to control your powers, or they will control you.”

“A gift?” Zhan Wen asked staring up at him. “Then why does it hurt so much? Why am I trying to hide it? You said devils come from the devil realm, isn’t that evil?”

Zhan Wei’s lips dragged into a familiar smile. “No, you’ll soon understand nothing in this world is truly evil. Just like nothing in this world is truly good.”

Zhan Wen chewed on his bottom lip still not understanding. He spent his whole life with people telling him he was bad, that he was a little demon for his nature and now his father was telling him that it wasn’t wrong. If that’s the case, why were they hiding? Why not let the four sects know they were devils?

“Father, I don’t understand why being a devil is wrong. Why can’t I just embrace my true nature?” Zhan Wen asked, looking up at his father with confusion in his eyes.

“It’s not that being a devil is inherently wrong. It’s the imbalance of four energies that can cause harm,” Zhan Wei explained patiently.

“Yin and yang energies? What do you mean?” Zhan Wen asked, intrigued.

“In our world, everything is made up of opposing but complementary forces, like light and dark, hot and cold, and yin and yang,” Zhan Wei elaborated. “When these energies are balanced, there is harmony and growth. But when they become imbalanced, there is chaos and destruction.”

“So, if I embrace my devil side too much, I’ll upset the balance of yin and yang energies?” Zhan Wen questioned.

“Exactly,” Zhan Wei confirmed. “The way of yin and yang is both constructive and destructive, and all things are created and destroyed through this process. By embracing your devil side too much, you risk becoming too destructive and causing harm to yourself and others.”

“So, by mediating and cultivating I can balance these two energies out? And no harm to others?”

“Yes,” Zhan Wei replied. “You’re still young so your devil’s blood will be volatile for now, but once we stabilize your core then things will balance themselves out. The devil’s realm is much different from the mortal realm, you are allowed to let your devil’s qi run rampant, but here it would be far more destructive. You are also half-mortal. So, you must understand how important balance is for you. It must be essential to you at all costs.”

Zhan Wen nodded thoughtfully, finally understanding his father’s words. “I understand now, father. Thank you for explaining it to me,” he said gratefully.

Zhan Wei chuckled, shaking his head. “Of course, but we should head back now. It’s late and I’m sure you’re tired.”

Zhan Wei took his hand and together they walked back inside the sect. Since he was old enough to have his room they parted ways in the hallway, but Zhan Wen didn’t feel the least bit sleepy. He was just about to go to his room when he heard the familiar sound of a pipa being played. Zhan Wen followed the sound excitedly knowing exactly who it came from.

Lei Bo was sitting on a windowsill, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, the notes danced and skipped like a delicate allegretto, while the plucking of the strings was as tender as a lover’s caress. His hair almost seemed to dance as he looked up at the moon.

Why does Lei Bo’s hair always look like it’s been swept by the wind, even when there’s no wind around?

Is it some kind of sword-fighting secret I don’t know about?



Lei Bo’s face was so still and serene that he looked like he was carved from jade. His long black robes hang elegantly on his slender frame, and the black fur coat draped over his shoulders gleams like a still lake reflecting the moonlight. Zhan Wen’s heart moved, his body trembled and without thinking, Zhan Wen ran up to him and buried his little head in Lei Bo’s lap. Lei Bo was stunned for several moments, frozen with the instrument in his hand, his eyes were wide before they softened and he chuckled, running a hand through Zhan Wen’s hair.

It was the most beautiful sound Zhan Wen had ever heard.

Why do I feel like I’m walking on clouds whenever Lei Bo smiles at me?

Is it normal for a sword-fighting master to make my knees weak?

Wuuu! Things are even more confusing now!

“What brings you here, little one?” Lei Bo asked, his voice as soothing as a gentle breeze.

“I don’t know,” Zhan Wen admitted, feeling a strange connection to the omega that he couldn’t quite explain. “I just saw you sitting here, and I felt like I had to be near you.”

Lei Bo’s smile grew even warmer, and he wrapped an arm around Zhan Wen’s shoulders. “Oh? How come?”

Zhan Wen blushed, feeling a sudden rush of embarrassment. “I can’t sleep,” he admitted. “I keep having these strange dreams, and I don’t know what they mean.”

Lei Bo nodded sympathetically. “I know how that feels.”

Zhan Wen’s heart swelled with tender affection for the older omega, and he suddenly felt a strong desire to be closer to him. “Can I… can I sleep in your room tonight?” he asked hesitantly.

Lei Bo’s brows climbed his forehead, but then he smiled and ruffled Zhan Wen’s hair. “Of course.”

Zhan Wen felt a surge of excitement and anticipation as he followed Lei Bo to his room. The older Omega’s presence was so comforting and reassuring that he felt like he could face anything with him by his side. Lei Bo’s room was simple but elegant, with a low bed draped in soft silks and a few personal treasures arranged neatly on a wooden table.

“I’ll bath quickly,” Lei Bo said, and before Zhan Wen could respond he disappeared behind a pingfeng. Water splashed in the distance as the servants withdrew, leaving Zhan Wen alone and once again curiosity got the better of him.

Zhan Wen peeked through the small cracks of the pingfeng, clutching the bamboo frame panels. His heart beat like a drum in his chest as the water splashed over the edge of the wood tube as Lei Bo stood.

Zhan Wen’s heart stopped.

Lei Bo his long legs on full display, his alabaster skin soaking wet and his long hair dripping down his naked back. Zhan Wen’s face blazed, but he couldn’t drag his eyes away from the omega’s naked form. Lei Bo’s body was lithe, his pubic bones alluring and sharp, while his plump bottom looked slightly rosy from the hot water. The cinnabar near his eyes trembled, as he gathered his long locs and wrung them in the tub. Lei Bo was an intersex omega, his appendage was small and flaccid, while his other part was wet, and dewy surrounded by a patch of dark hair.

Zhan Wen had never seen a omega naked before and his heart beat wildly in his chest. He swallowed around the knot in his throat and watched Lei Bo wrap a robe around his body. Zhan Wen’s face burned as he quickly raced back to the bed and got into the covers. Lei Bo’s hair was still wet, but his omega scent was fresh and alluring, causing Zhan Wen’s stomach to clench strangely.

The air was infused with the warm, comforting scent of sandalwood, mingled with the delicate aroma of jasmine and lotus blossoms. The room exuded a sense of peace and tranquility, and Zhan Wen felt safe and at home nestled in the soft blankets beside Lei Bo. He put the instrument in a small cupboard near the bed, took off his outer robes, and settled into bed.

Zhan Wen inched close, wrapping his arms around the omega, and snuggling deeply in his chest. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder and gratitude for the older Omega’s kindness and generosity. He knew that this night would be one he would remember for years to come, a shining moment of tenderness and connection in a world that could often be harsh and unforgiving.


Two years passed since the night Zhan Wen had slept in Lei Bo’s room. He was now eleven years old, taller, and stronger than before, but still filled with the same sense of wonder and awe for the older omega. He had grown used to seeing Lei Bo around the sect, always calm and composed, his serene presence a source of comfort and inspiration. Within that time, Zhan Wen had reached the Core Formation, level five and he was close to a breakthrough in the Nascent Soul stage. Lei Bo had been a great help in his success and his training. To this day, Zhan Wen found it puzzling that Lei Bo could teach cultivation, but could never surpass the Qi Condensation stage.

Today Zhan Wen had been summoned to the throne room by his father, saying that he had some good news for him. But as Zhan Wen entered the throne room to pay his respects to his father, he saw Lei Bo leaving. He was dressed in his traveling clothes, a pack slung over his shoulder, and he looked at Zhan Wen with a distant, almost cold expression, before he walked out without a word.

Zhan Wen felt a pang of confusion and hurt. Had he done something wrong? Why was Lei Bo leaving without saying a word to him?


Lei Bo ignored him and continued his long strides out the door. Zhan Wen’s brows pulled, and he stared after him with a strange foreboding sense clouding around him. Zhan Wen saluted his father and waited to hear what he had to say.

The grand hall was filled with elaborate carvings, with a golden dragon at the center of the room, coiling around a jade pillar. Zhan Wei walked towards him from his seat on the throne, it was made of dark wood, with golden accents and cushions embroidered with phoenixes.

“You’re here good,” Zhan Wei smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “In ten years, there will be a competition between the four sects,” Zhan Wei said. “The Heavenly Orchard sect is one of the most powerful sects in the country, and they have the backing of the emperor himself. Their progeny is a omega named Yun Xin, but I advised you not to take them lightly. They’re filled with white wolves, strong and swift. Next is the Snake Poison sect, which is filled with snake shifters and poisonous auras, making them formidable opponents. They’ll most likely have Jia Zedong’s main disciple, Shen Shi fight. They are cunning and swift, always be on your guard. The last is the Fearless Gang sect, which is filled with mountain lion shifters, known for their strength and agility. Their main disciple is Dong Hu, who won’t go down without a fight. You’ll need to train hard to beat them.”

Zhan Wen’s heart began to race with excitement at the thought of competing against such strong opponents.

His first competition!

It was every cultivator’s dream to participate in one of them and have his skills on full display for the first time. Zhan Wen could barely contain his eagerness.

“It’s a test of strength and skill, my son. Each sect will compete in a series of challenges that will test their abilities in combat, strategy, and knowledge of the elements,” Zhan Wei answered.

“What do we have to do to win, father? How can I bring glory to our sect?” he asked, determination shining in his eyes.

Zhan Wei placed a hand on his son’s shoulder, his voice filled with pride. “You have ten years to prepare, Shengzi. Train hard and master your abilities. Bring honor to our sect by coming out on top and proving that we are the strongest,” he said.

Great. Amazing! Zhan Wen was ready to begin. “Does Lei Bo know about it? I’ll tell him right away!”

Zhan Wei’s happiness dimmed. “Lei Bo is leaving on a mission,” he explained. “He won’t be back for a while.”

Zhan Wen’s face froze and he thought he’d heard wrong. “W-what? Lei Bo is—”

“Going away. I’m afraid he won’t be able to train you for the time being.”

Zhan Wen felt like he was underwater. Lei Bo? Leaving? It didn’t make sense. His heart squeezed painfully as he tried to comprehend his father’s words. He swallowed around the blockage in his throat. “W-where?”

Zhan Wei regarded him for a moment. “Business. Lei Bo is an essential piece to how the Burning Fire sect is as successful as it is today. But don’t worry I’ve asked a fellow disciple Wei Shen who would be able to—Shengzi?”

Zhan Wen fled the throne room, his heart beating out of his chest. He had to find Lei Bo before he left, he couldn’t bear the thought of losing Lei Bo, not after all the comfort and guidance he had provided over the years. Zhan Wen ran out of the throne room and into the treacherous snow outside. The world was a blur of white and gray as he stumbled through the snowdrifts, his tears freezing on his cheeks. He called out Lei Bo’s name over and over, hoping against hope that the older omega would hear him and turn back. Just then he saw a black figure far away, his robes billowing in the wind.

Lei Bo stood tall in his black fur cape. His back turned against Zhan Wen. The wind howls around him, whipping his cape and hair wildly. Snowflakes swirl, clinging to his dark clothing, as he gazed off into the storm.

“Don’t go!” Zhan Wen cried, running as fast as his feet could carry him. He slipped several times on the icy snow until he crashed onto the ground, scraping his knees. Zhan Wen sat in a twisted heap on the snow, his tears hardening on his cheeks. “You promise!”

Lei Bo was like a statue, and then finally, his head turned slightly and Zhan Wen could barely make out the stunning cinnabar near his trembling lashes.

“Don’t follow.” Then he walked away and soon he was swallowed up by the white fog. Zhan Wen collapsed in the snow, his heart breaking into a million pieces. The world around him was bleak and barren, a frozen wasteland of pain and sorrow. It was as if the very air had turned to ice, suffocating him with its cold embrace. He felt lost and alone, adrift in a sea of uncertainty and despair.

He thought of Lei Bo’s warm, comforting scent, and the memory only made his pain worse. It was like a cruel taunt, a reminder of everything he had lost. Zhan Wen didn’t know how long he lay there in the snow. His body was numb and his heart was heavy. Eventually, gentle arms wrapped around him, pulling him out of the snow. Zhan Wei took him inside and dried his tears using a small piece of cloth.

“It hurts for now, but it won’t for long. You’ll see him again. I promise.”

Zhan Wen felt like a shadow of his former self, lost in a world that had grown cold and dark. Why did it hurt so much? Lei Bo wasn’t his family. Yet, Zhan Wen didn’t want to live without him.

The memory of Lei Bo’s kind smile and gentle touch was a distant dream, a fleeting moment of warmth in a world that was now filled with ice and snow.

Chapter 2

Zhan Wen slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. His fever had broken, and he felt a renewed source of energy coursing through his body. He sat up in bed and looked around the room, but Lei Bo was nowhere to be found. Zhan Wen got out of bed and walked towards the door, his tiny feet feeling unsteady beneath him. The sounds of water splashing in the distance caught his attention, Zhan Wen turned his head toward the direction of the noise and realized that it was coming from behind the pingfeng. It was slightly ajar, and the decorative screen was made of bamboo frames with panels of paper that stretched across them. There was an intricate design with patterns and paintings of dragons on it that were slightly transparent.

Zhan Wen’s curiosity got the better of him and he walked over, peeking through the small cracks. Lei Bo’s body was flushed, water droplets ran the length of his firm back and ample hips right down the crease of his backside. Zhan Wen gasped, his heart throbbing. The man turned and Zhan Wen caught of glimpse of a patch of dark hair like a fern nestled above his pubic bone. As if sensing his movement, Lei Bo paused and Zhan Wen panicked and sprinted back to the bed, falling face-first into the covers hiding his flaming cheeks.

Maybe if I pretend to be a human pillow he won’t notice? Wuu! Wuu! Why do I always end up in situations like this? I must have some sort of magnet for trouble!

Lei Bo stepped out of the bathtub and wrapped his white inner robe around his body before he walked towards the bed. He didn’t speak as he prepared more medicine for Zhan Wen to take, placing the steaming bowl on a small table nearby.

Zhan Wen cracked an eye beneath the covers, waiting to get scolded by the omega for peaking, but Lei Bo never said anything, he went about his daily routine and got dressed.

“Bath.” Lei Bo took Zhan Wen’s ratty clothes and stripped them off, before taking him to the tub he had just vacated. Zhan Wen had been bathed before by many omegas, but something about having Lei Bo watch him made him shy and hesitant. Lei Bo was patient, he didn’t rush Zhan Wen or avert his gaze when he stripped and dunked into the bathtub, staring up at Lei Bo with the water nearly up to his nose. Lei Bo’s lips twitched, and even though he didn’t smile his eyes were like crescent moons. 

Afterward, Lei Bo called the servants to take the bathtub away and helped Zhan Wen get dressed in brand new robes he bought. Zhan Wen didn’t understand what was happening, he was still black and blue from his beating by Xing Junwei so he didn’t have time to process where they were going. Lei Bo fed him some more herbs, he called out to the servant to bring up some Congee for breakfast, and Zhan Wen’s stomach grumbled in anticipation. As soon as the steaming bowl of rice porridge arrived, Zhan Wen dug in with gusto, shoveling bit after bit into his mouth.

“Here,” Lei Bo said, coming close to him, holding a bowl of Hot and Sour soup. “Drink this.” Floating in the soup were tender shreds of tofu, mushrooms, and bamboo shoots, chilies infused with the twang of vinegar. It was the best thing Zhan Wen had ever tasted. Lei Bo fed him, wiping away the excess from his mouth with a small cloth napkin. Zhan Wen’s heart swelled and he gobbled it down like a pig, barely pausing to breathe between bites. “Eat one thing at a time, recognize when to return the head.” Lei Bo shook his head. “Sit properly. Don’t make a mess.”

Lei Bo was a real puzzle. One moment he’s saving my life, the next he’s staring at me like I’m a roast duck. Is he a friend or an enemy? Maybe he’s just confused too. Zhan Wen thought.

Zhan Wen’s back straightened like a bamboo reed, he ate slowly and chewed his food, watching Lei Bo closely for praise. Lei Bo rubbed his head. “Good boy,” he said softly. “Sleep now. We will continue our journey soon.”

Lei Bo tucked him back into the covers, but Zhan Wen didn’t want to sleep. He wanted Lei Bo to get in bed with him so that he wouldn’t feel cold and alone. “You come too.”

Lei Bo’s brow ticked, but he got inside the covers and held Zhan Wen close. “Lei Bo,” Zhan Wen said, trying the name for the first time. “Are you my ge? Should I call you Lei-ge?”

“If you’d like.”

Zhan Wen’s chubby cheeks spread in a nice. “Do you know my father?”

“I do.”

“Is he at the Burning Fire sect?”

“He is.”

Zhan Wen had so many questions he didn’t know where to start, but the medicine was making him sleepy and he felt could drown in Lei Bo’s tantalizing scent. “I-I’ll meet him soon?”

“Very soon. He’s been waiting a long time for you.”

“Me too,” Zhan Wen slurred, his eyes drooping, soon he was falling asleep and by then had no idea who he was talking about. His father or Lei Bo.


Zhan Wen shivered as he clung tightly to Lei Bo’s fur coat, the icy wind whipping past them as they rode through the snow-covered forest. They had been traveling for days, and Zhan Wen’s small body was stiff with fatigue and cold.

They emerged from the trees and Zhan Wen caught a first glimpse of the Burning Fire sect. Zhan Wen felt a surge of excitement and awe. The sect was even more magnificent than he had imagined, with its towering walls and glittering rooftops gleaming in the winter sun.

They rode through the main gate, and Zhan Wen looked around in wonder at the bustling courtyard, filled with monks and disciples going about their daily routines. The air was filled with the scent of incense, and the snow crunched beneath the horses’ hooves.

Lei Bo led him through the courtyard, pointing out the various landmarks as they went. Zhan Wen saw the training grounds, where students were practicing their martial arts, and the gardens, where the winter flowers bloomed in a riot of color.

Lei Bo brought Zhan Wen through the winding hallways of the Burning Fire sect; his small hand clasped tightly in the larger one. Zhan Wen’s eyes darted back and forth, taking in the intricate designs of the walls and the flickering lanterns that illuminated their path.

As they approached the throne room, Zhan Wen felt a nervous flutter in his stomach. He could sense the presence of someone important, someone, powerful. And when they entered the room, he saw why.

The man standing next to the dragon throne was tall and imposing, with a sharp gaze that seemed to pierce right through Zhan Wen’s skin. His clothes were grand and regal, befitting his status as the sect leader. His robes were embroidered with royal blue and phoenixes that seemed to writhe and twist in the flickering light of the torches. His hair was half tied back in a tight knot, the rest flowing freely down his back and his mustache was twisted into sharp points like the claws of a bird of prey.

Zhan Wen couldn’t help but feel awestruck by the man’s presence. He was like a mountain, unmovable and unyielding, and Zhan Wen knew that he was someone to be respected and feared. As the sect leader turned his gaze to Zhan Wen, he felt a chill run down his spine.

I can feel my heart pounding like a drum. I hope I don’t embarrass myself and wet my pants!

Lei Bo bowed and did a fist-hand salute. “Please excuse my tardiness, Zhangmen. We were hit by a storm coming here and delayed a few days.”

The man didn’t speak, his eyes were barreling into Zhan Wen’s as if he were trying to memorize his face. Zhan Wen shifted closer to Lei Bo, he kept his head low knowing this man was probably the sect leader. Then the man moved, he drooped to his knees in front of Zhan Wen and took him into his arms, his body trembling. “Shengzi?” he shook. “Is it really you?”

Zhan Wei’s alpha scent has a rich, earthy quality with a subtle spice undertone that lingers on the air like the scent of freshly ground cinnamon. Zhan Wen’s eyes filled with tears as they reminded him of his mother’s scent, calm and earthy and so loving that he felt his heart might burst. This man was his father. Zhan Wen burst into tears, he felt so lost and confused and everything was happening at once.

“Wuuu! Wuuuuu!” Zhan Wen cried at the top of his lungs. “Wuahhhhh! Wuahhhh!”

Zhan Wei chuckled deeply and all he did was hold Zhan Wen tighter. “Me too, son. Me too.”



Zhan Wen cried so hard and for so long that he gave himself a headache and fell asleep shortly afterward. Zhan Wen slowly opened his eyes, blinking several times as he tried to focus on his surroundings. He found himself in a large bedroom, the walls adorned with intricate carvings and silk tapestries. The room was filled with antique furniture, ornately decorated with inlaid jade and gold leaf. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he realized how comfortable the bed was beneath him, and he snuggled deeper into the soft blankets. Suddenly, Zhan Wei entered the room, and his eyes lit up when he saw Zhan Wen awake. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, wrapped an arm around his son, and pulled him close.

“Good morning,” he said warmly, smiling down at Zhan Wen.

Not so fast Mister! We just met!

Don’t think I’ll let you off that easily! You’ve been gone half my life. You’ve got some explaining to do!

But still, Zhan Wen felt his eyes fill with tears again, and his bottom lip trembled.

Who am I kidding?

Daddy! Wuuu! Wuuu!

He stopped himself from crying harder. Zhan Wei tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ears, peering at him fondly. “You look just like your mother.”

Zhan Wen’s mind felt like a beehive, he was lost and confused. Why didn’t his father come sooner? Why did he let them kill his mother? If he was this rich the whole time, why didn’t he ever save him? Or at least bring him some glutinous rice balls!?

Zhan Wen’s bottom lip trembled again.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions,” Zhan Wei said. “I’ll try my best to answer them all, but just know Shengzi, I did everything I could to get back to you sooner.”

Why didn’t you? The words were at the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t dare speak them. Even if Zhan Wei were his father, he could still throw him out if he thought Zhan Wen was too troublesome.

“Don’t be afraid,” Zhan Wei said his eyes crinkling at the sides. “I’m here.”

Zhan Wei’s alpha scent was like a tantalizing blend of warm spices rich soil and summer rain.

Zhan Wen relaxed instantly, falling into his father’s embrace. “Why didn’t you come sooner?”

Zhan Wei stroked his chubby cheeks and sighed through his nose. “I was delayed in the devil’s realm.”

The devil realm? His mother did tell him that his father was a devil and that he was a half-breed, but Zhan Wen was always taught that devils always remained in their realm. Did that mean his father was good or evil? Did he have plans for world domination?

Why do these villains always have to be so dramatic?

Can’t they just be evil and get on with it? Do they really need to have a sob story about how their cat died and now they want to take over the world?

Bah! He hopes his father wasn’t like that, but one can only dream.

“Your grandfather, Zhan Long… well he kept me from coming back to see you and your mother… Shengzi…when you’re older I can explain more, but do you know of the four sects?”

Zhan Wen nodded of course he knew. Everybody knew.

“In Sun Ocean Palace, we have four main sects that are all under the emperor’s rule,” he began. “Each sect has its unique characteristics and abilities that make them valuable to the kingdom. The first sect is the Burning Fire sect, made up of shifters who can transform into wolves. They’re known for their strength and agility, and they’re often called upon for their combat skills.”

Zhan Wei paused to let the information sink in before continuing. “The Heavenly Orchard sect is the second sect, consisting of white wolf shifters who can blend into their surroundings. They’re excellent hunters and trackers and are often called upon for their strategic thinking.”

Zhan Wen listened intently; his eyes wide with wonder as his father spoke. “The Poison sect, also known as the Snake Poison sect, is made up of snake shifters who possess deadly venom that they can use to their advantage in battle. They’re often feared and respected for their deadly abilities.”

Zhan Wei leaned in closer to his son. “And finally, the Fearless Gang sect, consisting of mountain lion shifters who are known for their stealth and agility. They make excellent scouts and assassins and are often called upon for their abilities to move quickly and silently.”

Zhan Wei paused for a moment and then laughed at his wide-eyed and shocked expression. “The Burning Fire sect was given to me by Zhan Feng who left the sect to go into seclusion, he’s at the Dao Seeking stage. I was in the devil’s realm when I heard of your mother’s passing…” a dark expression came over his face. “She was on the run, you see and it wasn’t safe for her to return to the Burning Fire sect just yet…” Zhan Wei sighed through his nose. “There were so many things I wish I could have done differently.”

Zhan Wen chewed on his bottom lip, trying to comprehend everything his father was saying, but some things still weren’t adding up. His mother always said his father was stuck in the devil’s realm, if that was the case how did he get free? Are we all Wei’s from the devil realm? But now wasn’t the time for those questions. Zhan Wen snuggled deeper against Zhan Wei, breathing his scent.

Zhan Wen had a home. He had his father back. That was the most important thing for now.


Zhan Wen dashed outside with his father following closely behind him. The snow-covered courtyard of the Burning Fire sect was a serene winter wonderland. A thick blanket of white powder covered the ground, crunching underfoot as the disciples moved about. Delicate snowflakes drifted down from the sky, their intricate patterns forming a dazzling display in the crisp air.

Zhan Wen felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension as he stepped into the grand courtyard of the Burning Fire sect, surrounded by imposing stone walls and the sounds of disciples training. The rooftops of the buildings were capped with snow, and icicles hung from the eaves, sparkling in the sunlight.

“Slow down,” Zhan Wei chuckled, trying to stop Zhan Wen before he tripped and fell. But he was far too riled up. He watched Xing Junwei study martial arts and he had even been able to cultivate the Qi Condensation stage. There were rows upon rows of disciples, all of them bare-chested as they ran through various drills. Zhan Wen watched with wide, beady eyes, taking in all their motions.

“Will I learn too?” Zhan Wen whipped his head around to look up at his father.

“Soon.” Zhan Wei’s lips tugged into a smile. “But I have to make sure Lei Bo can give you all of his attention.”

“Lei-ge? But he’s only at the Qi Condensation stage?” Zhan Wen gasped in shock.

“Lei-ge is it?” Zhan Wei chuckled. “Well, how soon would you like to start?”

“Now!” Zhan Wen replied, he wanted to jump for joy but knew that he had to restrain himself. He was the sect master’s son, he needed to be stern and unfilial.

“Let’s see what your Lei-ge thinks of that,” Zhan Wei replied signally to one of the disciples to fetch Lei Bo. The quiet hush of the snowfall only added to the sense of peace and tranquility that filled the courtyard. Lei Bo strode through the rows of disciples, his back straight as an ancient oak tree and his fur coat dragging on the ground like a cloak of royalty. He was a sight to behold, with the cinnabar near his eyes making him look both fierce and alluring.

Big Brother is way too attractive.

It’s distracting me from my martial arts training. I can’t focus on my moves when he’s standing there, I’ll fall flat on my face for sure. Wuu!

Zhan Wen’s little heart sped up the moment Lei Bo caught his eye, he walked towards them unhurriedly, carrying the scent of a mountain spring, crisp and clean with notes of pine and earth. Zhan Wen shrank back to his father, trying to make sense of the pounding of his heart. The folds of his robes seem to ripple like the surface of a tranquil pond, and his steps are light and fluid, like a stream gently meandering through the forest.

Lei Bo saluted Zhan Wei. “Zhangmen, how can I be of service?”

“Lei Bo, I want you to train my son in martial arts.”

Lei Bo’s expression remained stoic as he replied, “I’m afraid I must decline, Zhangmen.”

Zhan Wen’s face froze in disbelief, his eyes widening like saucers as he struggled to comprehend what he had just heard.

No. He must have misheard. Lei-ge declined to teach him martial arts. Why? Was he not good enough? Did Lei-ge hate him already? Zhan Wen’s blood pulse in his veins and he felt his eyes sting while he looked up at Lei Bo, who remained as still as an icicle.


Zhan Wei’s brow lifted, also surprised. “Oh? And why is that?”

“I meant no disrespect, Zhangmen. Your son is too old to control his devil’s aura, and the consequences could be devastating.”

Zhan Wei stroked his chin and hummed in the back of his throat. Devil’s aura? Zhan Wen thought about that all-consuming darkness that threatened to overtake him. Was it truly that dangerous? Zhan Wen barely understood it himself, but all he knew was that a part of him was afraid of it. Lei Bo didn’t look at him, his eyes were downcast, and his lips pulled into a thin line. His sword-like eyebrows were drawn, and it seemed like he was holding a lot back.

Zhan Wen’s heart sank at Lei Bo’s words, feeling as small as a seedling in a strong wind. “But I want to learn martial arts,” he protested, trying to contain the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Zhan Wei placed a reassuring hand on his son’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, my son. I will also train you to prevent your devil’s aura from causing harm,” he said, his voice as firm as a mountain.

Lei Bo hesitated, clearly conflicted. “I will agree to train him, but only under the condition that you train him as well, Zhangmen,” he finally said, his voice as sharp as a sword.

Zhan Wen felt a glimmer of hope as Lei Bo reluctantly agreed, his heart as light as a feather. He knew that the training would be challenging, but he was determined to prove himself worthy.

“The lessons will be rigorous, and I will train him harder than the rest if you can agree to that, I’ll start teaching him lessons right away.”  Lei Bo continued.

Huh? I’m so confused.

Is Lei Bo trying to train me or trying to kill me? Every time he says ‘I’ll teach you a lesson’, I feel like I’m in mortal danger.


Zhan Wen “…!”

Lei Bo saluted and then withdrew, his back tall and ridged as he rejoined the disciples. Zhan Wei sighed staring after him. “Don’t take his coldness to heart. He’s had a rough time.”

“Father, how do you know Lei-ge? Did he come here as a disciple?”

“You could say that…” Zhan Wei replied cryptically. “There are very few people that can pick up the devil’s aura and Lei Bo is one of the few people I trust. You must never allow your secret to be revealed or the consequences will be dire.”

“But why?” Zhan Wen asked, chewing on his bottom lip. He didn’t understand.

“The mortal realm is forbidden to devils. It has never been breached in over a thousand years, I am the only devil to choose to remain in the mortal realm and it will have its consequences later. By remaining here, I am going against the rules of the heavens.”

Zhan Wen really didn’t get it. Why did being in the mortal realm have consequences? What did it mean to leave the devil’s realm? His brow pulled and he felt more confused than ever before.

Zhan Wei smiled down at him fondly. “I’ll explain more when you’re older. Just focus on training. Everything else will come later.”

Zhan Wen turned back to the courtyard, determined now more than ever to keep improving and show his father, the sect master, that he was worthy of being his son.


Zhan Wen’s heart raced as he followed Lei Bo to the training ground. He couldn’t believe he was finally going to learn martial arts, and from a powerful omega like Lei Bo no less. The winter air bit at his skin, but he was too excited to care. There was something about Lei Bo today that seemed strangely distant as if the events from earlier didn’t happen. Although Zhan Wen acted very familiar with Lei Bo, oftentimes calling him Lei-ge, Lei Bo rarely acknowledged him, making Zhan Wen feel like a cold jagged stone was in the pit of his stomach.

Lei Bo stopped in the middle of the courtyard and turned to face Zhan Wen, his eyes piercing. “We’ll start with leg sweeps,” he said, his voice low and commanding.

Zhan Wen nodded, eager to show Lei Bo what he was capable of. Lei Bo showed him some simple moves, but Zhan Wen couldn’t quite get them done. He had never used his body like this before and most of the maneuvering was confusing. Lei Bo was calm and patient, showing him the proper leg work. Zhan Wen hoped to catch up with the rest of the disciples in his group and at least make it past the Qi Condensation stage level one.

After some time, Lei Bo’s patience waned, and the training was tougher than he ever imagined. Lei Bo was relentless, pushing Zhan Wen to his limits and beyond. “Harder!” he barked as Zhan Wen struggled to keep up. “Use your qi to strike!”

Zhan Wen tried to focus, to channel his qi as Lei Bo had taught him. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, trying to control the energy within him.

Lei Bo watched him closely, his qi radiating like a fierce flame. “Good,” he said when Zhan Wen finally landed a successful strike. “But you can do better.”

Zhan Wen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Better? He had just managed this.

Wuuuu! This man was too outrageous.

Zhan Wen gritted his teeth and pushed himself harder, the ache in his muscles a welcome reminder that he was alive. Zhan Wen sat cross-legged on the training ground, focusing on his breathing as Lei Bo had instructed him. “Focus on your breath,” the omega said, his voice soothing. “Feel the energy flowing through you.”

Zhan Wen felt a sense of peace wash over him. The cold was forgotten as he lost himself in the meditation. Lei Bo’s omega scent was like a gentle rain shower, light and refreshing with hints of blooming flowers and damp earth. “Control the flow of your qi,” Lei Bo had said. “This is the key to mastering martial arts.”

Zhan Wen concentrated, imagining the flow of energy within his body. But suddenly, he felt a surge of power he couldn’t control. The devil’s blood consumed Zhan Wen’s thoughts, filling his mind with dark desires and cruel intentions. His devil’s aura was unleashed, causing a wave of backlash that sent Lei Bo and a few nearby disciples flying.

Lei Bo quickly got back on his feet and rushed to Zhan Wen’s side. “I told you to control your aura!” he scolded, but his voice was laced with concern.

Zhan Wen felt embarrassed and scared, his face burned, and he was nearly breathless. He had never felt his aura unleash like that before. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, feeling tears prick in his eyes.

Lei Bo’s expression softened. “It’s alright. It’s a common problem for young disciples. I’ll teach you how to reign it in.”

Lei Bo took a deep breath and sat down next to Zhan Wen. He put a hand on Zhan Wen’s shoulder and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Zhan Wen followed suit, feeling Lei Bo’s calm energy wash over him. Lei Bo took out his pipa, his long hair brushing over his shoulder as he began to play. Zhan Wen breathed deeply goosebumps covered his arm as the notes began to wash over him. As Lei Bo played the pipa, it was as if a mighty river had come to life, rushing and tumbling over rocks and boulders in a powerful allegro. The melody soared like a majestic adagio, with the sound of the strings being plucked creating a rhythmic and soothing pattern, like the pulsing of a deep bass.

“Now, focus on your aura,” Lei Bo said as he stopped playing, his voice soothing. “Picture it as a river, flowing within you. You’re in control of that river. Make it calm and steady.”

Zhan Wen tried to picture his aura as a river, but it felt more like a raging storm inside of him. He took a deep breath and tried again, this time picturing the storm clouds dissipating and the winds calming. Bit by bit, Zhan Wen felt the energy within him begin to settle. He opened his eyes and looked at Lei Bo, feeling a sense of gratitude for his patience and guidance.

“Thank you,” Zhan Wen said, feeling a little embarrassed again.

Lei Bo smiled. “You’re welcome. Remember, control is the key. With practice, you’ll be able to reign in your aura without even thinking about it.”

Zhan Wen nodded, feeling determined to master his aura and become a skilled martial artist. With Lei Bo’s guidance, he felt like anything was possible.

Lei Bo watched him closely, his own qi pulsing with power. Although the omega was at the Qi Condensation, he was still immensely knowledgeable. Zhan Wen wondered briefly if perhaps, Lei Bo was actually at a higher level than he let on. With his skills, he should be at least at the Core Formation stage. If so, why did he pretend to be less than that? What motivation did he have to hide his level of skill? In the martial arts world, a person’s level of skill could mean life or death.

Zhan Wen could feel the Omega’s concern for him as Zhan Wei’s son and that he more than likely knew that Zhan Wen was capable of great things if only he could control the dangerous devil’s aura that lurked within him. But Lei Bo was harsh, pushing Zhan Wen to his limits and beyond. He wanted him to be the best, to harness his qi and become a formidable warrior.

Wait! Should I be training harder to become a great warrior like Lei Bo, or should I be training harder to impress Lei Bo?

Wuuu! Wuu! Why am I so confused?

Chapter 1

Zhan Wen lay on his back in the snow, watching Xing Junwei wave a small whip in his hand. “See if you can run! You little demon!”

Zhan Wen’s face stung, the skin on his lip was split, his cheeks were puffy and his eyes were black and blue. There was dried blood on his brow, under his nose, and on the corners of his mouth. His body was even more appalling with swelling and bruises covering almost every inch of skin, there was no place on his flesh that wasn’t marred by injury.

Yet, he glared up at Xing Junwei defiantly. “I’m not a demon!”

Xing Junwei puffed his cheeks, his fine robes swaying in the brusque winter winds and his hair crown situated on top of his little head. The delta held a sadistic glint in his eyes.

“Demon! Demon! Demon!” he cried viciously, stamping his tiny feet in the snow. “You stole my Tang Yuan[1] demon and now you’ll pay for it.”

Zhan Wen did nothing of the sort.

Xing Junwei always ate his candies when his mother, Xing Yuerong wasn’t looking and then he blamed it on Zhan Wen when she asked him where they had gone.

Zhan Wen had watched Xing Junwei stealthily grab a bowl filled with chewy glutinous rice balls, oozing with sweet sesame paste, and cautiously pop one in his mouth. Xing Junwei’s face was covered in bliss as he savored the soft, sticky texture and the explosion of nutty, sugary flavor, while anxiously looking around to make sure he wasn’t caught. With each bite, Xing Junwei turned into a rabid dog, stuffing his face until it was done.

Then Xing Yuerong came in, her eyes blazing as she looked at the empty bowl of Tang Yuan meant for the guests who were arriving for the Winter Solstice Festival. With his knees knocking together, Xing Junwei took one look at Zhan Wen standing around minding his own business and said. “He did! The little demon stole it!” Even with crumbs sliding down his cheeks and his fingers sticky with sugar.

Xing Yueron’s anger had been a raging river, but soon turned into a gentle stream, she cupped his chubby little face dabbed at his cheeks, and then said. “Very well, how does my little Xing-pumpkin-darling-nutty-butt plan to deal with him?”

Zhan Wen “…!”

“Father gave me a new whip,” he had said.

“Good, take him out back and beat him. In the future, you must never let servants steal from you.”

“Yes, mother!”

But that was then and this was now. Zhan Wen lay on his back in the snow, his body shivering from the biting cold. He had nothing to shield himself with except for the ragged clothes on his back. The tattered rags were once a dark shade of blue, but now they were faded and threadbare, offering little protection against the harsh winter winds.

Xing Junwei lifted the whip and lashed it, trying to cleave Zhan Wen in two, but he rolled away, dodging it. However, the minute he tried to get up to move, several of Xing Junwei’s friends came to hold him down. Xing Junwei raised the whip and lashed at his threadbare robes, although it didn’t hurt much it was still extremely humiliating. Zhan Wen gritted his teeth, rage rushing through him like currents. He had to control himself. The last time he fought back against the little master, he had been beaten for weeks by the sect master Xing Junwei. Zhan Wen hated the Knowledge Sect to death. They weren’t large enough to be a part of the main sects, but they weren’t small either stuck somewhere in the middle, with Xing Junwei acting as the Minister of Rights to the Emperor.

“Demon! Demon! Demon!” Xing Junwei sang, brandishing his whip and laughing crazily as if he were thrusting out a line and catching fish. It was one word Zhan Wen hated most in this world.

He was not a demon. Xing Junwei knew that and still tormented him day and night by calling him that. Demons were lowly creatures without form, succubus and sucking the life out of every living creature. The demon realm had been sealed for centuries by the powerful cultivator Yun Xuanming, named the Celestial Crane of Serenity, rumoured to be at the Void Refinement stage from the Sun Ocean Palace sect. Only a few demons were caught roaming the earth and when they were they were killed almost instantly.

Zhan Wen wasn’t a demon, but he knew he wasn’t exactly normal either. His Qi was strangely mixed with a dark aura, a blackened mist that when tampered with exploded into insurmountable rage. It scared him most times because he couldn’t control it and he didn’t know what was happening to him. Zhan Wen’s body trembled as the devil’s blood threatened to take control, but he fought against it with all his strength. Things would be worse if he did. Zhan Wen gritted his teeth and took the beating, his robes nearly torn off his shoulders. Zhan Wen peaked at the children surrounding him, there were five of them, including Xing Junwei. They were all around the same age some varying between eight and nine, and most of them were from noble sects nearby.

“Had enough demon?” Xing Junwei taunted. “My father wants to sell you soon. You’re a worthless servant anyway!”

Zhan Wen lay there shivering. He couldn’t bring himself to care. Being sold was better than being here that’s for sure.

“Too bad your dog’s mother died early,” Xing Junwei continued. “We could have kicked her corpse for a while longer!”

All the other boys laughed at that and Zhan Wen saw red. He remembers his mother shielding him to her chest, huddling closer whispering kind words in his ear as they beat her until her body had gone cold. He still remembered the blood dripping down her lips, her eyes wide open and glassy as if she were staring at the sea. Zhan Wen didn’t cry anymore. He didn’t know how to because all the tears had dried up. Zhan Wen stopped breathing, he lay there in the snow sucking in peels of air trying to calm down, trying not to let this strange aura overtake him. It was too late.

“What’s that? Give up? Soon you’ll be dog meat,” Xing Junwei said waving his whip like a conductor.

Zhan Wen bared his teeth, launching out of the encircle, and tackling Xing Junwei to the ground. Zhan Wen’s fists rained down on Xing Junwei while he screamed and cried for mercy. Each hit made Xing Junwei’s head snap back, slamming against the cold hard ground while he wailed miserably. The other boys were so shocked that finally, they sprung into action dragging Zhan Wen away who had turned into a growling beast. Zhan Wen bit onto Xing Junwei’s sleeve and didn’t let go, even when the man cried for help.

“Stop it!” the servants rushed over trying to break the man up. But Zhan Wen was like a wild wolf, biting and scratching at anything he could reach, his mind roiling with rage. If he was going to die, he might as well take Xing Junwei with him. One of the older servants panics and grabs the nearest object hitting Zhan Wen over the head.

Zhan Wen’s vision fractured like shattered glass, blood poured down his face and he dropped like a sack in the snow. The servants rushed like mad to Xing Junwei who was screeching at the top of his lungs, his face covered in cuts and bruises and three of his front teeth missing.

The servants were deathly afraid of being blamed for this and took the young master inside, doing their best to console him while he cried.

Nobody looked at Zhan Wen who lay in the snow, the blood running like spilled vermillion ink.

Snow started to fall and it was getting heavier and heavier as the night wore on. Zhan Wen’s robes were soaked, his underwear wet as he lay on his back in the snow. He was going to die.

Zhan Wen’s lips lifted, his consciousness flickering in and out as his mother’s face came back before his eyes. He remembered when they first came here, promised employment and fair wages, but what they got instead were harsh beatings and a twisted master. Zhan Mei always said their father would come, that he was a powerful devil from the devil realm and that he would make it someday to find them.

That day never came and now Zhan Wen lay in the snow, his body growing numb as the icy chill gnawed at him. His mind faded in and out of consciousness, the world around him a blur of white. Blackness danced around the edges of his vision, in the far distance above the wind he heard the sound of a pipa[i] drifting through the air. The notes were like a whisper, delicate and ethereal, a haunting melody that resonated with his soul.

Suddenly, a black figure emerged from the snowstorm, dressed in a dark fur coat. The man’s striking features pierced through the haze; his hair was tied up in a half-updo style with a silver Guan[2] on his head. Zhan Wen was mesmerized by the man’s beauty, even in his weakened state. The man knelt, scooping up Zhan Wen in his strong arms. As the man carried him away from the biting cold, Zhan Wen felt a jolt of warmth course through his body, a sensation he hadn’t felt since his mother’s passing.



Zhan Wen woke up with a start, his fingers wrapped tightly in bandages and his face throbbing with pain from the fight. He was just a small nine-year-old boy, lost and alone in a world that was harsh and unforgiving. As he opened his eyes, he found himself face to face with a man so beautiful that Zhan Wen’s heart nearly stopped. The Omega’s scent was like that of spring rain, fresh and invigorating. Zhan Wen couldn’t help but feel drawn to him, captivated by his beauty and the warmth he emanated.

The stranger’s face was expressionless, and his eyes were cold and unfeeling. The cinnabar near his eyes served as a stark contrast to his icy demeanor, a symbol of his intensity and unwavering commitment to his duty.

Zhan Wen opened his mouth to speak, but something in the stranger’s gaze silenced him.

All of a sudden, Xing Yuerong stormed out of the house, screeching for Zhan Wen’s punishment. “Where is that little demon? I want him punished for hurting my precious prince Xing Junwei!”

Zhan Wen huddled closer to the man, fear etched onto his face. “Please, don’t let her hurt me,” he whispered.

The man looked at Zhan Wen coldly, then stood up and walked out of the room. Zhan Wen gaped at him and then struggled to sit up, but he could barely lift his head because his wounds were too deep. “You—who are you? What are you doing in my house!” Xing Yuerong demanded.

“Forgive me,” the stranger’s voice was deep and alluring, like the water from a trickling stream. “My name is Lei Bo from the Burning Fire sect. I am here to collect the young master, there’s been a misunderstanding you see and we’d like to have him back without any complications.”

Xing Yuerong was stunned into silence. Zhan Wen could almost picture the shock on her face because it mirrored his own. Young master? Him? Then all the stories his mother told him came rushing back and he realized that he was the young master, but he didn’t know where or of which sect. All he knew was that his father was looking for him and his father had the devil’s blood, so it was difficult for him to leave the devil’s realm to find them.

“T-the Burning Fire sect did you say?” Xing Yuerong’s voice sounded shaken. “Please forgive me for not showing courtesy, it was very odd to see a stranger at my house. How come you did not send word of your visit?”

“We did.” The stranger’s voice was firm and confident, leaving Xing Yuerong floundering.

“Forgive me, Lei-gongzi, please. Take rest. Anything you need is at our disposal, I will have my husband rectify this immediately, any slave who dares to hide those letters will be beaten accordingly.”

“No need,” the man replied. “We will leave in an hour.” The man came back into the room, his black robes fluttering in the close as he closed the door. Zhan Wen lived in a small shed near the back of the fu while the wealthy family enjoyed their luxurious residence. The stranger moves gracefully, like a calm river flowing smoothly downstream, his hand brushing against Zhan Wen’s forehead. “We’ll be gone soon.”

Zhan Wen could have wept with joy, but exhaustion nipped at his heels. His eyes blinked blurrily and he fought the waves of unconsciousness as it threatened to overtake him. “Don’t leave me.”

The omega held his hand, intertwining their fingers together, although he said nothing Zhan Wen was lulled to sleep by his scent. A few hours later, Zhan Wen awoke to raised voices as a few servants packed his things and readied him for his journey with the stranger.

“Have you heard about that disgraced omega?” One whispered. “He got kicked out of the Snake Poison for not becoming Lei Xun’s concubine!”

Another servant chimed in, “And now he’s the omega General for the Burning Fire sect. Can you believe it? A omega General!”

The first servant scoffed, “What’s next? A chicken becoming a dragon?”

“Who knows? I’ve heard dragon eggs are pretty tasty.”

“Shut up,” the servant said. “Lei Bo—pugh! He’s naught but a child, barely eighteen this year how could dare to refuse the Zhangmen, he’s at the Nascent Soul stage. That damn omega can barely make it past the Qi Condensation stage.”

“Mhmm…” the other servant chimed in. “Perhaps it’s because Lei Xun won’t be sect leader for long, I heard he’s retiring and giving the position to Jia Zedong, an outsider!”

“No way!” the other servant replied, their voices fading as they walked out the door. Lei Bo? Zhan Wen thought he heard the man say his name earlier. He chewed the name over in his mind several times, his heart beating wildly. Lei Bo which meant “thunder wave”. It was beautiful. Zhan Wen nearly jumped as the door creaked open, Lei Bo’s tall frame filled the doorway his long black robes hung elegantly on his slender frame, and the black fur coat draped over his shoulders gleamed like a still lake reflecting the moonlight.

Lei Bo didn’t say a word as he helped Zhan Wen out and bed and lifted him onto the horse. Lei Bo made sure he was secure and wrapped his fur coat around him, enveloping him in a warm, comforting embrace. Zhan Wen preened, snuggling closer to the omega, and he couldn’t help but notice the sweet omega scent emanating from Lei Bo’s skin. It was a delicate mix of jasmine and lavender, with a hint of sandalwood that was both intoxicating and soothing at the same time.

Lei Bo guided the horse in a light canter, riding away from the sect. Nobody came to see him off. Nobody cared that he left and Zhan Wen was just fine with that. Zhan Wen felt a sense of freedom and hope wash over him. He knew that with Lei Bo by his side, he would never have to endure such cruelty and isolation again. As he basked in the warmth of Lei Bo’s embrace and his sweet omega scent, Zhan Wen felt like his life was just beginning.

The wind howled around them as Zhan Wen and Lei Bo rode through the snowy landscape battling the ferocious winter storm. The winter storm was picking up, and the road ahead was becoming treacherous. Zhan Wen didn’t feel any of that, the fever in his body felt like a thousand tiny needles piercing his skin, causing him to shiver and sweat at the same time.

They needed to stop and take cover. Lei Bo guided the horse toward a local inn near the edge of town and decided to stop for the night. He carried Zhan Wen inside to a private room, where the shutters were tightly closed as if to keep them locked in tight. The inn’s interior welcomed them like a warm embrace, with a crackling fireplace at the center of the common room. The walls were adorned with colorful lanterns and tapestries, and the dark wooden furniture exuded a sense of sturdiness. Zhan Wen groaned on the bed, he tossed from side to side, his flesh on fire, his body fighting off the cold and wounds from earlier.

Lei Bo tended to him with a small medicine kit, concocting a bitter brew of herbs and water. He gently administered the medicine to Zhan Wen, who swallowed it down like a bitter pill. No more, please! I’ll die just from the taste! Zhan Wen wanted to cry. Lei Bo placed a damp cloth on Zhan Wen’s forehead, hoping to bring down his fever, muttered softly under his breath. Zhan Wen felt Lei Bo’s warmth and sweet omega scent like a soft blanket enveloping him, giving him a sense of comfort like a baby in its mother’s arms. He clutched onto Lei Bo’s robes, wishing with everything in him that this omega would stay by his side forever.

“Don’t leave me.”

Maybe it was a trick of the light, but the omega’s mouth lifted. He said nothing, but there was a softness in his gaze, a fondness that Zhan Wen didn’t understand. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep, he knew that he was safe and protected, with Lei Bo as his loyal guardian. And despite the storm raging on outside like a tempestuous sea, inside the inn, they were surrounded by warmth and care, like a peaceful oasis amid a harsh desert.

During the night Zhan Wen’s fever was like a dark cloud hanging over him, casting a shadow on his already weakened body, and making it difficult for him to think or move. Throughout the night he heard the sound of the pipa being played, the sound of the strings being plucked creating a rhythmic and soothing pattern, like the pulsing of a deep bass. He shifted and out of consciousness, his eyes fixating on everything and anything, but they mostly stayed on the stunning Omega’s graceful form. Lei Bo’s beauty was cold and unapproachable.

His features were sharp and angular, with a chiseled jawline and piercing eyes that seemed to look right through people. The cinnabar near his eyes added to his imposing presence, a splash of bright color against his otherwise austere appearance. Zhan Wen’s little heart shuttered, he had no idea what it meant or why but he knew he had to stick to this omega like glue if he ever wanted to survive. That night Lei Bo got into bed beside him, nuzzling against him as Zhan Wen fought against the fever inside him.

Lei Bo touched his sodden brow, trailing his hand down his chubby cheeks and gazing at him fondly.

“I won’t.”

The words were spoken barely above a whisper, but Zhan Wen heard them all the same.

[1] Tang Yuan (汤圆) – Tang Yuan, also known as glutinous rice balls, is a dessert that is usually eaten during the Winter Solstice Festival in China. The glutinous rice balls are filled with sweet sesame or red bean paste, and are usually served in a hot and sweet soup.


[i] Pipa – A four-stringed lute with a pear-shaped body. It was introduced to China from Central Asia during the Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) and became an important instrument in Chinese music.


The back of the book made a loud thud as it hit the floor, and for a moment, Zhan Wen worried that he had broken its spine. Still, he knew destroying that book would not be the worst thing in the world because as of now he had had his fill of it. Why would anybody put up with this? Why would anybody even think these are believable or likable characters?

“Stupid, stupid book! I could do so much better.”

Zhan Wen had always been an avid reader. He loved nothing more than getting lost in a story and feeling like he was a part of it. But this book, this particular story, had left him feeling empty and frustrated. He couldn’t understand why anyone would want to read about characters who were so shallow and unlikeable.

The characters were flatter than a pancake, the plot twists were about as surprising as sunrise, and the writing had all the charm of a soggy toast. Zhan Wen wasn’t a professional writer, but he was pretty sure even he could whip up something better. He could create characters with depth and quirks, and a plot that actually kept people guessing. Heck, he could scribble nonsense on toilet paper and it would still be a masterpiece compared to this.

Reading this book was like watching paint dry, only less exciting. Yes, it was that bad.

His sister had insisted that he would love this book as she gifted it to him four days ago and because her stamp of approval never disappointed, he had been so excited to devour this book. Only now, he knew he would never be able to trust anything she recommended again fully.

Zhan Wen couldn’t shake off the feeling of disappointment that lingered in the pit of his stomach. He had spent the last few days eagerly reading this book, but the more he turned the pages, the more he found himself becoming disillusioned with the story. He had lost count of the number of times he had rolled his eyes at the vapid dialogue or cringed at the awkward pacing

It was not that this was the worst book Zhan Wen had ever read. No, that crown belonged to Two girls, One cup the Sequel originally published online by WritesInADarkRoom89.

That one was a different kind of torture. Zhan Wen had heard good things about it and had decided to buy it once physical versions became available because he would rather read ink printed on dead trees than pixelated images displayed on a screen. He wished he could find the author and request his money back.

However, the Crazy Villain’s Master Plan was one of those books that promised so much and gave nothing. Plot points built up to high heavens only to fall flat at a non-rewarding climax and plot holes so big, that entire cities could fit in them. It foreshadowed so much and set up so many events only to abandon them or treat them with less levity than an attentive reader like Zhan Wen would expect.

That book had an uncanny knack for building up expectation and tension, which was the only reason Zhan Wen trudged through to its disappointing end. The best thing he gained from that literary disaster was a finely tuned radar for spotting stories designed purely to string readers along, and that’s why he couldn’t bear to keep reading this one.

Zhan Wen rubbed his temples, trying to soothe the headache pounding behind his eyes. He stood up from his chair and stretched, his back creaking like an old door after hours of being hunched over. “Congratulations,” he muttered to the book, “you’ve managed to make reading feel like a dental visit.”

He needed a break from reading, and he needed it now.

Zhan Wen ran his hand through his thick black curly hair, rolled his neck, and rubbed the tattoos on his arms. His parents hated when he got them, but he didn’t care. The tattoos looked really so cool. Most of the girls swooned when they saw it.

And the boys too if he were lucky.

He walked over to his balcony and leaned against the railing, taking in the city view. The sun had set, and the sky was a deep shade of blue. The city below was bathed in the warm glow of streetlights, and he could hear the distant sounds of car horns and people talking.

Zhan Wen closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting the cool night air fill his lungs. He felt a sense of peace wash over him and he allowed his mind to wander. If given the chance to rewrite this awkward story, what insights would he provide as a man of his taste and peculiarities? In what ways would he make the story better?

In a matter of minutes, Zhan Wen’s mind had thought up numerous possibilities and directions the story could have gone and nearly all of them were better than what the original writer could come up with. He knew though that there was not much he could do about a story that had already been written. So, Zhan Wen rubbed his temple in an attempt to ease his growing headache and returned to his bed. Perhaps a nap would ease this headache.

Just as his eyes start to close and his brain grinds to a halt, Zhan Wen’s soul begins a new journey and it is here that our story begins.

Sleep for Zhan Wen had always been a dark nothingness. While many people his age often spoke at length about terrible nightmares or beautiful dreams, he never had any true experiences of his own to narrate. He had taken this to mean that he was such a deep sleeper, that his mind practically turned itself off completely whenever he went to sleep, which was why the first sign that something was amiss was the voice Zhan Wen heard in his sleep, robotic and a little weird.

[System activated. Trigger: “Stupid, stupid book! I could do so much better.”]

Zhan Wen’s eyes snapped open with a desperate urgency. If someone was in his room talking to him in his sleep, he needed to make sure he was safe. However, he did not find himself in the familiar comfort of his bed with a poster of the cover of his favorite wuxia novel staring back at him from the opposite wall, the ML and MC holding each other tight and longingly, a perfect representation of one book that did its beautiful characters and their stories justice. Instead, Zhan Wen found himself in complete darkness.

He could not see a thing. Not even the faintest flicker of light. If he could not blink, he would have assumed that something was covering his eyes or that they were not open. He had no peripheral vision and absolutely no aerial perspective of just where he was floating in. He could not even see his own hands when he waved in front of his face.

As if not seeing anything was not bad enough, Zhan Wen found that his voice box was also failing him. When he opened his mouth and attempted to talk, there was a bitter and metallic taste in his tongue that lingered even when he closed his mouth. The only sound around him was a deep, low humming as though a system was running through a process and waiting for output.

Was this a nightmare? This had to be a nightmare.

Suddenly, the same voice he had heard earlier broke through the relative silence, causing the panic swelling in Zhan Wen’s blood to reach dizzying new heights.

[You are officially welcome to the beautiful universe of The Devil’s Mate. This story might be intolerable depending on how you choose to approach it. It is now up to you to turn this story of ‘stupid, stupid’ into something better with complex and flawed characters, and fascinating but believable plots. It is understandable if you are afraid. You would be foolish not to be. But don’t worry, the system is here to guide you. Stay focused and don’t forget to have fun.]

To say that Zhan Wen was still utterly confused and worried would be an understatement. That weird, robotic voice had only made him even more afraid of whatever it was he was experiencing and he wished more than anything that he could talk so that he could ask any one of the billion questions rushing through his mind in quick succession. But as he tried his hardest to speak, he heard another voice.

Unlike the robotic voice, this one clearly belonged to a human. Besides that, it did not come suddenly. It started first as a distant scream of incomprehensible sounds, the direction of which Zhan Wen could not identify. And gradually, as though the source was getting closer to him by the second, the volume of the voice began to increase and Zhan Wen heard what the male voice was shouting.

“Zhan Wen! Zhan Wen!”

He never had light felt like such an onslaught on Zhan Wen’s eyes. The jarring brutality of going from velvet darkness to this level of brightness caused a searing headache to pierce through Zhan Wen’s skull, and it did not help that the voice screaming his name was now far too louder than comfort, seeming like its source was only inches away. Then all his memories of his former life faded away.

MM Hockey Romance Enemies to Lovers: Free Audiobook Available on YouTube

Hey, hockey romance enthusiasts!

If you’re a fan of the intense and passionate dynamic that comes with enemies-to-lovers stories, especially set against the backdrop of thrilling hockey action, you’re in for a treat. Today, I’m excited to share a special highlight on my audiobooks, “Icebreaker’s Passion” and “Ice Kings” by J.K. Jones, available for free on YouTube.

Special Highlight: “Icebreaker’s Passion” by J.K. Jones

“Icebreaker’s Passion” is a must-listen for fans of MM hockey romance. This audiobook will draw you in with its gripping storyline and complex characters.

Book Synopsis:
Damian Black, the star player on his team, finds himself unsettled by a new goalie who joins the team. There’s a strange familiarity about him that Damian can’t quite place, yet it stirs unexpected feelings within him, both on and off the ice.

Why You’ll Love It:
The enemies-to-lovers trope is perfectly executed in “Icebreaker’s Passion,” with intense on-ice rivalry and undeniable off-ice chemistry. Damian’s struggle with his unexpected feelings for the new goalie adds depth to his character, making for a compelling narrative that keeps you hooked from episode to episode.


Special Highlight: “Ice Kings” by J.K. Jones

“Ice Kings” is another gripping MM hockey romance that you won’t want to miss.

Book Synopsis:
From the moment Pierre, a talented Canadian hockey player, received the offer to join an elite team, excitement coursed through him. However, that thrill quickly dampened upon meeting Coach Cillian, whom he took an instant disliking to. As Pierre strived to impress and succeed, he found himself continually tested by Cillian’s tough coaching style. It pushed him to his limits on the ice and stirred up unexpected emotions. Delve into the intense rivalry and simmering tension between Pierre and Cillian in this gripping MM hockey romance, where passions ignited as fiercely as the winter storms.

Happy listening!

Top 5 Places for Free MM Romance Audiobooks

Hey, romance buddies! Ready to get cozy and dive into the sweet world of MM romance without spending a dime? Well, you’re in for a treat! Let’s chat about where you can snag some fantastic, wallet-friendly audiobooks that will make your heart dance.

1. Librivox

Ever tried MM romance classics on the go? Librivox has got you covered! Picture this: timeless tales narrated by volunteers worldwide. It’s like a worldwide book club, and the best part? It’s absolutely free.

2. Loyal Books

Loyal Books is like a hidden treasure chest for audiobook lovers. They’ve got a stash of free MM romance audiobooks – from contemporary love tales to historical romances. Your ears are in for a treat!

3. Project Gutenberg

You’ve heard of Project Gutenberg for ebooks, but did you know they’re into the audiobook game too? Head to the romance section for some MM love stories that are perfect for on-the-go romance enthusiasts.

4. Libby

Got a library card? Say hello to Libby, your new best friend. Connect your card, and voilà! You’ve got access to a range of MM romance audiobooks. It’s like having a personal romance library in your pocket, and it won’t cost you a cent.

5. YouTube

YouTube isn’t just for cat videos. It’s a goldmine for free MM romance audiobooks! Talented narrators and authors share their work, giving you a buffet of choices. Short stories or full-length novels – it’s your pick!

5 Must-Read Werewolf Shifter MM Possessive Alpha Omegaverse Novels

Hey, fellow book enthusiasts! Ready for a wild ride into the world of werewolves, possessive alphas, and the mystical omegaverse? Buckle up, because we’re diving into Howling Hearts – a genre that’s part romance, part fantasy, and all things howlingly captivating!

Meet Your Alpha:

Picture this: werewolves, basking under the full moon, navigating love in an alternate universe. That’s the magic of Werewolf Shifter MM Possessive Alpha Omegaverse. Pack dynamics, alpha’s possessiveness, and the enchantment of the omegaverse blend into an irresistible concoction. In this fantastical world, alphas aren’t just leaders – they’re possessive, protective, and downright irresistible. Brace yourselves for tales where alpha werewolves claim their mates with a possessiveness that’ll make your heart race. Because who said romance can’t have a little growl and a heap of possessive charm?

Omegaverse Intricacies:

Now, the omegaverse adds a layer of complexity that’s like a plot twist on steroids. With alpha, beta, and omega dynamics, the power play and steamy encounters hit a whole new level. It’s a fantasy realm where destinies entwine, and love is a force that kicks boundaries to the curb.

Romance Howls Louder:

In Werewolf Shifter MM Possessive Alpha Omegaverse stories, love isn’t a mere whisper – it’s a howl echoing through the enchanted forest. From forbidden romances to mate bonds and the allure of moonlit nights, these tales serve up a unique blend of passion, fantasy, and romantic escapades.

Must-Reads for the Luna-Curious:

  1. “Lunar Bonds: Claimed by the Alpha” by Moonlight Romance
  2. “Howl of Desire” by Shifter Scribes
  3. “Moonlit Temptations” by Midnight Howlers Publishing
  4. “Alpha’s Possession” by Omega Dreams
  5. “Omega’s Heartbeat” by Starlight Shifter Tales

So, fellow pack adventurers, it’s time to plunge into the enchanting world of Werewolf Shifter MM Possessive Alpha Omegaverse! Get ready for romance that howls louder, alphas with an extra dose of possessiveness, and moonlit escapades that’ll leave you breathless. Happy reading, and may your hearts howl with delight! 🌕🐺✨

Prepare to Blush: My Top 5 Steamy MM Forbidden Love Reads!

Hey there, fellow bookworms! Ready to spice up your reading list? We’ve got the ultimate roundup of Top 5 Steamy MM Forbidden Love Books that’ll have you blushing, sighing, and secretly hoping for a love affair that defies all the rules. Buckle up for a literary rollercoaster – it’s about to get steamy!

1. "Forbidden Desires" by Piper Scott

First on the list is “Forbidden Desires” by Piper Scott, a sizzling concoction of office romance, tension so thick you can cut it with a knife, and a forbidden love that’ll make your heart race faster than a caffeinated hummingbird. Be warned: this one might lead to spontaneous blushing and swooning!

2. "Breaking the Rules" by E. Davies

Next up, we’ve got “Breaking the Rules” by E. Davies – a tantalizing blend of heartache, heat, and a whole lot of “oh, no they didn’t!” When forbidden desires take center stage, expect stolen glances, secret rendezvous, and enough heat to melt your e-reader. Cold beverage recommended!

3. "Undeniable Magnetism" by Bonnie Dee

Now, let’s talk about “Undeniable Magnetism” by Bonnie Dee – a forbidden love sandwich served with a side of angst. Picture a professor-student romance with an undeniable pull that’ll have you glued to the pages. It’s emotional, it’s steamy, and it’s the perfect recipe for a reading binge.

4. "The Senator's Secret" by K.C. Wells

Politics meets passion in “The Senator’s Secret” by K.C. Wells. Get ready for a rollercoaster of forbidden emotions, clandestine meetings, and enough steam to fog up your reading glasses. It’s a journey that’ll make you question every rule, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

5. "His Second Chance Omega" by L.C. Davis

Last but certainly not least, “His Second Chance Omega” by L.C. Davis delivers a forbidden love story with a twist. An Omega-Alpha romance that’s packed with emotion, heat, and the kind of forbidden passion that’ll keep you turning pages. Fair warning: it might leave you breathless!

And there you have it, book buddies! Dive into the Top 5 Steamy MM Forbidden Love Books where desire knows no bounds, and the rules are meant to be broken. So, grab your coziest blanket, your favorite snack, and get ready for a wild ride through the pages of forbidden passion. Happy reading, and may your blushes be as plentiful as the steam in these novels!

Dive into Desire: Top 5 MM Alpha Romance Novels

Hey romance enthusiasts! Buckle up for a wild ride into the heart of LGBTQ+ love with the Top 5 Gay Alpha Romance Novels. We’re talking passion, strength, and a healthy dose of vulnerability. Ready to ditch the clichés and embrace a whole new world of love? Let’s dive in!

Defying Conventions

Hold onto your hats, folks! Gay Alpha Romance Novels are shaking up traditional norms. Forget stereotypes; these characters ooze strength, confidence, and charisma, no matter their gender or orientation. It’s like romance, but with a rebellious twist – alpha characters breaking free and becoming empowerment icons. Who said romance can’t be a revolution?

Exploring Diverse Relationships

Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions! These novels don’t just stick to the beaten path; they’re paving new ones. Enemies turning into lovers? Check. Friends becoming more than just pals? Double-check. Dive into diverse relationships within the LGBTQ+ spectrum and let the feels hit you like a truck. Trust me; it’s a wild and emotional ride!

Embracing Vulnerability

Behind every alpha facade lies a heart of gold—or at least, a heart open to some serious vulnerability. These characters aren’t just flexing muscles; they’re flexing their emotional depth too. Join them on journeys of self-discovery and acceptance. You’ll be laughing, crying, and cheering them on like they’re your new besties.

Navigating Social Issues

Hold up, these novels aren’t just about heartthrobs and steamy scenes. They’re tackling real-world issues with style. Social, cultural, and political elements seamlessly woven into the plots make for one heck of a thought-provoking read. Consider them your passport to a literary world that’s as woke as it is romantic.

Must-Read Gay Alpha Romance Novels

  1. “Alpha’s Redemption” by Nora Phoenix
  2. “Power Play” by Avon Gale and Piper Vaughn
  3. “Strength of the Pack” by Kendall McKenna
  4. “Bitten by Mistake” by Annabelle Jacobs
  5. “Riven” by Roan Parrish
So there you have it, love warriors! Dive into the Top 5 Gay Alpha Romance Novels where desire runs wild, stereotypes go out the window, and love takes the spotlight. These stories aren’t just rewriting the rules; they’re throwing the rulebook out entirely. Get cozy, grab your favorite snack, and prepare to be enchanted by alpha heroes who’ll leave you swooning and giggling. Happy reading!

Top 5 MM Hockey Romance Novels That Score Big on Love

1. Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy:

Kicking off our list is the powerhouse collaboration between Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy in “Him.” Follow the journey of Ryan Wesley and Jamie Canning as they navigate the world of professional hockey, friendship, and the unexpected twists that love throws their way. With a perfect blend of heartwarming moments and steamy passion, “Him” is a winning start to your MM Hockey Romance collection.

2. Power Play" by Avon Gale and Piper Vaughn

Picture this: a hockey player, Max Ashford, collides with the team’s quirky librarian, Misha Samarin. It’s a meeting of worlds, a sprinkle of enemies-to-lovers magic, and enough hockey action to keep us on the edge of our seats. Trust me; this one’s a puckin’ good time!

3. Hat Trick by Eden Finley and Saxon James

Best buds Ollie and Lennon discover they have feelings for each other, but as their feelings intensify, so does the complexity of their relationship. Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions – “Hat Trick” is the kind of read that leaves you with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

4. Off the Ice by Avon Gale and Piper Vaughn

Picture the sizzle of a forbidden romance between hockey player Tristan Holt and the team’s coach, Sebastian Cruz. It’s the irresistible combination of passion, risk, and the thrill of the game. Get ready to be swept off your feet – or maybe just your skates!

5. Us by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy

So, last but not least we finish with “Us” another one of my personal favorites! Witness Wes and Jamie tackling new challenges in their relationship amidst the chaos of professional hockey. This one’s got the perfect mix of humor, heart, and heat, solidifying Bowen and Kennedy’s status as the MVPs of MM Hockey Romance.

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